Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1765: Extremely divine!

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The earthquake shook, and the diamond bracelet was extremely simple, with a red golden glow flowing from it. In a flash, a sword light burst from it, shining through the mountains and rivers, and covering the sky above the entire Tiandu City.

Ji Feixuan's eyes flashed sharply, Zhou Tiansheng's death mirror twirled on top of her head, a black light of death was shot out, and there was a ray of divine emperor power diffused towards the diamond bracelet.


The invincible Shengwei burst into burst at once, a sword light shattered, and the black light instantly enveloped the diamond bracelet, making the diamond bracelet tremble violently.


Sage Jinde's eyes flashed and he waved, and the diamond bracelet flew back, and the light above him dimmed.

Although he was only a tentative attack, he found that Zhou Tiansheng's life and death mirror was so horrible. A wisp of divine power caused him to sacrifice some diamond bracelets that he had been practicing for countless years.

"Kill her!"

The Soul Curse Saint also flashed his killing intent in his eyes, and fell down with a palm in the air. There was a black rune in his palm. It looked very mysterious and ancient, and contained the fluctuation of the soul.

A huge palm print came across the sky, just like a black swallowing vortex, to swallow Ji Feixuan's Yuanshen!

The saint Jinde also shot at the same time. He did not dare to offer the diamond bracelet. A golden light rose around him, as if there was a round of sun rising and falling above his head, shooting hundreds of millions of bright sword lights, towards Ji Feixuan. Enveloped away.

The reason why they dared to shoot Ji Feixuan was because they saw that Ji Feixuan had only one half-sacred cultivation practice, and that although Zhou Tiansheng's death mirror was an extremely imperial soldier, he was hit hard and did not return to the peak period. Power, so they dare to shoot.

Otherwise, if it is a flawless Ji Dao imperial soldiers, they will be able to kill them directly in a flash.

The two sages at the top of the mountain joined forces to kill Ji Feixuan and wanted to **** Zhou Tiansheng's life and death mirror!

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you all!"

Ji Feixuan's whole body was filled with anger, and a dazzling glow of light bloomed in her eyebrows. She held Zhou Tiansheng's death mirror and bloomed in the sky. Zhou Tiansheng's death mirror radiated a beam that shone to the heavens and the world, and dominated the life and death of all souls A breath of terror, that breath went straight to the sky, and it was so vast that everyone was shaking.


Zhou Tiansheng's life and death mirror was blocked in front of the two saints, and their attacks were completely resolved in an instant, and a terror force called mountain tsunami erupted, surging towards the two.

The Saints of Jinde and Saints of Soul Curse couldn't help but change their faces and stepped back quickly.


Ji Dao Di Wei erupted, mighty, unstoppable, directly broke through the sky of the Sacred Realm, and shot towards the Jinde Saint and Soul Curse Saint!

puff! puff!

Two blood lights spread out. Although both the Jinde Saint and the Soul Curse Saint tried to dodge, there was still a blood light on their chests. Both of them couldn't help but grunted and flew straight out.

The two saints were injured when they first started!

"Xiao Langjun, let's go quickly! Although Zhou Tiansheng's death mirror is terrifying, but your confidante's cultivation is too weak, I am afraid it can't support Zhou Tiansheng's several attacks! These two old That’s why the guy got this, so he dared to do it!"

The voice of the goddess of the Ming nationality sounded in Ling Xiao's mind.

Sure enough, Ling Xiao also found that Ji Feixuan's face was slightly pale, but her eyes became brighter and more fierce, like a peerless sword.

"Wait a second, I want to make sure that she can suppress the two, otherwise if I leave, she will definitely be in danger!"

Ling Xiao said slowly, there was a trace of determination in his eyes.

"Xiao Langjun, you are really infatuated, don't you know that even if you stay, you can't intervene in such a battle? Unless you are willing to expose the wordless book!"

The nether sky goddess sighed softly.

"In any case, Ji Feixuan can't do anything!"

Ling Xiao said stubbornly.


The sage of Jinde was shining with golden light around him, and behind him was a vast and terrifying rune, exuding powerful power, as if it could interfere with the person’s primordial spirit, and radiating towards Ji Feixuan continuously. .

"Little doll, your cultivation is too weak! How many times can you urge Zhou Tiansheng's life and death mirror? If you know, let's surrender obediently!"

Sage Jinde's eyes were a little sharper, and at the same time he became more and more fiery.

Zhou Tiansheng's death mirror can explode in such a terrifying power in Ji Feixuan's hands. If it falls in their hands, what kind of horror will it be?

Sage can be killed!

"I don't know life or death! I'm going to see what qualifications you have to be able to control this great soldier!"

Soul curse sage's eyes are somber, the holy rune of horror behind came to Ji Feixuan in an instant, each rune is like an ancient god, the mighty The runes seemed to turn into miles of mountains and rivers, and Ji Feixuan was to be suppressed!

Ji Feixuan didn't take care of them, but her eyes grew deeper and deeper. The light in her eyebrows was mysterious and unpredictable. Among them, a mysterious figure became more and more solid, and an extremely terrifying power broke out in an instant. In the mirror of Zhou Tian's life and death!


The life and death mirror of Zhou Tian seems to be completely restored, the mirror surface is dazzling, and the mysterious phantom of the three thousand worlds has been manifested, and the spirits of the heavens seem to be in this ancient mirror.

The two gods of black and white shot out of Zhou Tiansheng's mirror of life and death, just like two black and white dragons, intertwined with the true meaning of life and death, roaring towards the two saints!

The runes all burst into pieces, black-and-white dragons and the soul curse sage collided together, directly exploding his powerful holy road enchantment, and the terrible pole Daowei spread out as if Turn the Soul Curse Saint into powder!

"Sky Soul Curse, kill!"

Soul curse sage's eyes flashed murderously, a spit of blood suddenly spurted from his mouth, a turquoise rune rose up, and he quickly flew towards Ji Feixuan's eyebrows, just like a grim ghost's head. Ji Feixuan swallowed the Yuanshen.

The whole person was abruptly subjected to a black and white dragon's impact, the black flag on his body violently tremored, the whole person suddenly spurted a bit of blood, and flew out directly!

That green-gold rune contained incomparable mysterious power fluctuations, and suddenly appeared in front of Ji Feixuan, rushing towards Ji Feixuan's eyebrows.

The saint Jinde seemed to have seized the opportunity, the sword light behind him gathered, densely unknowing that there were hundreds of millions of ways, exuding the five colors of Shenxia, ​​and rushed to Ji Feixuan!

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