Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1815: Prajna Patriarch!


Ling Xiao and the young monk glanced at each other, and there was an unbelievable look in their eyes.


The lame monk still didn't speak. He looked at Ling Xiao and the young monk calmly, and his whole body exuded a gleaming light, and the golden radiance was shining. fluctuation.

But with such a big movement, no one noticed on the square at all. There was a mysterious power on the blind and the lame. Like the enchantment, Ling Xiao and the little monk shrouded everything, isolating everything.

However, after seeing the changes in the lame monk, Ling Xiao was also a little shocked, staring at the lame monk in disbelief: "This is... Prajna Vajra?"

The waves emanating from the lame monk and the young monk were almost identical.

"The **** was once the Prajna Vajra Eucharist and the host of the Prajna Temple. His name is Prajna. Have you heard of the little guy?"

The blind man put away a very frivolous expression and became vicissitudes and serious.

"Pan Ruo, Phan Ruo... My ancestral ancestor of Phan Ruo Temple is Phan Ruo Patriarch! Since then, in order to avoid the name of the patriarch, no one dares to call the name Phan Ruo, is it because you are... you are..."

The little monk's eyes widened, his eyes full of incredible look.

Although the strength of the Prajna Temple is not too strong, it is also regarded as a Buddhist monastery. It was rumored that the Buddha had passed on the Fa, leaving 84,000 methods. Among them, the Prajna Method was the most special and most mysterious method. The Prajna Master once listened under the Buddha seat The Dharma received the Prajna Sutra passed down by the Buddha and created a vein of Prajna temple.

The ancestors of the Prajna not only have profound Dharma, but also possess the supreme Prajna vajra body in the Buddhist gates, and the battle power is so monstrous that the Prajna Temple is extremely strong in the entire Buddhist gate.

Only later, after the inexplicable disappearance of the Prajna Patriarch, the Prajna Monastery declined.

The young monk is the only descendant of the Prajna Monastery. Naturally, he also knows the deeds of the Prajna priest. Now he heard that the lame monk in front of him turned out to be the legendary Prajna priest. It is no different from the mythical characters coming, which is naturally difficult to accept.

"The lame man is Prajna, and the first person in Prajna Monastery to have the Prajna Vajra Body!"

The blind man said slowly, his voice very calm.

"Are you really a ancestor of Prajna? Then why are you in this virtual holy world and why have you never returned to the temple? What happened in this?"

The little monk was extremely excited, his eyes full of doubts.

Ling Xiao's eyes are also full of doubts, and can be named after Prajna. It can be seen that this lame monk is extremely unusual. Prajna represents the ultimate wisdom in the Buddhist gates, and generally only appears in the scriptures.

The ancestor of the Prajna Monastery, the supreme strong man with the Prajna Vajra body, why appeared in this virtual holy realm, and his legs were cut off and mixed with the blind man deceived by the pit?

"The lame is practicing closed-mouth meditation, let me answer it for him!"

The blind man sighed softly and said slowly.

"The Prajna Vajra Body is the supreme holy body of Buddhism, representing the ultimate wisdom and eternal immortality. It is rumored that the person who possesses the Prajna Vajra Body has the resources to prove the emperor, that is, the Buddha in the Buddha Gate! Since the three ancient Buddhas in the Buddhist temple, no one has proved the Buddha's fruit position. Even the many Buddhas and Buddhas of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple are trapped in the last step and cannot enter.

And the Prajna Vajra Body that Prajna possesses has naturally become the road to heaven in their eyes! Although all four Buddhist disciples are empty, who can completely do it? No one can bear the temptation of the Prajna Vajra!

After the Prajna Prajna vajra body was exposed, Wanfo Temple shot. They set a trap, caught Prajna, cut off Prajna's body, and wanted to dig out the Prajna Vajra relics with the supreme secret method and integrate them into the body of the Buddha King of that generation of Ten Thousand Buddha Temple! The Prajna was unbearably humiliated, directly detonating the Prajna Vajra relics, hitting the Buddha King, and his own body was completely turned into a powder.

In order to prevent the chasing and killing of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, Prajna had to fuse itself with the Virtual Holy Realm, and has never set foot in the Divine Realm for hundreds of millions of years! "

The blind man said slowly, his voice was soothing, but the content was so thrilling.

The ancestors of the Prajna Monastery were trapped by people and wanted to dig up the Prajna Vajra relics. This is simply an appalling thing and unbelievable.

"Little monk, I’m sure, since hundreds of millions of years since Prajna, I haven’t seen the Prajna Vajra body in Prajna temple? Otherwise, Prajna monastery would have disappeared long ago! But Prajna monastery can show you, it seems to be the blessing of Prajna monastery what!"

The blind man looked at the young monk. Although his eyes were dim, he seemed to be able to see through the young monk's That's right! After the ancestor of the prajna disappeared, no one in my prajna of the prajna monastery could penetrate the secrets anymore, and it became a buddhist classic known to the entire Buddhist temple. ! Even traitors like Hui Xin appeared..."

The young monk's face was full of sadness, and he told how Huixin had betrayed the Prajna Monastery and killed the old monk Hongren.

"You can't understand the secrets of the Prajna Sutra because it is not the complete Prajna Sutra you have received. I am afraid that apart from the Wanfo Temple, only Prajna knows the complete Prajna Sutra! That Hui Xin is indeed mad, but he can never understand the secret of Prajna Sutra! If the young monk wants to avenge your Master, or even rebuild Prajna Monastery, Prajna Prajna is indeed your best choice!"

The blind said slowly.

"I have a Master, so I will not worship other Masters! I believe that with my ability, I can also avenge my Master and rebuild the Prajna Temple!"

The little monk said stubbornly.

Ling Xiao sighed slightly, and did not persuade much.

If it is someone else, I am probably kneeling down to worship the teacher without hesitation. After all, it’s the ancestor, even if it’s no problem with the teacher, not to mention the great opportunity and great fortune contained in it, but the monk is so simple. Neatly refused.

He has a naked heart, innocent and simple, even hatred can not contaminate it, so this kind of stubbornness is especially valuable.

The ancestral prince stared at the young monk without saying a word. His eyes were deep and calm. The young monk also stubbornly raised his head, but his eyes were clear and pure, showing a trace of reverence and anxiety.

After all, the ancestor of the Prajna Monastery, a mythical figure, the young monk's heart is still full of respect.

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