Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1826: Alchemy Palace!

boom! boom! boom!

Fan Tianyin slammed on the gate, and a rune exploded, and the power of terror shook the entire alchemy hall.

With such a violent bombardment by Ling Xiao, coupled with the power of swallowing the mystery of the sky, the formation of the Alchemy Palace has become somewhat weak after being banned for countless years, and was soon broken by Ling Xiao!

"It's really fast enough!"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed with precision, and he felt that a group of powerful figures were flying towards the depths of the secret realm in the distance. He couldn't help but move into the Alchemy Palace with Jinse instantly.

The vast expanse in the alchemy hall actually contained space. After Ling Xiao and Jin Se came in, they felt a very hot breath oncoming.

In front of them, there were hundreds of red furnaces, each of which was incomparably huge, ancient and mysterious, shrouded in a mysterious flame, and a faint red scent came out of the red furnace.

In addition to the hundreds of red furnaces, there are still many fragments of red furnaces and red medicines, some of which were broken by others, and some were formed by the self-detonation of red furnaces.

"I have conceived a panacea with a red furnace, and I don't know how many years it has been conceived. Presumably, the red medicines in these red furnaces are all extraordinary. The ones that are left are fine products!"

Jin Se said slowly, a strange look in his eyes.

The ages of the ancient saints are probably hundreds of millions of years away. The secret realm of this Hundred Yuan Dansheng is also extremely ancient and long-lasting, and the panacea that can be preserved from the ancient times to the present is definitely a trivial matter.

This hundreds of potions of immortality medicine, I am afraid at least are the level of Shengdan!

"Unfortunately, these immortal furnaces cannot move, and are connected to the power of the entire secret realm. They can only open the furnace to fetch the immortals, otherwise we will take away these immortal furnaces, and those guys behind will only be able to eat ashes!"

There was a pity in Ling Xiao's eyes.

"Let's split up! Those people are just afraid of coming!"

Jin Se's eyes flashed, and instantly fell on a red furnace in the distance.


Her slender jade hand flicked suddenly, but the dan furnace trembles violently, even with the sound of clash of gold and iron, the flame rises like sword gas, and a sword-shaped pattern appears on the dan furnace Network.

"It turned out to be the holy pill containing the roots of swordsmanship? Sure enough, it was extraordinary!"

Ling Xiao's eyes moved, he could feel the vast and pure sword in the Dan Furnace. No wonder Jin Se chose this Dan Furnace at once, because the true meaning of the swordsmanship in her match with her very much.


Jin Se's sword light rose around her body, her eyebrows were shining brightly, a strong spiritual force diffused, and the entire Dan furnace was wrapped up, just like a sword light chopped on the Dan furnace, and a golden iron attack was issued. Voices.

Mysterious fluctuations permeated, and the entire Dan furnace also began to shine brilliantly, and the flames became more and more violent. In the end, Jin Se's eyes flashed, and it became a mysterious sword gas directly on the Dan furnace. .


The dan furnace exploded suddenly, and a bright sword light bloomed, just like the first light of the earth, containing the unparalleled sharp edge, it looked mysterious and unpredictable.

It was a milky white elixir, exuding a dazzling light, the light was like a substance, sharp and unmatched, and hundreds of millions of swords shone towards Jinse in an instant.

And that one Elixir jumped slightly in the void, instantly turned into a streamer, and wanted to rush out of the Alchemy Palace!

"Sure enough, it's the sword heart pill!"

Jin Se’s eyes were bright, and the sky-like sword light seemed to have no effect on her. She snatched her hand in the sky, as if the sky turned upside down. The sky-like sword light, including that one medicine, instantly fell into the palm of her hand. in!

Jinse successfully received a Holy Pill!

On the other side, Ling Xiao also selected a golden dan furnace. Although Ling Xiao did not know what elixirs were in the dan furnace, Ling Xiao could feel through the faint aroma of the medicine, which should be a A holy pill that enhances the power of the flesh!


Fan Tianyin was shining brightly, and suddenly hit the red furnace suddenly, smashing the entire red furnace directly!

It was so simple and rude, suddenly a golden elixir sprayed the blazing Jinxia, ​​flew out of the red furnace, and was taken into the bag by Ling Xiao!

"What a pity these immortals!"

Ling Xiao said with some pity that these Dan furnaces are not ordinary products at first glance, but there is no way to take them away. In order to take out the Elixir from the Dan furnace quickly, Ling Xiao can only.


At this moment, the door of the alchemy hall burst open.

A powerful figure swept in quickly from the outside, the breath was extremely powerful, and most of them were high-level half-sacred!

"These guys are really coming!"

Ling Xiao's heart moved. Although there are many faces among these people, there are also many people whom Ling Xiao knows. Xiao Rui, Iron Heart Ape, Huang Xuanzong, Lin Xi were among the people.

However, Ling Xiao performed the cover-up technique and changed the appearance of the breath, so they did not recognize that Ling Xiao was the master of Zhao Ritian Zhao in Taixuan City!

But the appearance of these people did not affect Ling Xiao and Jin Se, they walked towards the next alchemy furnace.

"There are hundreds of alchemy furnaces? These alchemy furnaces have existed for hundreds of millions of years, and the elixir of them must be priceless!"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes full of excitement.

Even Xiao Rui, Tiexin Ape, Huang Xuanzong, Lin Xi and others, their eyes brightened. The elixir in the alchemy furnace made them feel a little moved.

Lin Xi and Jin Se exchanged glances indistinctly, and did not say much, because Lin Xi knew that Jin Se did not want to reveal his identity.

However, Lin Xi walked towards a red kiln near Jinse, preparing to open this red kiln and get the potion!

The eyes of the people stayed on Ling Xiao and Jin Se for a moment, and finally their eyes fell on the golden ordinance at their eyebrows. Although Ling Xiao and Jin Se did not have high cultivation levels, they had the golden ordinance. The status is unusual.

What's more, there are hundreds of alchemy furnaces in the alchemy hall, enough for everyone to allocate, so there is no conflict for a while. Everyone rushed towards the alchemy furnace of their choice and began to find a way to open the alchemy furnace.

boom! boom! boom!

For a time, the whole alchemy hall thundered, everyone was doing their own means, showing their magical powers, and wanted to open the alchemy furnace in front of them.

"It's a little troublesome!"

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and if everyone was not there, he could also use Fan Tianyin to break through the furnace through violence.

But in front of everyone, Ling Xiao can't naturally foolishly come up with the Fan Tian Yin, then his identity will not only be exposed, but I am afraid it will become the target of the public!

ps: The fourth is over, everyone rests early.

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