Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2041: Something went wrong!


The white dragon horse's body was blazing with radiance, as if a thunder exploded. It was like a lightning flying, and the speed was so fast that its limbs were like Tianzhu, and it suddenly swept towards everyone, as if the Tianzhu collapsed. There is no match for terror.

The hooves of the white dragon horse contain a vast boxing fist, full of extremely violent power. Anyone who is stepped on by his hooves will either explode into a blood mist, the soul will be completely scattered, or the chest will be broken, and the mouth will spout blood. more than.


Ling Xiao was also cold-eyed, full of murderous opportunities, he punched out, Zhiyang Zhigang's boxing intention broke out, like a round of bright sun, all the people who stood in front of him were swept away.

Ling Xiao's body was full of blood and blood, and he was walking like a dragon. He seemed to communicate with the white dragon horse, and the whole person rose in the sky, just falling on the back of the white dragon horse.

The white dragon horse is like a lightning that is almost to the extreme, turned into a shadow of nothingness, avoiding the heavy attacks of everyone, and directly coming to the void.

"Break me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes are unmatched, and the violent power of the whole body explodes, and the sky-turning seal instantly rises in the sky. The Thundering King in the sky-turning seal urges all the power of the sky-turning seal, and the exploding divine power is exploding. It opened like an ancient god, suppressed to Kunpeng, who was imprisoned by the imperial edict!

The child of darkness, the young monk, and Hua Ziyang are working together to surrender Kunpeng, so although they noticed the following, they did not care, and did not expect Ling Xiao to take action at this moment.

"Long Aotian, do you dare?"

Hua Ziyang's eyes instantly became extremely cold, full of fierce killing intent.

He has reached the most critical juncture of Kunpeng refining, watching Kunpeng's struggles getting weaker and weaker, and under the imprisonment of the emperor's law has become only a small size, seeing that he will be completely imprisoned.

He did not expect that Ling Xiao would dare to come out and engage in destruction.


Hua Ziyang's big mouth, suddenly a purple sun rose across the sky, exuding a fierce killing intention, ushered up toward the sky, and wanted to block the sky.

Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely cold, and he punched out, the chaos was rising, and the vast Heavenly Emperor's fist exploded, directly colliding with the purple sun, erupting incomparably blazing light.

And Fantianyin was unrelenting and directly hit Kunpeng.

The speed of the White Dragon Horse is too fast, coupled with the Ling Xiao Festival's ups and downs, a peerless blow broke out, and even the dark son and young monk who are currently confined to Kunpeng have no time to stop.


The power of the terrifying horror erupted in the sky, especially the vast divine power contained in it, and the fierce collision of the emperor's law in Kunpeng. Only when I heard a clear voice, the lines of law in Kunpeng's body collapsed in an instant. One and a half.

Kunpeng, who had already been desperate, had an instant of hope in his eyes, and he burst out with an extremely bright brilliance. It accumulated the last power in the body and jumped up suddenly. At the same time, the whole body crackled, horrible blood It spewed out like a big river.


Kun Peng completely broke away from the imprisonment of the Emperor's law, and if his wings fell from the sky, he rose directly and suddenly flew out the child of darkness, the young monk and Hua Ziyang.

"Do not……"

Hua Ziyang shouted, his voice full of unwilling and angry waves.

Just a little, he was able to completely suppress Kunpeng with the decree of the emperor, and then he could even refine it into Hua Ziyang's mount, but in the end he lost nothing.

And all this is caused by Ling Xiao!

Fantianyin exploded in extreme power. That force was so terrifying that the Son of Darkness, the young monk, and Hua Ziyang did not react, and directly shattered the imprisonment rule of the Great Emperor's Law.

"Long Aotian, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Hua Ziyang's eyes were extremely blood-red, his purple hair was flying, and his body was full of violent rage. His gaze looked at Ling Xiao with fierce killing intent.

He also hated Ling Xiao to the extreme in his heart.

"Long Aotian, you **** it!"

The child of darkness is also cold and ugly, and his face is extremely ugly. They tried their best to deal with Kunpeng, but they did not expect that Ling Xiao would suddenly shoot out and rescue Kunpeng directly.

"Amitabha, the donor's contempt is too heavy! This Kun Kunpeng and my Buddha are destined. Since the donor saved it, he will exchange it with the sky seal, how?"

The young monk whispered the Buddha's number, his palms were folded together, his eyes were deep and he stared at Ling Xiao.

"You... **** it!"

Ling Xiao hadn't had time to speak, only heard Kunpeng's mouth made a terrifying voice, like a thunder exploding in the void, the breath was terrifying.


Kunpeng came into the air, and his body strength began to skyrocket. Even the black altar in the void was transformed into a streamer, and integrated into Kunpeng's body.

Kun Peng's wings were like a sky knife, and he fell down toward the three children of the darkness, and also opened the big mouth of the blood basin directly. The violent swallowing avenue burst out, and a black vortex rose, wanting to make the three children of darkness. The man swallowed it.

"Damn! What is crazy about this Kun Kunpeng?"

Hua Ziyang's face changed, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger.

Where can he still look up for the trouble of Ling Xiao, and the blazing flame suddenly rose around his body, slapping down towards Kunpeng, and at the same time, by the violent power, he rose directly into the sky.

After Kun Peng came out of trouble, it seemed that his power had also skyrocketed. At this moment, he exhibited the supreme engulfing avenue, which caused chaos in all corners of the world and shook the stars, as if they were about to break apart at any time.


The black divine light sprayed Kunpeng's wings swept across the son of darkness, Hua Ziyang and the young monk, and immediately cut the three of them into two pieces, but the light in the void flashed. All the people left are only residual images, and the real body has escaped, and dare not compete with Kunpeng!

At this moment, Kunpeng has fallen into a state of extreme rage, coupled with Kunpeng's combat power and inexplicably skyrocketed, suddenly the three of the Dark Sons felt extremely powerful pressure.

"Play slowly by yourself, no longer accompany you!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently to the Dark Son and others, flashing a sharp edge among his eyes, and instantly riding the White Dragon Horse and shooting towards the distance.

The purpose of his shot is to disrupt the situation. Now that Kunpeng is rescued, Ling Xiao will naturally not continue to stay here. He can not be sure to face the three peerless Tianjiao, the son of darkness, the young monk and Hua Ziyang at the same time.

As for Kunpeng, Ling Xiao has rescued it once. Whether he can escape depends on its character!

PS: There are only two changes today, everyone take a break early.

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