Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2060: Flee in embarrassment!


The purple person is dignified and mysterious, surrounded by chaos, and his eyes seem to contain three thousand worlds. The two purple god-man holes penetrated the void and flew towards Ling Xiao's eyebrows.

At the same time, the purple Renzun flew directly from the flower of the avenue, and Ling Kong flew towards Ling Xiao!

The void oscillates as if the world and the world are suppressing towards Xiaoxiao at the same time. The vast world and the world are coming, and everything is going to be shaken.

"Break me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and Fan Tianyin was immediately blocked in front of him. At the same time, he was surrounded by divine light and his blood was filled. He performed the sky-sweeping secret technique and wanted to devour the two divine lights from the fly .


But the void shuddered slightly, and the two gods seemed to be absent in this time and space. They even pierced through the sky, and even the sky-swapping mystery had no effect on it. The speed was so extreme that it shot directly. Above Ling Xiao's eyebrows.


A flash of blood flashed, Ling Xiao's eyebrows even cracked directly, and the two gods entered into Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge, and cut directly towards his Yuanshen.

Ling Xiao can feel that if his Yuanshen is really cut by these two gods, he will be hit hard even if he is not dead.

At this moment, Wu Zi Tian Shu buzzed, and a mysterious force came down. It was gentle and mysterious, protecting Ling Xiao’s Yuanshen and forming a rune enchantment.

The two gods collided with Wu Zi Tian Shu and disappeared without a trace.


However, before waiting for Ling Xiaosong to breathe in a sigh of relief, the purple Renzun came to the sky and kicked Ling Chi towards Ling Xiao. At the same time, he punched a punch, and the void was suddenly exploded.

The endless divine light is thin, and the purple statue of the person looks small, but the breath is extremely fierce, as if he is a supreme emperor, crushing everything, invincible.


Ling Xiao punched out and collided with the purple Renzun, but he felt a cold arm, as if a heavy force entered his body through his arm, causing him to tremble and flew out instantly.

It was a very strange power, as if ignoring the defense, it could crush everything and break everything.

boom! boom! boom!

Purple Renzun instantly blasted hundreds of fists, and his power was terrifying. Ling Xiao was greatly threatened. He was shocked, coughing up blood in his mouth, and his face became pale.


Ling Xiao drank a loud voice, and the horror of his whole body was surging, and a very mysterious light of reincarnation was formed behind him, like a passageway leading to the region, and it was suddenly enveloped towards the purple lord. Go, drag him into boundless hell.

This is the supreme supernatural power that Ling Xiao has learned from the reincarnation technique of reincarnation. Although it is costly, at the moment he is only able to use his full power in the face of the horrible purple Venerable King.


The light of reincarnation enveloped the Purple Venerable Master. A circle of mysterious light rumbled, and even began to deprive the Purple Venerable Power. A few rays of light fell and instantly dimmed the Purple Venerable Light.


The Purple Man was hurt, and Hua Ziyang was trembling. His eyes were full of incredible expressions. He coughed up blood in his mouth. He was so frightened that he was so scared that he quickly recalled the Purple Man.

If the Purple Man is damaged, he will also pay a very painful price.

"Hua Ziyang, send you to life!"

Ling Xiao's eyes boiled in his murderous eyes. Although his face was very pale, he didn't let this opportunity pass. The light of reincarnation around him was pervasive, killing him towards Hua Ziyang!


Although Hua Ziyang's Purple Venerable poses a great threat to Ling Xiao, it was eventually resolved by Ling Xiao, and a trace of despair appeared in Hua Ziyang's heart.

How is this fighting?

After a few strong moves, Hua Ziyang fell into the disadvantage, as if he could be completely defeated by Ling Xiao at any time.

At this moment, Kunpeng's breath is immense and unmatched, exuding the peerless majesty of the ancient overlord. Thousands of strong men, except for a small part of them, most of them were swallowed by him and became his Belly Chinese food.

Outside the ground of the bones, the blood rain filled, the **** gas was very rich, like a battlefield of Shura.

Hua Ziyang also lost his fighting spirit at this moment. After watching Kunpeng swallowed many strong men, he had a meaning to be surrounded with Ling Xiao, and at the same time besieged up, Hua Ziyang suddenly gave up his resignation.

"Long Aotian, I have written down this blood debt by both the Chinese and the Tianzongzong! When the natural election conference opens, it will be the day you grant the first!"

Hua Ziyang put a ruthless word towards Ling Xiao, the killing intention in the eyes was like substance, and after shaking Xiao Ling hard, he turned and fled.

His speed was extremely fast, like a purple flame, and it appeared out of nowhere.

Hua Ziyang completely gave up and wanted to escape without a fight!

"Want to go? Leave Tiandao Zixuedao!"

The killing intention permeated in Ling Xiao's eyes, and naturally it was impossible to let Hua Ziyang go like this. Suddenly, together with Kunpeng, he slaughtered towards Hua Ziyang.

"Little boy, come here, try your grandpa's Tianma meteor punch!"

The white dragon horse monster screamed, as if a white lightning instantly stopped in front of Hua Ziyang, exposing a white tooth, and a huge horseshoe kicked towards Hua Ziyang's face.

Hua Ziyang's nose is about to be swayed by the air, and it's okay to beat Ling Xiao. Unexpectedly, Ling Xiao's mounts are so arrogant, even kicking his face with horseshoes? This is simply red. Naked. Naked insult!

"Die to me!"

Hua Ziyang's castration continued unabated, and the murderous intention flashed in his eyes. Ziyang Dzizhu hit the head of the white dragon horse, and at the same time his fingertips flashed, and the emperor's finger broke out again, toward the white dragon horse. Xuewei shot from the back.

He saw that Xue Wei was very important to Ling If he could kill Xue Wei, it would be a bad breath in his heart.

"Hua Ziyang, dare you?!"

Ling Xiao's complexion changed, and Fan Tianyin came across the sky, suppressing it toward Hua Ziyang. At the same time, he punched out, trying to block the Emperor's finger.

"Brother Ling Xiao is assured that he can't hurt me!"

Xue Wei sitting on the back of the white dragon's horse suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were indifferent, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


There was a mysterious light of reincarnation blooming all over Xue Wei's body. The breath of her body was extremely mysterious, and the void was somewhat distorted.

Emperor Tiandu broke into pieces instantly when he touched the light of reincarnation.

And Xue Wei's slender and jade fingers lifted up, and a fierce reincarnation of swords broke out, containing endless death, as if to deprive all vitality, fall down in the sky, and drown Hua Ziyang!

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