Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2062: God Realm Turmoil!

Both the Chinese and Tianzongzong were furious.

The most extensive core area in the **** realm is the Daluo Tianyu, which is the residence of many emperors and hidden ancient tribes. The Chinese reacted first, and immediately sent several saints and ancestors to the universe.

"Everyone who can provide Long Aotian's whereabouts will be given a gift of 10,000 Original Pills! Anyone who can kill Long Aotian can use Long Aotian's head to exchange for a Chinese godlessness!"

Among the Chinese, an old man with purple hair flying and cold eyes issued a reward order. His breath was terrifying, and the surrounding void was trembling violently, as if there were mysterious scenes of stars falling.

He is the great elder Huaxiong of the Chinese ethnic group. He has long been the cultivation base of the peak of the Great Saint. His strength is terrifying. Huatianqiong is his grandson, and Hua Ziyang is the son of the patriarch.

The Hua ethnic group has determined that the soul lamp of Hua Tian Qiong is extinguished and has died in Ling Xiao's hands. As for Hua Ziyang, the soul lamp is extinct, and even the Chinese family cannot determine its life and death.

But Hua Ziyang is the heir of the Chinese, who has the blood of the emperor, and is the leading figure of the young generation of the Chinese. Hua Tianqiang is also second only to Hua Ziyang. As a result, these two people died because of Ling Xiao. How can the Chinese not be angry?

"Long Aotian, sin deserves death!"

"Everyone who provides Long Aotian's whereabouts, I will provide a supreme holy dharma that can kill Long Aotian, and give it to the best holy treasure!"

Among the Celestial Sect, there were also powerful people who spoke.

It was a skinny middle-aged man in a black robe, with a black vortex in his eyes, a rune permeating, exuding a powerful force of curses.

He is Chen Kun, the deputy patriarch of the Tianzong Sect, and a strong sage. Yang Wen is not only the son of the Tianzong Sect, but also his true disciple.

Finally, the successor who spent a lot of hard work and training died in Ling Xiao's hands. He was also extremely angry, and also issued a reward order.

"There is no magic art? The best holy treasure? That Long Aotian is so valuable?"

After knowing the rewards of the Chinese and Tianzongzong, the countless strong men in the **** realm shivered with excitement, and their eyes were fierce. They wished to kill Ling Xiao now to receive the reward.

Everyone didn't even think that the Chinese and Tianzong Sect would have such generous, no godsmanship, is a peerless magical power created by the emperor, contains the secret of heaven, and has the power of supreme killing, if you can practice without God The technique is even enough to make people leapfrog.

Although the best Shengbao is not as good as the Jidao Emperor Soldiers, it is also the supreme treasure, just like the Ziyang Dzi of Hua Ziyang. Only those who are qualified to use the treasure.

"Even if you don't have the magic art and the best holy treasure, do you really think you can kill Long Aotian? You know, even Hua Ziyang, who is in the three realms of heaven, died in his hands!"

"Even if you can't kill Long Aotian, if you can find his whereabouts, it will be 10,000 original dans and a supreme holy dharma, enough for us to practice to the realm of nine-turn half-sacred!"

"Yes! Blame it on this Long Aotian offended someone who shouldn’t have offended. I heard that the elder Hua Xiong of the Chinese ethnic group and Chen Kun, the deputy suzerain of the Tianzong sect, have already gone through the customs, leading the strong men to the Tianhe universe Long Aotian, this time Long Aotian is dead!"


Everyone was talking about it and started to rush towards the universe Tianhe. They all hoped to share a piece of soup, even if they could not kill Ling Xiao, if they could find Ling Xiao's whereabouts, it would be a big profit.

At the same time, the Temple of War also sounded, and the God of War in white announced directly to the entire God Realm that anyone who dared to shoot Long Aotian was a dead enemy of the Temple of War, and the Temple of War and its endlessness.

Everyone didn't think that the Temple of War was so tough, even in the face of the Chinese and Tianzongzong, it still put on a deadly attitude.

Some people feared that the Temple of War began to hesitate, but most people were still attracted by the conditions issued by the Chinese and Tianzongzong, and they all moved towards the universe.

The whole God Realm was turbulent and began to turbulent.


At this time, Ling Xiao, Xue Wei, Little Black Fat Man and White Dragon Horse were outside the buried land, and a cave house was dug inside a broken star, while practicing, while waiting for the ancient chaos to open.

Ling Xiao and Xue Wei are practicing in the cave house, while the little black fat man and the white dragon horse are responsible for releasing wind and hair care, and exploring some of the universe's Tianhe.

Three days have passed, and the place where the bones are buried is almost completely enveloped by the mist of chaos, spraying the mysterious light, the qi is transpiring, the mysterious world is becoming clearer, and the passage to the ancient chaotic place Come more stable.

"Ling Xiao, the situation is not good! In the past few days, there are more and more people in the universe's Tianhe, as if they are searching for something. I am afraid that they will come to the place where the bones will be buried soon! Once they come here , I am afraid the news of the chaotic ancient land will be exposed!"

Three days later, the little black fat man and the white dragon horse came back from outside, and the white dragon horse said with some concern.

"Your guess is correct! We caught a guy for torture and learned that the Chinese and Tianzongzong had indeed issued a reward order to let the powerful of the entire God Realm chase you!"

Said the little black fat man.

"Are the Chinese and the Heavenly Mantra Sect? Really lingering souls! Don't worry about them for the time being, the passage of the Chaos Ancient Land is about to be stabilized, and when we enter the Chaos Ancient Land directly, the Chinese and the Heavenly Mantra Sect will be even stronger , The saint can’t chase it!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and said slowly.

"I'm afraid they found here before the Chaos Ancient Land opened! At that time, the news of the Chaos Ancient Land was little exposed, but if they laid a divine net at the entrance of the tunnel, the trouble would be even greater!"

Bailongma still felt very worried.

Whether it is the Chinese or the Heavenly Mantra the background is extremely terrifying, with the means that everyone can't imagine, if they want to kill a person, even a saint can't live.

"If that's the case, you can only get in!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a sharp color.

Xuewei served Shengshengzaohuadan, and after several days of cultivation, the injury was healed. She pondered for a moment, and then said: "Brother Ling Xiao, maybe I have a way to enter the ancient chaotic land!"

"Oh? What way?"

Both Ling Xiao and Bai Longma's eyes lit up and asked quickly.

After all, the Chinese and the Tianzong Sect are powerful in nature. It is best if they can not compete against nature, and Ling Xiao is confident that he will get enough qualities and opportunities in this election, and he will prove sanctified at one fell swoop. For the Chinese and the Tianzongzong, it is no longer necessary to be so handicapped.

"The solution is reincarnation!"

Xue Wei smiled slightly.

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