Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2064: The channel is open!

"Xuewei, why are you..."

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly, his eyes moved deeply.

Xue Wei finally chose to open the channel of the ancient chaotic world with the secret technique of reincarnation. Although she did not pass Ling Xiao's consent, Ling Xiao had no reason to blame her at this moment.

All that Xue Wei did was for him!


The fiery light rises, Xue Wei's white dress flutters, her temperament is extraordinary, she sits in the void, her whole body is filled with vigour, and the nine-colored gods surround her, and she looks extremely noble.

Her hands are sealed, and there is a mysterious light of reincarnation behind her, and there are two golden runes flying in her two palms. , Shining brightly in the void.

Xue Wei shoved with both arms, and suddenly the nine-color **** ring and the two golden runes flew towards the buried land.


A tremendous vast and mysterious spatial fluctuation emanates from the buried land, and the mysterious world seems to be solidified more and more, and there are still some illusory passages, which have begun to solidify at a speed visible to the naked eye. stand up.


In the void, Xue Wei suddenly shivered and her face became extremely pale, as if there was some kind of vast and mysterious power, depriving her vitality and Shou Yuan, making her grow old.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, his eyes full of extremely worried looks.

But Xue Wei's current state, he has no way to interrupt, even if he knows that Xue Wei is suffering a huge backlash, but he can only watch silently.

"Ling Xiao, the beauty is serious, this girl has eaten too much for you, don't disappoint her!"

Bai Longma sighed softly.

"Hey, Zaimao finally said a reliable word, I also feel that this girl is very good, you should cherish it!"

The little black fat man smiled, he didn't face Bailongma, but said in harmony.

Ling Xiao was silent, his heart trembling slightly.


In the void, a thunder intertwined, and vast expanse of heavenly power spread out, as if heaven and earth were angered, very dissatisfied with Xuewei's behavior of forcibly opening the ancient chaotic land.

Xue Wei's face grew paler and shivered slightly. The source of life and Shou Yuan were rapidly deprived and began to exude an old twilight.

But her eyes became brighter and brighter, looking directly at the sky dome, her lips slightly pursed, and she had a distressing stubbornness.

"Goddess reincarnation, return to its origin, open to me!"

Xue Wei's fiery nine-color ring of gods all flew to the mysterious passage of the bone-buried land like a torrent instantly. Her mouth made a ethereal and mysterious voice, like a singing, grand and loud.


The burial ground trembles violently, and the vast world in the center is as if it slowly emerged, spraying out the vast and blazing nine-color Shenxia.

It is like the sky and the earth are splitting directly, the endless avenues are blooming, and there are golden lotus flowers in the void. The ancient and mysterious atmosphere is filled, and the vast chaotic atmosphere directly forms an extremely huge channel.

"Brother Ling Xiao, the channel of the ancient chaos has been opened, go!"

Xue Wei's voice became extremely weak, and even her figure floating in the void was slightly shaking, as if she would fall down at any time.

Ling Xiao was full of distress, and quickly rushed to hug Xue Wei.

Xue Wei's face was incredibly pale, and her original black hair became dull, she lost her luster, her breath was very weak, and her whole body was full of twilight, just like the old man who will die of Shou Yuan.

But the smile on her lips was still beautiful.

"Xuewei, you can rest assured! Even if you go through the entire chaotic ancient land, I will find you the supreme treasure to make up for the origin of life!"

Ling Xiao said distressedly.


Xue Wei nodded with a smile.

"let's go!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and flew towards the vast chaotic passage in front of him, and the little black fat man and the white dragon horse followed him closely.

"Where to go?"

At this moment, a murderous voice exploded in the void.


The chaos around the buried land spread out, and a huge hand traversed the void, grabbing towards Ling Xiao.

Indistinctly, there seemed to be an old man with purple hair flying in chaos, his eyes indifferent and his breath terrified.

At the same time, a black divine light spreads out like a black Tianhe, on which stands a skinny middle-aged man in a black robe, and a rune falls towards Ling Xiao, containing a mysterious cursing power. .

Ling Xiao suddenly felt his body sink, as if his limbs were stiff, and the power of mysterious curses drilled into him.

"The Chinese and the sages of the Heavenly Mantra?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and recognized the origin of the two people almost instantly.

These two men are not only saints, but also powerful men of the Great Sacred Realm. The power is terrifying and far from being able to compare with the saints. Even Ling Xiao felt a deep sense of powerlessness in front of them.

They still got the news and found it. When they saw Ling Xiao wanting to enter the ancient chaotic land, they shot very decisively!

"Give me!"

Ling Xiao roared with a loud voice, and the mysterious technique of swallowing the sky exploded, as if a vast sea appeared around him, wanting to swallow the power of the curse that entered him.

At the same time, Fan Tianyin radiated a blazing light, like a black ancient god, greeted toward the big hand above the void.


The devastating sea of ​​devouring gods can devour all the different energies between heaven and earth. Even the power of curse is swallowed by the sea of ​​devouring gods.

Ling Xiao, Little Black Fat Man and White Dragon Horse all weighed down ~ ~ was released from shackles.

"These two old things are so shameless!"

Bailong horse screamed angrily, glanced at the two figures bitterly, instantly picked up Xiao Xiao and Zi Wei, and quickly shot into the chaotic ancient land.


Fan Tianyin and that huge palm exploded behind them, erupting in a tremendous fierce wave of divine light, and the momentum was extremely alarming, while that big hand flew out Fan Tianyin directly, and still probed Caught towards Ling Xiao!

The little black fat man's whole body's black divine light rose, and the body appeared in an instant. The horrible swallowing vortex of the whole body was filled, and suddenly swallowed towards the big hand.


The engulfing vortex was exploded at the same time, and the endless divine light in the void rose, sweeping all the chaotic air from the four sides into a white piece!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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