Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2075: Real Dragon Blood Ganoderma!

"You take me! If you can find the true dragon blood ganoderma, then spare you not to die, otherwise you will be sent to see the blood demon ancestor!"

Ling Xiao said coldly.

"Adults, rest assured that the whereabouts of true dragon blood ganoderma lucidum is only known to me, and I will take you there!"

As soon as he heard that there was hope for life, Shi Qing's spirit was also excited, and he said to Ling Xiao quickly.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Under the leadership of Shi Qing, Ling Xiao and Shi Qing stood up and flew towards Shi Ling Mountain.

Shiling Mountain is just behind the Shiling tribe. It looks thousands of feet tall, shrouded by towering ancient trees, lush, filled with chaotic fog, and looks peaceful and mysterious.

According to Shi Qing, Shiling Mountain had a dragon sacred from the sky countless years ago, and fell into the mountains. The essence blood gathered in the depths of Shiling Mountain, and it became the true dragon blood ganoderma after countless years.

Of course, this is only a long-term rumor, and its origin is no longer available.

"Don't Dragon Saint fall from the sky? Could it be... the powerhouse of the last era?"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed with fineness, thinking secretly in his heart.

Ling Xiao's ancestral dragon secret has reached the perfection of the body of the dragon. To break through the body of the dragon, in addition to a certain insight and chance, the most important thing is to use the blood of the dragon.

However, the ancient ancestral dragon has long disappeared for countless years. If you want to find the ancestral dragon blood, unless the dragon family ancestral land of the demon world may still be able to find some, I am afraid there is no possibility in other places.

But if it is the Dragon Saint of the last era, maybe he has the ancestral dragon's essence and blood.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao was also a little emotional.

Shi Qing took Ling Xiao to the depths of Shiling Mountain, where the clouds were engulfed, the chaotic energy was extremely rich, and even the void had a trace of cracks, full of danger, one would accidentally be swallowed by the void cracks.

Shi Qing was very careful, converged his breath, and finally stopped in front of a very hidden cave.

"Adult, the real dragon blood ganoderma is in the cave, can you let me go?"

Shi Qing looked at Ling Xiao and said.

"Go in! When I see the real dragon blood ganoderma, I will let you go!"

Ling Xiao said lightly that she did not intend to release Shi Qing now.

There was a bit of a wry smile on Shi Qing's face, but he could only obediently enter the cave and take Ling Xiao towards the depths.

This cave looks meandering and winding, leading all the way to the belly of the mountain, and there is a mysterious hidden rune formation at the entrance of the cave, and most people cannot find it here.

In the end, Ling Xiao saw the real dragon blood ganoderma in the belly of the mountain.


It was a reddish stone pool surrounded by extremely hot magma flames. There were some ancient and mysterious patterns on the stone pool, like red bloodstains and tiny dragons.

There are dark brown blood stains in the stone pool, and a whole body of red ganoderma lucidum grows like a grinding disc. The whole body is crystal clear, and the appearance looks like a coiled blood dragon, lifelike and extremely mysterious.

In the position of the dragon head, there is still a mysterious flower bone flower.

This is the true Dragon Blood Ganoderma!

The real dragon blood ganoderma was shrouded in fiery glow, and mysterious symbols rose, causing the emptiness of the Quartet to tremble slightly.

Ling Xiao can feel that there is an extremely powerful dragon power in the real dragon blood ganoderma!

"True Dragon Blood Ganoderma... Actually... Actually blossomed?!"

Shi Qing suddenly shuddered, his eyes showing a look of extreme ecstasy.

On top of the true dragon blood Ganoderma lucidum, the mysterious flower and bone twitched slightly, and finally finally bloomed slowly. The petals looked gorgeous, crystal clear, thin as a cicada wing, obsessed with chaotic light, and this cave is all Dyed into the day.

True Dragon Blood Ganoderma is a supreme intrinsic holy medicine, but Ganoderma lucidum is extremely difficult to bloom. Once blooming, Ganoderma lucidum will give Ganoderma some kind of spirituality, just like a spirit, it breaks the restrictions of race and has unlimited possibilities.


The real dragon blood Ganoderma trembles slightly, and it instantly turns into a golden dragon, moving towards the void like lightning.

In an instant, the void oscillated, the thunder was fiercely dazzling, and the mysterious vision appeared in the air, as if the ancient dragon had recovered, the dragon was vast and powerful.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and the changes of the real dragon blood Ganoderma in front of him were beyond his expectations, but he reacted in an instant, and the light in his palm was shining brightly. Flying out of the sky, it fell directly around the real dragon blood Ganoderma lucidum, and a mysterious light interweaves it, completely covering it.


True Dragon Blood Ganoderma possesses extremely strong spirituality, and suddenly dashes towards the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument, trying to escape.

The Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument trembles violently. The golden dragon seems to contain incomparably powerful power, which makes all nine Heavenly Dao Chaos Monuments make a bang.


Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and nine heavenly chaotic monuments were intertwined with each other, just like a mysterious chaotic enchantment, trapping the real dragon blood Ganoderma lucidum in it, and then flew directly into Ling Xiao's palm.

True Dragon Blood Ganoderma is still struggling with chaotic enchantment, but it can't escape anyway.

"Let me, you big bad guy!"

Real Dragon Blood Ganoderma even made a childlike voice, milky and milky, full of anger.

"Don't struggle, you can't escape my heavenly chaotic monument! If you don't want to die, be honest, otherwise I don't mind destroying your Taoist spirit first!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and said coldly.

This true Dragon Blood Ganoderma lucidum blooms, giving birth to Dao Ling, can fly away, and even self-cultivation, extremely powerful, such True Dragon Blood Ganoderma has indescribable benefits for Ling Xiao.

It seemed that the threat of Ling Xiao had worked. Although the real Dragon Blood Ganoderma was still angry, it did not dare to continue struggling.

Ling Xiao carefully put away the real dragon blood Ganoderma lucidum.

He didn't plan to take True Dragon Blood Ganoderma just like that. It would be a violent disaster. If he could use True Dragon Blood Ganoderma as the main medicine to make might be able to completely recover his injury.

"Adult, you have found the real dragon blood ganoderma, can you let me go?"

Shi Qing glanced at Ling Xiao with some embarrassment.

He was afraid that Ling Xiao would repent and kill him.

"You should be thankful that you didn't play tricks! You can go!"

Ling Xiao glanced at Shi Qing lightly. The left and right sides were just a small shrimp. Ling Xiao didn't put him in his eyes. Killing or releasing was not a big problem.

After hearing Ling Xiao's words, Shi Qingrug amnesty, thanking Ling Xiao repeatedly, and then turned and ran out of the cave.


Suddenly, a blazing divine light came out into the air, turned into a silver spear, directly pierced Shi Qing's chest, and nailed him to the mountain wall!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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