Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2076: Feng Qingyang


Shi Qing's mouth spouted blood violently, and his eyes were full of frightened expression. The silver spear was extremely overbearing, containing all the power fluctuations that blocked it, and nailed him to the mountain wall, unable to move.

From outside the cave, there were several young men with magnificent eyes and fierce eyes, each with a strong and unmatched breath, all of whom had a nine-and-a-half-century summit, and his face was full of arrogance.

Headed by a slender young man wearing a silver armor, he looked as if he was only 16 or 7 years old, but he had a handsome face, a sharp gaze, and his body was full of a high-profile gesture.

There was a faint flash of silver runes in his palm, staring at Ling Xiao at the moment, with a hint of scrutiny.

Ling Xiao can see that he shot the silver spear!

"Shi Qing, you are so brave. Not only did you not respect my order, but you also killed my men, what should you do?"

The teenager in silver armor stared at Shi Qing and said there was a fierce killing intention in his eyes.

"Wind... Feng Qingyang son?! How can you find here?"

Shi Qing's face was full of terrified expression, looking at the teenager in front of him, said in disbelief.

The wind in front of Qingyang, known as the son of Qingyang, is the master of Qingyang City and the master of the Shiling tribe. It is powerful and unmatched, but it is a peerless arrogance. It has broken the limit and entered the three heavens. .

Seeing Feng Qingyang at this moment, Shi Qing's natural heart was extremely fearful and anxious.

"Why am I here? Naturally, I killed all the people of the Shiling tribe and took their souls away, only to find this place! I didn't expect this place to have real dragon blood Ganoderma? Unfortunately, Shi Qing, you don't know Life and death, no one can save you today!"

Feng Qingyang said indifferently.


Shi Qing's face changed a lot and he wanted to say something, but Feng Qingyang didn't give him a chance at all. He stretched out his hand, and the silver spear fell into his palm, and then turned into a silver lightning. Penetrating Shi Qing's eyebrows and killing him completely.

Shi Qing's eyes widened, and a "Ho Ho" sound came out of his mouth, full of unwillingness and fear, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden, completely exhausted and died.

"You killed him?"

Ling Xiao frowned slightly. Although he didn't like Shi Qing, he had promised to keep him alive.

"He was originally my subordinate, and the end of the betrayal was death! This friend, presumably the real dragon blood ganoderma is in your hands? Give it out, I will leave you a whole body!"

Feng Qingyang looked at Ling Xiao lightly and said.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and she said with a smile.

He can see that the extraordinary strength of this Qingqingyang has broken the limit once and entered the three worlds. Such a young man has such a fortune, and indeed has proud capital.

But it's just that Qingyang is too rampant.

"You took my real dragon blood ganoderma lucidum, and the deaths of my few men must have something to do with you? I don't care so much, hand over the real dragon blood ganoderma lucidum, and I will leave you a whole body! Otherwise, Then you just toast and don’t eat fine!"

Feng Qingyang's expression was indifferent, and he looked down at Ling Xiao Road from the top.

The powerful young geniuses behind him all showed a sneer. The cold killing intentions appeared in the eyes, slowly surrounding them, and surrounded Ling Xiao in the center.

"Or I will give you a choice, what do you think?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"Give me a choice? Are you also worthy?"

Feng Qingyang said disdainfully.

"Submit to me and be my servant, I will spare you not to die! What do you think?"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

"Boy, do you dare to be rude to your son? Find death!"

Next to Feng Qingyang, a young man in a black robe sneered. His eyes were unmatched, and his whole body was extremely pure. He slashed across the sky towards Ling Xiao, and the sword was fierce and terrifying.


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and he punched directly, and the golden fist marks blasted away suddenly, and the vastness of the sky spread like a round of the rising sun, blooming billions of rays of glow.


The sword mang in the void was suddenly shattered by Ling Xiao, and the golden fist print was blasted on the black war knife, which instantly changed the face of the young black robe, feeling the whole body trembling, as if hit Above an erupting volcano, the sword in his hand flew directly out of hand.

And Ling Xiao's punch was unabated, and it directly blasted on the chest of the young black robe. The clear voice sounded. The young man in the black robe broke his chest and collapsed directly. The whole blood spouted blood and flew dozens. Zhang, smashed **** the far wall!

"Eh, boy, it's a skill to get the real dragon blood ganoderma from Shi Qing's hands! But since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, don't blame your son for being polite!"

There was a trace of surprise in Feng Qingyang's eyes, a sneer, and he shot instantly!


Void concussion, the silver spear in Feng Qingyang's hands is extremely fierce, and the speed is extremely fast, just like a lightning directly piercing Ling Xiao's brow.

He exudes a great power of the law of the Dao, and there is a vast heavenly power between his shots, and his momentum is not weaker than that of ordinary saints.

This is the fighting power of the three heavens. If it is an ordinary half-sacred strongman, I am afraid that even a move in the hands of Feng Qingyang is impossible.

"Really? I also want to see if you are eligible to be my slave!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, his whole body instantly became extremely powerful, a chaotic mist filled, the four sides of the void were slightly oscillating, he punched towards the wind Qingyang.


There was a golden thunder burst in the void, and accompanied by the sound of the dragon's Yin, Ling Xiao instantly blasted hundreds of fists. The fist shadow filled in the void, coming toward the wind and Qingyang.

"Nice teeth!"

Feng Qingyang's eyes are getting colder and The silver spear in his hand contains the power of terrifying terror. It seems that a fiery silver storm has formed around him. The seal punctured, and finally gathered into a silver torrent, pointing directly at Ling Xiao's brow.

Feng Yang's shot is extremely fierce and fierce. If he is a general nine-turned half-sage strong, he can't escape his power of this blow!


Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and the blazing glow of the whole body rose in a flash. He punched like a dragon, and turned into a fierce golden thunder dragon in the void, and suddenly collided with the silver spear.

It was like a bright sun exploding directly, setting off a horrible storm of divine light, submerging both Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang.

Ling Xiao lifted up in the sky and stepped down directly on Feng Qingyang's face, which contained the power wave of terrifying terror, as if even a mountain could be stepped into powder!

PS: Something happened at night, only one more change, everyone take a break early.

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