Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2087: Break through, 9 turns half holy!


Ling Xiao's breath is becoming more and more mysterious, and the runes around him are like interwoven chains of order. The vast laws of heaven and earth come, making him seem to be the incarnation of the avenue.

In Ling Xiao's body, there is a mysterious chant that sounds like the sacrificial prayer of the ancient ancestors. It contains ancient and majestic energy fluctuations. The mysterious chant seems to form a resonance with Ling Xiao's breath, making the endless The essence of life has been integrated into his body.

In the knowledge of the sea, Ling Xiao's Yuanshen was originally very dim, and even a crack on the Yuanshen was extremely traumatized, but as the essence of life merged into it, the cracks gradually disappeared, Yuanshen It also began to become crystal clear.

Ling Xiao's Yuanshen sat in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the surrounding life was condensed into blazing stars, forming a vast galaxy.

His Yuanshen breathed the essence of heaven and earth, and the galaxies around him were indefinite, as if converging into a storm of divine light, integrating all life energy into Yuanshen.

Ling Xiao's bones were gleaming and glittering like gold casting, and a rune similar to dragon scales appeared on it, exuding the majestic dragon power.

His flesh exudes a faint fragrance, the meridian is like a dragon, and when it trembles slightly, it is like the sound of a dragon chant, and the blood is surging like the rivers and seas.

Under the action of Jinsheng Jindan, Ling Xiao's injury was quickly healed, and the whole person's momentum became thicker and more majestic.


Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt as if there was some kind of barrier in his body making a clear sound.

His cultivation base was already in the realm of eight-and-a-half sacred, and after this serious injury and then healed, it was so-called broken and then stood up, which immediately let his cultivation base reach the critical point of breakthrough.

Ling Xiao felt the breath of the loose barrier, and he began to glow a blazing light all over his body!


There was a mysterious thunder shock in the surrounding void, Ling Xiao's original looking flawless body actually began to appear a crack, and a thick robbery spread from Ling Xiao's body.

The ninth Nirvana is here!

With the help of the magnificent life essence contained in the longevity Jindan, not only did Ling Xiao's cultivation base gradually heal, but also his cultivation base broke through the pinnacle of the eighth half-turned saint in one fell swoop and reached the state of nine-turned half-turned holy!

Nirvana is a disaster from the inside out. It is the test of the avenue. Through Nirvana's rebirth, it can be more integrated with the avenue, eliminate its own flaws, and finally reach the perfect state.

The horrible Nirvana came, Ling Xiao's flesh began to collapse, the Yuanshen began to shatter, the divine power in the body began to dissipate, and even the mental power gradually collapsed.

The ninth Nirvana was extremely fierce, as if it were more terrifying than the eight Nirvanas previously experienced by Ling Xiao. For Ling Xiao, it was a full range of Nirvana and rebirth.

Ling Xiao could feel the danger of this Nirvana robbery. Before his body was completely broken, he immediately subdued the second longevity Jindan.


His radiant light rose and the void oscillated. His flesh was like broken porcelain. A crack appeared, and the bright light sprayed out, and finally his body exploded suddenly!

Not only the flesh, but also the Yuanshen and the Daoyuan origin in the body have exploded and turned into the most tiny particles of the origin, but it has not been completely dispersed. It still maintains its human form and looks extremely mysterious.

The robbery is filled, and the power of the vast road comes, as if all the vitality on Ling Xiao will be completely wiped out, containing the terrifying power of destruction.

Ling Xiao shook his body as if he was suffering endless pain. His whole body of light was surging, and the breath of life was gradually weakening, as if it were a candlelight in the wind, which would be extinguished at any time.

Ling Xiao keeps his mind in mind, while absorbing Nirvana, he absorbs the majestic energy of Changsheng Jindan at the same time!

Longevity Jindan is like a small sun, radiating a bright light in the heart of Ling Xiao, with the essence of life pouring into the particles of Ling Xiao, letting Ling Xiao's breath is also slow Condensed.

Like a change from the inside out, the Quartet's void oscillated, Ling Xiao's body thundered violently, the avenues were intertwined, and the divine light was everywhere. Like he came out of the void, the flesh began to reunite.


Intertwined with mysterious lightning, Ling Xiao's flesh and Yuanshen are re-condensed and formed, and the four sides of the void are oscillating. His whole body exudes incomparable breath fluctuations, and the whole person's momentum has reached the ultimate in an instant!

"Is this the realm of the nine-turn half-saint?"

Ling Xiao slowly opened his eyes, two divine lights penetrated the void, he said to himself.

Ling Xiao can feel that there is a very mysterious shackle in his body. As long as he opens that shackle and passes the holy robbery, he can prove his sanctification.

The nine-turned half-sacred has already stood at the pinnacle of the half-sacred, and has the opportunity to be a saint at any time!

However, Ling Xiao did not intend to justify the sanctification. He has an ambition to break the three limits and reach the pinnacle of the three realms, and then prove the sanctification and achieve the invincible sanctity!

Ling Xiao has absolute self-confidence and is not weaker than anyone. Whether it is the Son of Immortal Holy Land, the genius of the emperor, or even those ancient arrogances, Ling Xiao has the confidence to surpass them one by one.

Ling Xiao's flesh is shining brightly and looks like jade, and from his body came the vast dragon power, just like a human dragon.

The blood in his body was turbulent, vast and unmatched, containing immense power. The golden light came out through the body, making him look very mysterious.

He has black hair flying, white clothes win the snow, his eyes are bright and mysterious, his body is full of chaos, like a young emperor, with an invincible momentum, as if between his hands and feet, he has the power to suppress peerlessness.


Ling Xiao punched out Suddenly there was a burst of sound from the void, and the extremely hard boulders in front of him burst into pieces at once.

Ling Xiao exudes a breath of incomparable breath, taking one step, the endless water around explodes, and instantly appears in the chaotic sea!

The two longevity Jindan not only completely healed Ling Xiao's injury, but also made his cultivation progress one step further, reaching the nine-turn half-sacred state.

"Let's go to the holy city of human races first, then go to the holy city of demon races to need Xuewei, Bailongma and Kunpeng!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, staring at the void in the distance and said to himself.


He rose in the sky instantly, shaking the voids of the four sides, as if a bright divine light shot into the distance, where is the direction of the holy city of human races!

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