Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2127: News from Xuewei!


Feng Qingyang also exploded into a powerful cultivation practice, holding a spear, the spear light seemed to be able to penetrate the sky, formed a residual image in the void, and killed many powerful demon clan.

Those demon clan strongmen dared to hunt down the White Dragon Horse, because they were able to lay down the twelve capitals of the gods, and now the big array was broken by a blow from Ling Xiao. The saint's strong man, how could it be the opponent of Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang?


Under the action of Ling Xiao, White Dragon Horse and Feng Qingyang, the dozen or so powerful demon clan were soon completely beheaded by them. Blood and rain were flying in the void, filled with a thick **** gas.

Only the black-haired young man headed by was left behind, and Ling Xiao also wanted to torture some things from his mouth.

"You are dead, no one can save you! If you know you, let me go..."

The young man in black armor has been frightened, and shouts inwardly.

He didn't even think that Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang were so powerful. Not only did they destroy the twelve heavenly gods, and dozens of strong men with nine turns and half sages were cut by Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang. The dishes are generally beheaded.


Ling Xiao's brow furrowed and flicked it out directly, stunned the young black armor.

"Let's talk, how could you be hunted down by these demon clan strongmen? Did you have any trouble? Didn't I let you protect Xuewei? Where is Xuewei now?"

Ling Xiao glared at Bailongma and said angrily.

"It was the demon young master who deceived people too much. I just stole his ancestral tomb, but I didn't get anything in his ancestral tomb, and the **** was still full of ghosts. Several times he sent someone to chase me down! "

Bailongma hurriedly called injustice.

"You dug the ancestral tomb of Young Master Demon? No wonder he will send someone to chase you down!"

Feng Qingyang was a little speechless. This white dragon horse was really amazing. Even the ancestral tombs of the young demon master were dug, and the young demon master was not strange with him desperately.

The young demon celestial master is a well-known arrogant strong man, but in the demon world, the son of the celestial demon emperor is powerful and unpredictable, surrounded by a group of powerful followers.

In the past few years, the young master of the demon came to the holy city of the demon race, and his strength was unmatched. It swept the heroes, and there were signs of becoming the first person in the holy city of the demon race.

"The reason why I dug the ancestral grave of that **** is because he caught Xuewei! Ling Xiao, you must hurry to rescue Xuewei, I am afraid that the **** of the demon young master will do harm to her!"

Bailongma gave Ling Xiao a guilty look and said.

"Xue Wei was caught by the young demon master? What's going on?"

Ling Xiao's expression sank, and the chill in his eyes erupted!

"I took Xuewei to the chaotic ancient land. The shock that Xuewei blocked for you caused her a lot of damage. In the past few years, we have been looking for treasure in the tomb of the demon emperor, and healing and practicing..."

Bai Longma told it slowly.

It turned out that a few months ago, Bailongma and Xuewei unintentionally found a cave dwelling of the demon holy king, and they got a lot of treasures from them, but they met the young demon who invaded inadvertently. The celestial demon master seized Xuewei who had not recovered from the injury, but the white dragon horse escaped.

During this time, the White Dragon Horse was thinking about saving Xuewei from time to time, and even dug the ancestral tomb of the young demon master, stealing the countless holy medicines he collected, but none of them found a chance to rescue Xuewei.

The behavior of the white dragon horse completely angered the young demon master. He sent a large number of demon clan strongmen to hunt down the white dragon horse, so it is what happened today.

"Is the young demon master? He **** it!"

There was a murderous intention boiling in Ling Xiao's eyes. The young master of the demon caught Xue Wei, which was equivalent to touching Ling Xiao's counterscale, and Ling Xiao gave him unlimited killing intentions.


Ling Xiao kicked directly on the chest of the young black armor, kicking him with a spit of blood and waking up from a coma.

"I ask, you answer! If there is a half-truth, I will let you survive, not death!"

Ling Xiao stared at the black armor youth and said coldly.

"Want to get the news of the young master from me? Dreaming! I tell you, you are all dead..."

The black armor sneered a sneer, and immediately expressed refusal with a very hard mouth.


Ling Xiao interrupted the words of the black armored youth violently, and then pointed at his eyebrows, and suddenly the mighty thunder power poured into the black armored youth's consciousness.

Ling Xiao runs the punishment of heavenly punishment, a ray of thunder and light contains vast heavenly prestige, and spreads towards the Yuanshen of the black armor youth in an instant!


The fierce thunder struck the black armor youth's Yuanshen, causing him to tremble, and his face was twisted instantly. It was a kind of severe pain from the depths of the Yuanshen, which caused the black armor youth to be so mad It was so sweaty that I couldn't help but sat down on my knees.

"I don't want to ask a second time, can you answer my question now?"

Ling Xiao stared at the black armored youth with a blank expression.

The young man in black armor still wanted to keep his mouth hard, but as soon as he touched Ling Xiao's eyes, he made him stunned, and he was a little scared, as if as long as he dared to say nothing, he would immediately suffer unimaginable torture .

"I...I said!"

As soon as the black armor gritted his teeth, the ghostly angel said.

"Where is the young demon master now?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"The young master is now in the holy city of the demon race, and is preparing to marry Xuewei girl three days later! At that time, in addition to the many strong men in the holy city of the demon race, there will be many other holy cities in front of Tianjiao. Congratulations!"

Black Armor said quickly.


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, his whole body burst into a monstrous grief, and the murderous opportunities gathered around him, like substance, forming a horrible gang of as if it could wipe out everything.

"I'm not wrong! It is said that it seems that the girl of Xuewei has the samsara, which can help people to break the limit, and even prove the sanctification! The young master took the girl of Xuewei, not only may break the third limit, or even one Proof of sanctification!"

There was a trace of horror in the eyes of the young black armor, afraid that Ling Xiao would shoot him to death with a slap.

"That **** wants to marry Xuewei? How dare he? How does he fit? Wow wow... I'm so mad, I want to kill this bastard!"

The White Dragon Horse was shocked. The news in the mouth of the young black armor was the first time he heard it, making him angry at once, gritted his teeth.

"Ling Xiao, calm down! The strength of Young Master Tiantian is terrifying. Now that he has broken the second limit, coupled with his many followers, the Holy City of Demon Race must be Longtan Tiger Cave now! We cannot act lightly, You have to think long!"

Feng Qingyang knew that Ling Xiao's expression was going to be bad, and quickly persuaded him.

ps: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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