Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2129: 1 Roar to kill the heroes!

"Worship the world!"

"Second worship demon ancestor!"


In the Heavenly Demon Palace, the lanterns were adorned, and above the magnificent hall, the Heavenly Demon Young Master was wearing a red robe, and Xuewei was wearing a red hijab. Standing side by side with him, he worshiped the heavens and earth.

It's just that Xue Wei's figure looks very stiff, like a string puppet, like being controlled by the body, unable to act autonomously.

The demon ancestor is the first ancestor of the demon clan, and the legend is that the demon clan's first strongest person who proved to be an emperor has led the demon clan to glory and prosperity. It is respected by the demon clan and has continued to this day.

Whether it is a sacrifice or a wedding, the demon people will worship the deity ancestor.

"When Xuewei's samsara is broken, coupled with the support of the young master of the demon, I am the young master of the reincarnation temple. No one can stop me at that time!"

Reincarnation Saint Child looked at the figure of the young master demon and Xue Wei, and there was a hint of hot color in his eyes, thought secretly.

The celestial demon master who can capture the severely wounded Xue Wei actually has a great relationship with the reincarnation of the Son.

Xuewei and Bailongma entered the chaotic ancient land to practice. During the period, Xuewei also used the power of the reincarnation temple to find various treasures of heaven and earth, and her whereabouts were known by the reincarnation son.

It is precisely because of the sacrificial reincarnation of the reincarnated Son that the young demon was able to capture Xuewei.

Sacred Body of Reincarnation is one of the most powerful saints in the world. It can carry the true meaning of the mystery of samsara. It has always been the best choice for the Lord of Reincarnation in the Temple of Reincarnation. The reincarnation temple can last forever.

However, the young demon master has a secret method that can steal the power of the samsara through the men and women, and then can get Xuewei’s samsara and all the cultivation practices, so as to break through to the highest realm in one fell swoop and have the supreme Talent and luck!

Although the reincarnation son was also coveted by Xuewei, he was very afraid of the reincarnation master. Once the reincarnation master knew that he must be a place of death.

Therefore, he will use the celestial demon young master to dedicate Xuewei to the celestial demon young lord, so as to obtain the celestial demon young lord's support.

Reincarnation Son and Young Master Demon can be said to be a hit, and then there is the matter of Xuewei being captured behind.

"Couple worships!"

As the master of ceremonies finally shouted, the young demon master and Xue Wei would bow down to each other to complete the final ceremony, and then they became married.


But at this moment, the sky above the Heavenly Demon Palace suddenly exploded with thunder and thunder, so that the four sky domes were trembling violently, and the vast divine light came out from the sky, containing unparalleled terror power fluctuations.

A figure in white, riding on a white horse with a beautiful horse, came to heaven, surrounded by golden radiance, and the air of chaos pervaded. A pair of eyes seemed to rotate between the sun and the moon, mysterious and majestic.

"Lord Demon, get out and die!"

A thunder-like sound exploded in the void, as if it were the anger of the Heavenly Emperor, and it was like the Dragon Sword of Nine Xiaos, which contained a vast dragon power. , Even the corner of the mouth overflowed with blood.

Everyone was shocked.

On the day when the demon master was overjoyed, who dare to come to the scene at this time? Is it impatient to live?


The demon young master's body was stiff, and the blood in his eyes was filled, revealing the terrifying grief and murderous opportunity, and suddenly looked into the void.

"Who dares to break into my demon palace?"

Not waiting for the command of the young demon master, there were dozens of black robe guards rushing up to the sky, all eyes were indifferent, grievous, holding a black spear, without hesitation to kill Ling Xiao, thinking To kill Ling Xiao directly!

At this time, they dared to break into the Heavenly Demon Palace. From their point of view, they simply hit the face of the Young Demon Palace and offended the majesty of the Heavenly Demon Palace. They must use blood to atone.

More than a dozen black robe guards are half-holy level strongmen, and they are proficient in total skill. A dozen spears, like the lightning of the sky, cover Ling Xiao and the White Dragon Horse.


The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, as if there were sun, moon and stars shooting out of him, the golden light of his whole body rose, and a burst of anger like a dragon sound burst out of his mouth.


A horrible sound wave erupted from Ling Xiao's mouth. In a flash, a golden divine dragon was formed in the void. It looked like life, exuding the vast dragon power, and rushed forward.

Click! Click! Click...

A very clear voice sounded, and the dozen spears broke off suddenly, and the golden dragon was so powerful that it suddenly hit the body of the dozen black robe guards. The robe guard shuddered at the same time, then burst into the void suddenly.

The sky was filled with blood mist, and it fell from the sky dome, staining the Heavenly Demon Palace red, and the air was filled with rich **** gas!

Ling Xiao rode a white dragon horse and walked down from the sky dome step by step. The whole body seemed to be oppressed by a vast sky and earth, making everyone tremble, feeling a little unable to breath, very depressed.

With a roar, more than a dozen powerful men were killed, and Ling Xiao's strong figure was deeply imprinted in everyone's heart!

"Who is he? A lot of people were killed by a roar, could it be the arrogance of mastery of sound and magic?"

"Look, he only has the cultivation practice of the nine-turned half-sage, and the dozen or so black robe guards are mostly high-end half-sages, and how many are nine-turned half-sages, and they are so vulnerable in front of him?"

"It's terrible! I don't know what kind of hatred he has with the demon young master, and he actually killed the demon palace!"

"No matter what kind of hatred, this guy is dead! It is not allowed to kill people in the holy city of demon races. I am afraid that it will not take long for the law enforcement to shoot him down!"


Everyone was All eyes were full of shock, and the look of Ling Xiao was full of awe.

For the demon clan strongmen, the people they respect the most are those who are stronger than them. I have to say that Ling Xiao's such a strong shot left a very deep impression on everyone.


Xue Wei was also in a tremendous earthquake, her terrifying breath rose suddenly, and she suddenly broke free of the seal on her body, ripped off the red hijab on her head, and revealed a perfect face. It was extremely beautiful, beautiful and beautiful. It is full of surprises

She had long accumulated power in secret, and wanted to break away from the seal, looking for a chance to give the demon young master a fatal blow. At this moment, hearing the voice of Ling Xiao, she could not bear it anymore, and broke the seal directly.

The sky above the void, riding a white dragon horse, with a great body, seems to be able to support the world, covering the endless chaos, the world is born and died in the eyes, the whole person is like a supreme emperor, let people see I felt a tremor at the first glance.

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