Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2237: 3 foot gold Wu!

On Chao Ritian's fist, chaotic light lingered, and a chaotic glove emerged vaguely, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, colliding with the original streamer, even the wind did not fall at all.

The primordial emperor was shocked and blasted out by Zhao Ritian, making his eyes full of grief and anger, full of hate and anger.

Even if you can't beat Ling Xiao, you can't even beat Zhao Ritian?


The primordial emperor was about to go crazy. He burst into a scream in his mouth and evolved the supreme supernatural power of the primordial stream with the primitive streamer. The world was shaken, the stars fell, and he was madly killed towards Zhao Ritian!


In the void, a fierce fierce battle broke out between the primordial emperor and Zhao Ritian. If the space in the Da Luo Tuju was incomparably solid, I am afraid they could break the void with a single blow and make the world into chaos!

"Kill these devil cubs!"

The eyes of Jin Se, Lao Goat, Innocent Dao, and Feng Qingyang also showed strong fighting intentions, and the whole body of the gods rose vigorously, and they displayed powerful magical powers, killing many powerful demons.

Among those demon clan strongmen, the demon army has been destroyed by the regiment. Although there are still hundreds of demon clan people, many of them are strong in the three realms, but they are far inferior to the original emperor and Immortal prince.

After the primordial emperor and the undead emperor were pinned down by Zhao Ritian and Ling Xiao, the rest of them had little threat to the four Jinse.


Jin Se held the Taishang sword, surrounded by Yin and Yang qi, and his sword qi was 30,000 and thousands miles, fierce and unmatched. Each sword could almost kill a Demon strong, and the secret of Yin and Yang broke out in her hands. Sharp edge.

The unscrupulous Daoist's sword is in the sky, and the Dao clan's supreme swordsmanship is displayed. Taking the first level of people from thousands of miles away, Jianguang is divided into hundreds of millions of Dao, as if a field of swords has been formed, continually slashing or damaging the demons By.

The wind and Qingyang exploded with a fiery sun fire, so that the strength of Yang Zhigang was against the enemy, just like a Shenyang hanging for nine days, so that the powerful demon clan were buried in the sea of ​​fire.


The old goat is the most insignificant. He directly casts the Devouring Heavenly Realm. The vast Devouring Avenue explodes, surrounded by engulfing vortices. Those who are severely wounded by Jin Se, the unscrupulous Daoist and Feng Qingyang, are basically Can not escape, all turned into the belly of the old goat.

On the contrary, the battle between the immortal emperor and Ling Xiao was the most intense.

Both Ling Xiao and the Immortal Emperor broke the third limit and possessed the strongest in the realm of heaven, but this battle seemed to be the same. From the battle of the sky to the ground, it was like two bright storms of divine light, each time Collisions will set off huge waves.

Ling Xiao broke out various secrets of Heavenly Skills. Every blow can break the world and turn everything into nothingness. Ling Ling is extremely extreme.

The immortal emperor seemed to be immortal. Any injuries that Ling Xiao left on him instantly recovered as before, and there seemed to be a mysterious connection between him and Da Luo Picture Roll, so that he could borrow Da Luo The power of the picture scroll cannot be violated.

As the heir of the immortal demon emperor, the undead emperor's heir also erupted into the immortal emperor's technique, and the combat power soared to the extreme, making Ling Xiao feel great pressure.

boom! boom! boom!

Both of them are fighting a real fire. This is a peerless collision, a duel between the two great peers, and a fateful battle between the human race and the devil!

Ling Xiao felt great pressure. After all, the undead emperor is the heir of the undead demon emperor. He has the inheritance of the blood of the undead emperor and the undead sutra. With the power of ruining the world, Ling Xiao also had to deal with it with all his strength.

The immortal emperor was shocked in his heart, knowing that he exploded the power of the immortal emperor's blood, the immortal sutra, and the great Luo Tujuan, and he added himself with the three greatest powers, and he could barely draw a tie with Ling Xiao. And he also felt that the power in Ling Xiao's body seemed to be endless, making him feel a little palpitations.

How could such a freak appear in the human race?

He once met with the son of the emperor of the human race once. At that time, he felt that he was the enemy of his destiny, and that he became the biggest enemy of the son of heaven.

And now it seems that the threat of Long Aotian is not inferior to the emperor!

"Why is Wuziantian so mysterious? If I could get Wuziantian, I would be able to sweep the heroes, become the son of the gods, and create the era of the devil!"

The more I feel the power of Ling Xiao, the more fierce the heart of the undead Emperor will be, and the more firm the heart will be to kill Ling Xiao and **** Wu Zitian.


But at this moment, a sharp voice suddenly broke out above the void, wearing gold cracked stone, as if it could pierce Jiuxiao, making everyone feel shocked.

A violent violent explosion broke out, and everyone raised their heads coincidentally.

Above the void, the endless flames rose, and a radiant glow was sprayed from the Yan Ding, and a three-legged crow flew out of The whole body is like gold casting, the breath is terrifying, as if it were The ancient fierce beast woke up just like that, and that kind of breath made everyone feel shocked.

"That's... Three-legged Jinwu?!"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

The three-legged golden dragon is an ancient fierce beast. It exists at the same level as the ancestral dragon and the true phoenix. It once devoured the gods and demon of the heavens, slaughtered hundreds of millions of souls, and was terrifying.

No one thought that there would be a three-legged golden black dragon!

"Is that the bird on Zhao Ritian's head?"

There was a weird look in the eyes of the old goat. It had long noticed that a three-footed red bird had originally stood on Zhao Ritian’s shoulder, which was not taken into consideration at the time, but he did not expect that the bird was actually The ancient fierce beast three-legged Jinwu!

"This guy is really a son of luck, and everything is in his hands!"

The unscrupulous Taoist also said with some emotion.

Zhao Ritian, like Ling Xiao, came from a weak world, but now he can grow into a peerless arrogant that can compete with the Demon Emperor. It has to be said that it has something to do with Zhao Ritian's unlucky luck.

It seemed that Zhao Ritian could pick up the baby everywhere he went. If he walked around for a while, there would be an ancient elder who was crying and shouting to send the baby and send it to him.

This unlucky luck made the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist a bit jealous!


I saw that above the void, the three-legged Jinwu and Yan Emperor Ding each other radiated each other, bursting out a wave of extremely terrifying breath. Together, Ding suddenly slammed towards the big Luotu volume!

Reading Yue, reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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