Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2247: Furious Son!

Tianzi is really angry now!

Through the distraction left in the human race guardian, he learned that the human race guardian was killed and the human race seal was taken away, and he could vaguely know the direction of the evil devil's remaining evil.

The human seal is his forbidden mark. In his view, among the entire human race, only his son of the heavenly emperor is worthy of the human seal, and only he is the only son of the heavenly choice!

Now that the human race seal has been captured, he instantly became very angry. Where else is there any thoughts that want to be entangled with Ling Xiao and others, immediately want to leave here to chase down the wicked Devil's remnants.

"Has it succeeded?"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed finely, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

Heavenly Son is counting him, but why does Heavenly Son know that he is also counting Heavenly Son?

He and Dark Lingxiao communicated with each other, and had already planned to take the human clan seal. This time Ling Xiao guessed that the emperor might ambush him, and he had already planned with Dark Lingxiao, taking advantage of the emptiness of the holy city of the human race. Dark Lingxiao directly into the holy city of the human race, and quickly slaughtered the human guardian, and robbed the human race Yin Yang long away!

Therefore, it is hard to say who is the Siskin in this ambush.

"Long Aotian, today this seat will spare you a life! If you are collused by this seat and the Devil, even if you have ten lives and one hundred lives, this seat will kill you ten times and one hundred times!"

Emperor Tianzi suddenly raised his head, looked at Ling Xiao with extremely cold eyes and said, immediately put away Tiandao Emperor Sword, and wanted to leave here.

"Emperor, don't you want to kill me? Why do you have to leave so soon? I also want to see how strong the emperor's son is. It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Let's not let us win or lose today, how?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and moved the secret technique under his feet, and the void shuddered a moment, and the whole person was blocked in front of the emperor.


The synthetic jade dish floated on top of Ling Xiao's head, like a bright and full moon, radiating a bright radiance, making Ling Xiao seem to be hushed and dust, powerful and unmatched fighting intentions scattered from his body .

"Dare you stop me? Get away!"

Heavenly Emperor's eyes flashed coldly, and the Heavenly Emperor Sword emerged in his palm. The ancient and mysterious atmosphere bloomed. The sword's vigour swept the Quartet, and suddenly the volley fell towards Lingxiao.

He was so angry at the moment that he didn't want to stay here for a moment, and wanted to return to the holy city of the human race immediately, to chase down the wicked demon remnant, and **** the human race seal back.

So he shot incredibly fiercely, forced Ling Xiao away, and then left here directly.


The glory of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and the brilliant jade of the chemical jade dish burst into a flash. A god's light rose like a chain of order. It was woven into a huge net and greeted toward the Heavenly Emperor Sword.

Although the jade dish is somewhat incomplete, it is the treasure of chaos after all. At this moment, under the full urge of Ling Xiao, it also burst out a very powerful force, and collided with the sword of Heavenly Emperor.

The violent shock of the void, the synthetic jade dish looked crystal-clear, like the cold moonlight, and collided with the Heavenly Emperor Sword, bursting out a very clear sound.

The mysterious sound wave spread out, making everyone around him tremble, and could not help but retreat quickly.

The two great treasures are very difficult to resist because of the fluctuations.

The crafted jade dish wiped out the sword spirit of the Heavenly Dao Emperor Sword. In a flash, he and the Heavenly Dao Emperor Sword fought to nothing in the void and began to collide.

"God, take me a punch!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were unmatched, suddenly screamed, and punched towards the Son.


Long Yin shook the sky, causing the four sky domes to tremble violently, Ling Xiao surrounded him with chaotic light rising, vaguely as if there was an archaic ancestral dragon traversing nine days, and was slain towards the emperor.

After Ling Xiao's cultivation practice broke through to the third heaven, his physical body was extremely powerful, and even the Zulong mystery also reached the state of great perfection, allowing him to condense the Zulong body in one fell swoop.

At this moment, he exploded into the supreme combat power, the body of the ancestral dragon exploded in a mighty way, and the sound of the desolate dragon chant shook the world for nine days and ten days, making everyone suddenly discolored.

"Zulong Mystery?! This is really Zulong Mystery!"

The four dragon clan elders behind Long Xiaoxiao couldn't help but exclaimed, with a solemn look.

"Hehe, I am not wrong about the four elders? The elder brother also has the blood of our dragon clan. This ancestral dragon mystery is probably the peerless mystery inherited from his blood. If he takes the elder brother back to the dragon clan , Father will definitely be happy!"

Long Xiaoxiao said with a milky voice, his eyes full of excitement.

"If you want to get the inheritance of Zulong's secret technique, you must have at least the blood of Zulong. Is this Dragon Aotian really the blood of my dragon race? This matter is very important. After leaving the ancient chaotic land, you must tell the patriarch immediately! "

The elders of the four dragon clan looked at each other.

No one knows the meaning of the ancestral dragon bloodline better than them. Nowadays, only the patriarch and the dragon Xiaoxiao have the ancestor dragon bloodline.

For the demon clan, the role of the bloodline is unimaginable. If there is an ancestral dragon bloodline among the dragon, there is hope that a glimpse of the godless realm can become comparable to the ancient ancestral dragon. Existence, the supreme dragon emperor in the world of Megatron!

But if there is no blood of ancestral dragon, the ultimate practice is nothing more than a holy realm.

Therefore, the blood of the ancestral dragon has a huge effect on the dragon clan. With the blood of the ancestral dragon, there is hope to prove the emperor!


Facing the ancestral dragon fist from Ling Xiao to Yang Zhi Gang, the edge of Tian Zi’s eyes flashed, and the same punch came towards Ling Xiao, and the mighty fist burst exploded, breaking through the infinite Chaos allows the world to be opened up in the chaos and evolves the spirits of the heavens.

Indistinctly, the emperor seemed to surround the heavens and the whole world. His one punch fell, and he could suppress hundreds of millions of souls and kill the gods and demons!

"Fist of Heaven Emperor?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he could feel that strong fist. As the heir of the heavenly emperor, the emperor really got the mastery of the emperor, and his first shot was the fist of the emperor.

The fist of Ling Xiao rose around him, and the horrible chaotic light of the moment also emerged from the 3,000-year-old world, which made his fist dragon sing the sky, and the fist of the fist was extremely terrible, suddenly and suddenly. Crashed together!


The void is broken directly, the world is annihilated side by side, and the terrifying divine storm swept the four sides, crushing everything.

"Although I don't know where you got the Heavenly Emperor's boxing intentions, don't use this kind of boxing with four different looks, it's humiliating!"

The indifferent voice of Tianzi sounded in the void.


His momentum was like a rainbow, his fist marks were unparalleled, and he broke through the chaos in an instant, and broke through the storm, and punched directly into Ling Xiao's chest!

(End of this chapter)

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