Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2252: Protoss seal!

The gray ancient seal on that side looks very ordinary, and the gray is very inconspicuous, but Ling Xiao can feel a fluctuation of the years passing through it, which is extremely weak and mottled.

Ling Xiao was attracted by the gray ancient seal at first glance, because he felt that there was an atmosphere in the gray ancient seal that made him particularly familiar and friendly.

"Zhao Ritian, where did you get this ancient seal?"

Ling Xiao grabbed the gray ancient seal and tentacles were cold. It looked like a hard stone, without any fluctuations in the unique power of the ancient seal.

"You mean this thing? This was given to me by a crazy old Taoist priest. The guy said that this ancient seal is the most powerful ancient seal, but there is no way to refine it. I suspect that the old guy is fooling me. Don’t worry about this shit. This is the Ling clan seal. It is the strongest of these ancient seals. You should refine the Ling clan seal!"

Zhao Ritian glanced at the gray ancient seal in Ling Xiao's hand, then pouted his lips, and then picked up a side aura of light, and the colorful ancient seal, which was steaming and energetic, was handed to Ling Xiao.

The spirit race is also one of the most powerful races in the heavens and the world, with a profound heritage, and the power of luck contained in the human race seal is naturally extremely powerful.

Zhao Ritian still feels embarrassed for the human clan who robbed Ling Xiao, so he wants to use Ling clan to compensate Ling Xiao.

"No! Let me try this ancient seal first!"

Ling Xiao's heart moved and smiled slightly.

The origin of the gray ancient seal is indeed a little strange, which arouses the curiosity in Ling Xiao's heart, and he instinctively feels that this ancient seal is unusual, and maybe there is not necessarily any secret hidden in it.


Ling Xiao grasped the gray ancient seal, her eyebrows gleamed brightly, and the mighty power of the primordial spirit emerged, coming towards the gray ancient seal.

He can easily explore the inside of the gray ancient seal. This is a very common ancient seal. It is carved from some kind of stone. It is completely integrated. Although it is extremely strong, Ling Xiao did not feel anything. The power of luck.

The ancient seals of the 108 Holy City contain the fortunes of 108 powerful races since the heavens and the realms. If you get an ancient seal, you can get the fortune shield of one race.

But there was nothing in the gray ancient seal, but Ling Xiao felt a little strange.

"You don't have to work hard, I have checked it many times, this ancient seal is just an ordinary stone!"

Zhao Ritian persuaded.

Not only did he check it many times, even the second uncle also entered the inside of the ancient seal, but he found nothing, so Zhao Ritian found this ancient seal very ordinary.

Ling Xiao probed it carefully several times, but still got nothing.

Just when Ling Xiao was about to give up, he suddenly trembles a little while in the sea of ​​knowledge, and exudes a powerful source of breath, just like a chain of order, rushing out of the sky, rushing out of Ling Xiao’s Eyebrows, then merged into the gray ancient seal.

This change is also beyond the expectations of Ling Xiao.


In the gray ancient seal, there is an endless chaotic light spewing out in a flash, just like the sky is open, unlimited light illuminates the dark sky dome, the avenue is interwoven, and the five elements of yin and yang have evolved, as if there is an ancient and mysterious vaguely between them. The world was slowly opened up.

A desolate and powerful breath spewed out of the ancient seal.

Lingxiao music can be seen from the ancient seal, chaos is unprecedented, and countless chaotic gods and monsters emerge from the chaos. Every **** and demon possesses the power of horror, destroying the world and omnipotent.

And they all have the same name.


That's right, the first innate race born from the world lock since the world was opened is the Protoss!

Legend has it that the worlds of the heavens were originally a world of immense proportions, but it was only because of the numerous wars of gods and demons that the worlds of the heavens were broken down, and they gradually evolved into the world of the worlds of the heavens.

The reason why God Realm is always the center of the heavens and the worlds is that God Realm is the largest piece of debris, and even burying countless chaotic gods and deities, burying the luck of the entire God Race.

Since the beginning of the world, the first * is the Protoss era!

It's just that the Protoss Age is so far away at this time, so far that many people have even forgotten the Protoss Age, the origin of the God Realm, and the original face of the heavens and the world.

Before Ling Xiao, it was only from those ancient books that he could see only a few words.

And now, Ling Xiao has seen the chaos in the ancient seal, the ancient continent of the **** realm, the innumerable chaos gods, the horrible monstrous existence in the ancient times, and the chaos gods War, saw the most glorious moment of the Protoss era, saw the destruction of the Protoss era...

Taking the jade dish as a guide, the gray ancient seal reproduces the scene of the Protoss era, and Ling Xiao also sees the vast and terrifying Protoss luck powerful.

After all, the Protoss is a powerful race born in heaven and earth. Those chaotic gods and demons are even born, at least they can have the power of gods, and the adult chaotic gods and demons can achieve the cultivation of the saints. The pinnacle of them is the holy king and the emperor. With the existence of the level, the talent has reached the extreme.

Whether it is the Devil Race or the Human Race, or even the powerful races of the heavens and the world, it is just a race that is gradually formed, and there is no way to compare it with the innate Protoss.

Even if some races claim to be protoss, they just put gold on their faces.

The true Protoss is the most powerful existence since the beginning of the world, and no race can compare with it!


Ling Xiao saw that countless chaos gods and demon wars, **** sky, sunk the Protoss continent, and reached countless fragments, and the bodies of those chaotic gods and deities gradually gathered together, forming a vast and ancient The battlefield is intertwined with countless evil spirits, the chaotic light is diffused, floating in the endless void, I don’t know what is waiting for.

"It turns out that this ancient seal is a seal of the Protoss?!"

Ling Xiao's heart shook and thought secretly.

He felt that he seemed to have discovered some extremely secrets, especially those endless chaotic gods and demons gathered together to form a huge ancient battlefield, which made him secretly shocked.


The Protoss seal exudes gray chaotic light, looks ancient and mysterious, and flows the endless years of vicissitudes, as if filled with an ancient and vast world phantom.

The Protoss Seal is like being activated by a forged jade dish. It slowly melts into Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge and is thoroughly refined by Ling Xiao!

Reading Yue, reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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