Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2273: Defeat 4 big arrogances!

"Cut, shrink the turtle!"

Bailongma snorted and said disdainfully.

Gou Lingtong was twitched by the white dragon horse, and his nose was about to emit blue smoke, but he still refrained from turning his head around, and no longer looked at the white dragon horse.

He was afraid that he would take a closer look, and he could not help rushing directly to hack the White Dragon Horse to death.

"Should the heaven be destined to palm? Sure enough!"

Xue Wei didn't even look at the ghost boy, his eyes fell on Yiming Ming's body and said lightly.

"Humph! Your immortal reincarnation is also good!"

Yi Zhiming's face was a little ugly. Although he used the palm of his hand, he still suffered a lot in Xuewei's hands. His body was full of blood and blood, and several reincarnation forces raged in his body, as if to be After all the vitality in his body was wiped out, he spent a lot of effort to suppress the reincarnation forces.

But Yi Zhiming knew that he was indeed weaker than Xue Wei.

Among the Twelve Heavenly Powers, the four major Heavenly Power Secrets of Chaos, Destiny, Cause and Effect, and Reincarnation are ranked in the top four, but there is not much difference between them. See the user's level of insight.

Yi Zhiming actually found that Xue Wei's attainments on the secret technique of reincarnation were so deep that the light and fluttering palm of reincarnation imprinted, so that he really had the illusion that he would be beaten down and reincarnate.

"Let's go all out! This little girl is extremely powerful!"

Yi Zhiming said slowly, a strong fighting intention appeared in his eyes.


His horrible breath rose around, so that the Sifang Sky Vault was trembling violently, and a mysterious fate of gas flowed around him, so that his breath began to skyrocket, almost instantly breaking through the limits of the situation, and directly promoted Arrived in heaven!

boom! boom! boom!

At the same time that Yi Zhiming displayed the mystery of fate, the unintentional Buddha performed the mystery of cause and effect, Jun Wuhen cast the mystery of the heavens mantra, and the boy of the soul showed the mystery of light and darkness. Heavenly Realm!

"Four major realms? I'm afraid Xuewei girl will be in danger!"

There was a trace of worry in Feng Qingyang's eyes.

Although Yizhiming, Wuxin Buddha, Junwuhen and Hunjun all turned to Heavenly Son, they have to say that they are all rare peerless arrogances in the world. Their terrifying power is far superior to the arrogance of many other worlds.

Although Xue Wei is very strong, but faced with the four monsters who will be cultivated to heaven, I am afraid that this battle is still worrying.

"Hey, rest assured! Xuewei will definitely win! If Xuewei can't beat the four of them, the cowardly old **** of Bailongma is afraid that he would have escaped with Xuewei long ago. Xuewei is full of confidence!"

The old goat laughed carelessly, but felt confident in Xuewei.

"Even if Xuewei can defeat the four men in Yizhiming, she may not be the opponent of the emperor! I only hope that the white dragon horse can take Xuewei away, otherwise it will be troublesome!"

The unscrupulous Taoist said slowly, his voice full of worry.

It is really that the power of the emperor is too strong, and that kind of power is difficult to describe in words. The old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist people are also arrogant and evil, but in the hands of the emperor, there seems to be no resistance.

It was a crush of absolute strength!

"Is she Xuewei? What is her relationship with Ling Xiao..."

Jin Se looked at Xue Wei somewhat curiously. She had also vaguely heard about Xue Wei. With her intuition, there might be a very delicate relationship between Xue Wei and Ling Xiao.

I do not know why, after seeing Xue Wei, Jin Se's original heartless lake seemed to be a bit messy.

"Dark Sky Sword!"

"The seventh form of the ten thousand Buddha dynasty, the heavenly Buddha is born!"

"The five failures of heaven and man, the madness!

"Shun Tian is destined to palm!"

Ghost Boy, Unintentional Buddha, Jun Wuhen and Yi Zhiming shot at the same time.

The four heavens exploded in combat with all their strength, and displayed the atheistic technique. The terrifying power dispelled the chaotic haze around them. The divine light, like a storm, rolled into the sky, enveloped Xuewei in it, and launched a fierce fight.


Xue Wei rode on the white dragon horse at a very fast speed, and moved thousands of miles in an instant. At the same time, she exhibited a powerful samsara against the enemy.

Her shot looks misty and mysterious, and the light and indifferent fireworks, but contains the power of terrifying terror, so that all four of Yizhiming's scalp felt numb and had to deal with it.


The battle between Xue Wei and Yi Zhiming was fiercely fierce. As if five bright suns appeared on the sky dome, they collided rapidly. Each collision was like a volcanic eruption, spraying endless light and heat.

"It's amazing! I didn't expect to see you in a few days, Xuewei's girl became so strong!"

The old goat secretly should win! "

The unscrupulous Daoist's eyes flashed, and said slowly.


As soon as the voice of the unscrupulous Daoist fell, he saw a fierce and blazing light suddenly burst into the void. A huge circle of reincarnation appeared on the nine days. It looked simple and mysterious. Mysterious fluctuations.

A horrible storm of God's Light suddenly erupted, and the four men of Yizhiming were hit by the reincarnation aura, and they were all struck by lightning in the blink of an eye. They spouted blood in their mouths and could not help flying out!

Xue Wei's face was absolutely beautiful, and her whole body exuded a crystallized and swaying breath, causing the Sifang Sky Dome to tremble violently, and the reincarnation halo floating behind her, so that her breath began to skyrocket.


Xue Wei shot with a palm, and the imprint of the palm was flying down the sky, as if striking the supreme fairy light of nine days and ten earths, instantly hit the chest of the soul of the hook, and shot him directly from the sky. Come!

boom! boom! boom!

Xue Wei also gave out three palms, each of which contained the vast power of heaven and earth, as if she could tear the Sifang Sky Dome, and while the three of Yizhiming were hit by the reincarnation halo, they shot them on the three of them at the same time.

The vast power of the earth and the earth seemed to be able to tear everything apart, so that the three of Yizhiming could not resist it. They were all trembling and spurting blood in their mouths, and they were instantly hit!


Xue Wei's horrible breath was intertwined, and her eyes were unmatched. Just when she wanted to kill the four people in Yizhi directly, a very indifferent voice sounded in the void.


Tianzi, who was originally sitting on the superb peak, slowly opened his eyes, and shot two golden beams in his eyes, puncturing the sky like a sword, and shooting towards Xuewei across the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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