Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2277: The power of darkness!

Fist of Return to the Market!

This is a kind of supreme fist in the dark scripture, which can control the power of the dark source and fist the world.

"The power of the source of darkness... Are you the heir to the Dark Devil Emperor?!"

The emperor's eyes flashed sharply, staring at the dark Lingxiao suddenly.

The Dark Devil Emperor is the supreme emperor of the Devil Race. He is well-known, and Tianzi has also heard of the name of the Dark Emperor. He also has a certain understanding of the Dark Emperor. Think of the Dark Emperor.

"What about the descendants of the Dark Devil Emperor? Heir of the Great Emperor, I haven't killed it!"

The eyes of the emperor were indifferent, rising from the sky and the sky, casting the fist of the emperor, and slaying towards the dark Lingxiao!


In the void, the bright and black light beams collide as if the sun exploded, spraying an endless blazing light; making the Sifang sky dome trembling violently.

Dark Lingxiao and Tianzi cross in the void, and the figures collide rapidly, and then retreat, and countless afterimages appear in the void, dazzling people, and can't see which one is the real body.

They are like spirit apes climbing, like a dragon fighting against the sky, and like a fight between ancient fierce beasts, each blow is extremely terrifying, pointing directly at the other party's vital point. The battle is fierce at the beginning.

Although the fist of the Heavenly Emperor is claimed to be the first punch to suppress the heavens, the fist of Guixu is also the atheism in the dark scripture, and the darkness Lingxiao has the power of darkness, which urges the fist of Guixu to the extreme. One blow can destroy one side of the world, and the fist of Heavenly Emperor can't be separated from you.

"This demon's evil spirits are so powerful that he can fight with Tianzi to such a degree? Only why did he come to save us?"

Feng Qingyang said with emotion, and then looked at the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist in a suspicious manner.

"Maybe he has a grudge against the emperor!"

The old goat said haha.


Feng Qingyang's eyes showed a suspicious look. He felt that the old goat didn't tell the truth, as if he was hiding something, which made his mind more and more curious.

"Bailongma, you and Xuewei will heal quickly. Taking advantage of the impossibility of the emperor's time to find a chance to break the ban, we can escape from here!"

The unscrupulous Daoist flashed his eyes and transmitted the sound to Bailongma and Xuewei.

Bai Longma and Xue Wei were also hit hard at the moment. They both sat down after hearing the words and swallowed the healing potion to start healing.

The prohibition that the emperor left behind was extremely powerful. In their current state, if the imposition of the embargo is forcibly removed, it will only alarm the emperor and there is no way to rescue the old goat and others.

The best way is to wait for the injury to heal, to fight with full strength, to break the emperor's prohibition, and rescue the four old goats.


The Void Earthquake, the black magic light burst and burst. Although the fist of Guixu is powerful, it seems that there is still no way to resist the fist of Heavenly Emperor. It is broken by the fist of Heavenly Son.


The emperor seized the opportunity, and the murderous flash in his eyes, deceived him straight up, and punched on the chest of the dark Lingxiao!


Lightning is vertical and horizontal, and chaos is intertwined. The fist of the Heavenly Emperor contains the vast world and earth, as if it can break everything, and it is printed on the chest of the dark Lingxiao.

The power of terror erupted, and the whole person of Dark Lingxiao shivered violently, and then suddenly burst into pieces.

"Huh? Just a residual image?"

Emperor Tianzi's eyes flickered, and Dark Lingxiao was bombarded by him with a punch. He found out that what was in front of him was just a shadow of Dark Lingxiao, who concealed his perception ingeniously.

At this moment, the sound of breaking air came from behind him, and a strong threat came to him.

The emperor didn't even think about it. He punched directly behind him, kicked the volley, and the void was violently blasting. This foot seemed to be able to kick a mountain.


Dark Lingxiao appeared quietly behind Tianzi, a black palm knife fell down, the blades were fierce and unmatched, and collided with Tianzi's fist, bursting out a fierce wave of divine light.

"Huh? You're very alert!"

Dark Lingxiao smiled faintly, and punched directly with a kick from Tianzi Lingkong!

He has just cast the secret technique of removal. In the demon world, he has obtained a lot of opportunities. His attainments on the secret technique of removal have even exceeded that of the body. The secret technique of removal has been exhibited, even the perception of the emperor. Are deceived.

But the emperor was extremely alert, and the fighting instinct was powerful, and he immediately thought of a countermeasure.


Dark Lingxiao punched on Tianzi's feet, the sky tremors, and the chaotic haze were all spread out. When his wrist turned, he directly grasped Tianzi's ankles. The emperor straightened up.

"Go away!"

Tianzi's eyes were cold, and the other foot kicked into the dark Lingxiao's face, as fast as lightning. If he was kicked, I'm afraid that Lingxiao's head will burst in an At the same time, an unmatched divine power erupted around Tianzi, and the blood in the body seemed to burn up, and pointed like a sword piercing directly towards the dark Lingxiao's eyebrows.

Emperor prisoner means!

It is also the supreme mystery in the emperor's scriptures. The power of the imprisoned emperor's fingers is extremely horrible. The emperor's fingers are crystal-clear like jade, exuding an immortal light, and the surrounding voids are trembling violently, as if following the imprisoned emperor's fingers And the twisted, vast world is directly suppressed towards the dark Lingxiao.


The other arm of Dark Lingxiao was in front of him, collided with Tian Zi's foot, and the sound of gold and iron clashes erupted, and at the same time suddenly lifted Tian Zi and fell towards the earth!

"Dark Sky Sword!"

Dark Lingxiao's eyes were a little dignified. There was a black magic light on the palm of his hand. The four heavenly heavens were all trembling slightly, and the fiery sword light sprayed thinly, suddenly slashing toward the prisoner Emperor.

He felt the horror of the prisoner Emperor's finger, as if he could break his body completely with a single blow, and had the power to penetrate everything.


Although Tianzi fell down by the dark Lingxiao, the imprisoned Emperor pointed above the sky and suddenly collided with the Dark Slashing Heavenly Sword, bursting with a dazzling wave of divine light.

I only heard a very clear voice ringing, the Dark Slashing Sky Sword suddenly shattered, and the invincible prisoner Tiandi pointed directly at the dark Lingxiao's eyebrows!

"not good!"

Both the old goat and the unscrupulous Daoist changed their faces, and could not help but exclaim.


The horrible divine light is boiling like a sea, the blazing lightning is vertical and horizontal, and a blood light splashes, and the blood is filled with rich **** gas in the void!

PS: I just came home from Qinghai today. I made two changes first. Everyone take a break early and try to change more in the next few days.

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