Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2280: Furious Son!

"You all have to die!"

The eyes of the emperor became instantly blood-red, and his whole body was boiling with indignation, and a terrifying breath erupted from his body.


The blood around the body of the Son of God is sprayed with golden blood, and every drop of blood contains incomparably powerful power, like a small world, capable of crushing the world and terrifying.

Those **** rising, vaguely transformed into a mysterious figure behind the heavenly son. Although he could not see his face, that kind of momentum seemed to be able to sweep through the heavens and the world, suppress the billions of gods and deities, but he was the emperor of heaven. All spirits supreme, has an invincible charm.

Under the blessing of that figure, the breath of Heavenly Son suddenly rose, exuding a wave of power that made Dark Lingxiao feel palpitation.

"That's... Heavenly Emperor?!"

Dark Ling Xiao was shocked, his eyes became very dignified.

During his previous trips, he had encountered the Nine Emperor's phantom. That was the imprint of the Nine Emperor of the human race. Among them, the most impressive thing was the Heavenly Emperor. The kind of charm is very similar to the figure in front of me.

However, the dark Lingxiao vaguely found that although the figure of the Heavenly Emperor blessed the power of the Heavenly Son, it was somewhat incongruous with the Heavenly Son, as if it was forcibly imprisoned on the Heavenly Son, very strange.


The emperor immediately shot!

With the blessing of the figure of Heavenly Emperor, the bloodline of Heavenly Emperor around him seemed to be completely awakened, and the power of terrifying terror broke out. He punched toward the dark Lingxiao with others, and his fist prints were unparalleled, covering the whole world. , As if to kill everything.

The eyes of the emperor are indifferent, and the murderous fierceness is unmatched, and the most powerful force is completely exploded!

"Not good! You go!"

Dark Lingxiao shouted, the dark magic light rose around him, the power of the vast origin burst out, and his palms pushed out horizontally, all the heavens and earth were tumbling and shaking, and the dark mixed heaven appeared again, toward The emperor greeted him.


Bai Longma's scalp felt numb for a while, and his face was pale, and his vitality was greatly damaged.

The old goat, Jinse, Wuliang Taoist, and Fengqingyang also showed great speed at the same time, heading towards the distance.

They knew that Tianzi's strength was too horrible. In addition to the dark Lingxiao, he was able to contend with one or two. If they stayed, it would be cumbersome, and it would be better to leave here first.


The huge fist print penetrated the sky dome, and instantly collided with the vast and dark heavens, and saw that the darkness of the sky exploded, the endless chaos of haze disappeared, and the dark heavens shattered suddenly.

Dark Lingxiao was struck by lightning, and the whole person staggered back, and even blood ran out of the corner of his mouth.

However, the breath of the emperor's lock on the White Dragon Horse and the Old Goat and others was instantly annihilated. The White Dragon Horse and others took the opportunity to leave here directly and disappeared without a trace.

"The blood of Heavenly Emperor is really terrifying! Son, this seat will spare you for the moment, and the next time I see you is your death!"

Dark Lingxiao secretly uttered a tongue, but he was not at all soft on his mouth, shouted at the emperor, and instantly slammed back by the emperor, immediately turned into a black mist and disappeared into the void. .

"I remember all have to die! If so, then it will simply explode, and only I am the real son of heaven!"

The emperor didn't chase the dark Lingxiao and the white dragon horse and so on. The blood in his eyes was filled with blood, and the terrifying breath rose around him, striding towards the distance.

His eyes have a mysterious rune rise, as if he can penetrate the chaotic void, seeing those figures in the chaotic battlefield, his goal is the arrogant and powerful in the chaotic battlefield.

The emperor was completely violent, directly using the most direct and fierce means, and wanted to eliminate everyone!


The whole body of the Son was covered with golden blood, sprayed with thin Cabernet Sauvignon, surrounded by flames and thunder, black hair flying, eyes glowing like electricity, and the whole body exuded an extremely violent breath, like a **** like a devil.

He took a step and appeared on a mountain thousands of miles away, where chaos and mist were intertwined, and a giant toad-like beast was swallowing chaos, and it looked extremely ugly and hideous.

This is exactly the first Tianjiao demon consciousness.

"Who? Dare to disturb the great Spirit Eater genius practice?"

The toad giant beast uttered words, eyes like blood moons staring at the cold voice of Tianzi, and the whole body exudes extremely dangerous breath fluctuations.


Emperor Tianzi's eyes were very cold, he spit out a word lightly, and slammed down!

"court death!"

The toad beast was furious and suddenly opened his mouth of blood basin, and the terrifying engulfing force exploded. UU read the book and accompanied by a strange sound wave, as if it could pull out the primordial spirit of man, and wanted a mouthful Emperor swallowed.

The natural supernatural power of the Devouring Clan is the soul that devours the souls. This toad beast is the arrogance of the Devouring Clan. Since entering the ancient chaos, I don’t know how many devoured primitive gods have swallowed. It is also the cultivation of the situation.


But the huge footprints of the emperor fell, containing the power of terrifying terror, as if he had not received a little influence from the giant toad, he directly stepped the giant toad into a mortar, and even the monster of the giant toad was torn apart. The screams did not have time to make a sound.


After the Emperor stepped on the toad beast, it was like stepping on a bedbug. There was no stopping at all, and he went on to the next goal!

There was a violent storm of blood in the chaotic battlefield. Wherever the Son of Heaven went, many Tianjiao demon were all killed in his hands, and there was no way to resist his slaughter.

The chaotic battlefield became extremely chaotic, and many powerful people fled around, even some people united, trying to stop the madness of the emperor, but all failed without exception and died in the hands of emperor.

The air above his head was magnificent and unmatched, like a golden sun, shining to the extreme, exuding a mysterious fluctuation of the atmosphere, making him seem to be a bright lamp in the chaotic battlefield, far away Being able to perceive his existence.

"The emperor is slaughtering? It seems that this guy is completely mad. Let's find Lingxiao quickly!"

Old goats and others also heard the news from the chaotic battlefield, their expressions were dignified, they all felt a kind of oppressive breath coming from the mountain and rain, and the last battle was just not far away!

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