Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2282: Great dream 3000 years!

Chaos battlefield.

A dangling mountain hidden in the chaotic void, a mysterious figure stood with his hands, he was shrouded in the mist of chaos, he could not see his face, but the eyes were deep and calm, as if he could see through the reincarnation of the years, It contains ancient and wise light.


The Promise Son became a streamer coming from a distance, and instantly appeared on the peak of the void, and then respectfully paid a salute to the mysterious figure.

"Predecessor, the inherited crystal of Chaos Mystery, I have handed it to Long Aotian according to your orders! But..."

Promise Son said hesitantly.

"But what?"

The light but peaceful voice slowly sounded, exuding a feeling of spring breeze.

"The junior has a problem! If the predecessor has a connection with Long Aotian, why don't he hand over the inherited crystal of Chaos Mystery to him? And, why did the predecessor give Long Aotian the Ling Xiao and have no words? Tell me about the news from Tianshu?"

Wuji Son asked with some doubts.

It turned out that the reason why he gave Chao Xiao the secret technique to Ling Xiao was not what he said was to repay Ling Xiao's life-saving grace, but the enlightenment of this mysterious figure in front of him.

In particular, this mysterious figure also told him that Ling Xiao was carrying a wordless book, which shocked him.

You know, Wu Zi Tian Shu is the most mysterious chaotic treasure. For countless years, countless powerful people from all over the world want to get Wu Zi Tian Shu, to realize the ultimate mystery among them, but no one can always get it. .

Million years ago, after the news that the Red Dragon God of War got the Wordless Book, the Temple of God was weakened because of this, and the Red Dragon God of War had to leave God Realm and go to the lower realm to hide.

If the news of Wu Zi Tian Shu burst out, I am afraid that it is not just God Realm.

He could not understand the intention of this mysterious figure in front of him, and passed the mystery of chaos to Ling Xiao. It can be seen that their origin is quite deep, but the news that exposed Ling Xiao's body with no words in the sky, seemed to deliberately set Ling Xiao Deadly.

"Promise, you are a descendant of Hunyuan Emperor, and the blood of Hunyuan Emperor flows in your body, but you believe me, selling Lingxiao is a good thing, whether it is for you or your family, it is good!"

The mysterious figure said lightly.

"That Ling Xiao was so valued by the seniors? The seniors naturally believe in the words of the seniors!"

The Promise Son said without hesitation.

This mysterious figure has a deep relationship with the ancestors of their Hundred Yuan tribes. It has a very deep belief in the Promise Son, but he is still very difficult to believe. With the talent and invincible strength of this predecessor You should pay so much attention to Ling Xiao.

"Remember me, you will understand in the future! As for why he spread the news about him with a wordless book, I not only told you, but also told everyone on the battlefield of the chaos, this was a hit by him. It depends on him whether he can cross it! If there is no way to survive this robbery, then he will die too!"

The mysterious figure said quietly.


Promise Son Wuji, bowed and said.

He could feel the importance attached to Ling Xiao by this senior, as well as the indifferentness in this senior's bones, as if Ling Xiao's life and death had not been put in his eyes.

"You go, the last battle of the chaotic battlefield is about to open. Although you cannot be the son of the heavenly election, but watching this battle is also good for you! You have gained twelve days of merit. This battle is just a small test for him. Ox knife!"

The mysterious figure slowly turned his head, and his deep and calm eyes fell on Wuji Son, giving Wuji Son a feeling of being seen through.


Wuji Son nodded, respectfully performed a salute towards the mysterious figure, then turned and left.


Just after the Son of the Promise left, the entire chaotic battlefield began to shake violently, the chaotic mist rose, the world shook, and the mysterious breath sprayed out like a vast heavenly path, which enveloped everyone in the battlefield.

The mysterious figure walked, and the lotus flowers appeared under his feet, and mysterious and mysterious, accompanied by his faint sigh in the void.

"The curtain has opened, I have chosen you for so long, I hope you will not let me down..."

The words fell, and the mysterious figure disappeared directly into the void.


Among the green mountains of the years, Ling Xiao woke up slowly from the state of cultivation.

"Three thousand years of big dreams, I didn't expect that I have practiced for so long..."

A bright beam emerged from Ling Xiao's eyes, as fierce as lightning, he said with some emotion.

His temperament has changed at the moment. It looks like a mortal. There is no cultivation for fluctuations. The white clothes win the snow, the black flying, the smile is extremely clear, and it looks clean and beautiful.

Ling Xiao got the time compass, and the time flow in it reached a staggering 10,000 times. Although the outside world has only passed for more than three months, Ling Xiao has practiced for 3,000 years in the time compass.

In the past three thousand years, Ling Xiao not only had a profound insight into the menstrual period, but also began to understand the secrets of the seven heavenly strengths he had already obtained. Ling Xiao even polished his cultivation carefully, although it was still the third The cultivation of heaven is not the same as before.

Ling Xiao's cognition of the law of heaven has become deeper.

"Ling Xiao, you are finally out! Hey, how can I feel that I can't see you?"

After seeing Ling Xiao suddenly appeared, Lao Goat and others all showed a very excited look in their eyes.

Dark Lingxiao has brought them here, and has been waiting for a long time, and even they are almost impatient.

Today's chaotic battlefield has changed too much, and many days of arrogant evil are eliminated, and all the remaining ones are all the strongest of the younger generation, with the invincible combat power to suppress the current world.

They also felt great pressure and desperately hoped that Ling Xiao would get out.

The old goat felt that although Ling Xiao looked like a mortal, it made him feel incomparably dangerous, unfathomable, and made him feel both familiar and strange.

"You are all here? It seems that the final battle of the Chaos battlefield is about to begin!"

Ling Xiao was also very happy to see the old goats and others, especially when Jinse and Xuewei were safe and sound, he was relieved.

"This is the inherited crystal of Chaos Mystery that Wuji Son gave me to you. He said it was to repay your life-saving grace, but I always felt there was a problem!"

Bai Longma handed over the inherited crystals of Chaos Mystery to Ling Xiao, and then told them that they met the Promise Son.

"Chaotic mystery?"

Ling Xiao is also a little moved, he did not expect the most difficult chaotic secret technique, so easy to get it?

"Not only the mystery of chaos, young master, we also captured four of them. They should also have the mystery of heavenly skill you need!"

Xue Wei smiled slightly, and then released the four of Yi Zhiming, Wuxin Buddha, Jun Wuhen, and Hun Lingtong.

(End of this chapter)

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