Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2892: 12 days Gongzhen is invincible!

"Ling Xiao, how could your combat power soar?"

The emperor was full of blood and blood, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

Ling Xiao's overwhelming punch is pure physical strength, which makes him feel like he is facing the chaotic gods and demons of picking stars and taking moon in ancient times.

But not long ago, Ling Xiao and he only barely drew a tie. In the case that the emperor did not urge the real body of the Tiandi, now he exploded the strongest power of the real body of the Tiandi. Punched out with a punch.

"Nothing is everlasting! Heaven, new hatred, old hatred, let us figure it out together today! There is also the undead emperor, today no one can save you!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, his voice very calm.

He walked in the sky, his coat fluttered, and there was a lingering temperament all over his body. It seemed that there was no trace of cultivation, but it seemed to be like the endless space and time with Tianzi and others. Very mysterious.

His eyes are bright, bright and mysterious, with a brilliant light flowing, like the law of the avenue that accommodates the heavens and the world. He was glanced at as if he were seen through the whole body.

"Arrogant! It is not you who died today, it is me who died!"

The eyes of the immortal emperor said coldly, coldly.

He was surrounded by magical energy, a vaguely ancient world rose up, scattered with eternal and immortal breath fluctuations, and his life source was extremely thick, as if the vast sea was endless.

A simple and mysterious war knife appeared in his hand, which looked simple and unpretentious, but it contained a peerless killer and sharp edge, which instantly locked Ling Xiao.

"Ling Xiao, you are good for me, I will definitely put you down and make you die forever!"

Tianzi gritted his teeth and said that he was extremely angry.

Only one step away, he was able to devour Zhao Ritian's forbidden soul completely, and reach the state of supreme consummation, but it was destroyed by Ling Xiao.

His terrifying breath rose around him, making the Quartet trembling.

The vast magical energy spewed, and the flawless source of power intertwined, even forming a perfect balance on Tianzi's body, so that his whole breath began to skyrocket again.

"You actually practiced magic skills? Damn it!"

The murderous light flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and the terrifying devil qi on the emperor's body contained vast divine emperor's dignity. It was clear that he had cultivated a certain kind of devil's no god's sutra before he could form a breath.

He didn't even think that the son of the emperor Tiantang would actually practice the Devil's Emperor's Canon.

Moreover, the magical light of the whole body of the Son of God is surging, like endless hell, there are endless gruesome grimace roaring, countless grieving spirits are roaring, it is obviously that the Son of God has caused endless killing, and then this successful cultivation of Godlessness.


Ling Xiao's fist blasted towards the emperor, and the fist prints were unparalleled. With the monstrous sound of the dragon chanting, Ling Xiao's pores all sprayed out a fiery beam, as if it could penetrate chaos.

As soon as he shot, the world was cracked, and the ancient chaotic battlefield was tumbling and shaking.


The emperor is also a little crazy, the magic light around him is turbulent, the power of the origin is intertwined, and a vast fist print rises out of the air, and suddenly split into two in the void.

One is the fist of the heavenly emperor, the mighty, punctured the three thousand worlds, suppressed the invincible.

One is a fist of killing, wrapped in endless grief and resentment, making people swayed and falling into the infernal hell.


The terrifying fist marks collided in the void, instantly making the Quartet Sky Boom blast, the fist of the Heavenly Emperor was unparalleled, but the anti-celestial divine power exploded around Ling Xiao's body, so that the Son of Heaven could not resist and resist, Heavenly Emperor's fist marks broke apart.

At the same time, the fist of killing appeared before Ling Xiao's eyebrows like a ghost, and the grievances of hundreds of millions of grievances spewed out, wanting to rush directly into Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge, Thoroughly tearing Ling Xiao's Yuanshen.

"This is... the inheritance of the Infernal Devil Emperor? I didn't expect it to fall into the hands of the emperor, he was really hidden deep enough!"

The corpse emperor's eyes flashed sharply, and said with some shock.

The Infernal Devil Emperor, is the supreme power of the Devil Race in the ancient times, and has the same status as the undead Devil Emperor today. It is the master of the Devil Realm, creating the infernal **** in the sky and the sky, causing infinite killing in the ancient times. Billions of lives are buried in hell.

In the end, in the ancient times, several great emperors chased and killed the Infernal Devil Emperor at the same time. Although the Emperor Devil Emperor was eventually killed by the Emperor, the Great Emperor was dragged together by the Infernal Devil Emperor and buried together in the Infernal Hell.

Although the corpse emperor came from a long time ago, the age of the infernal demon emperor was even more ancient. The emperor emperor had heard of the reputation of the infernal demon emperor. Fall into the hands of the emperor.

"By combining the Heavenly Emperor Classic and the Infernal Classic at the same time, the power of this emperor has reached an extremely terrible point. Without this paradise, I am afraid that none of us is an opponent of the emperor!"

The Witch King said with some shock and some he thought highly of himself and was regarded as a peerless genius who has been seen by the witch for thousands of years, he was still facing Ling Xiao and Tianzi at the moment. Let him feel a sense of shame.

"Even if the two emperors are merged, I suspect that Tianzi is still not Ling Xiao's opponent!"

Heavenly Corpse Emperor said with deep eyes.


The fist of killing contains hundreds of millions of wraiths in the infernal hell, which is an intangible and immeasurable spiritual energy that instantly enters Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge and wants to tear Ling Xiao's Yuanshen into shatters.

Those wraiths have transferred their hatred towards the Son of Heaven to Ling Xiao, and the endless grievances and murderous intentions are boiling, even the saint cannot resist the invasion of the infernal hell.


But Ling Xiao's Yuanshen sat in the sea of ​​knowledge, looking pale and calm, and the whole body gleamed with a bright light. In the sea of ​​knowledge that was filled with complaining spirits, a bright ring of gods diffused and contained With the true meaning of the vast avenue, Ling Xiao's Yuanshen shrouded an immortal power fluctuation.

A total of twelve Divine Rings spread out, scattered with chaotic immortality, the eternal breath of reincarnation, and the vast wraith touched the sea of ​​knowledge of the Twelve Divine Rings, and instantly disappeared.

It is as silent as the melting of ice and snow. This extremely frightening punch is thus directly resolved by Ling Xiao!

"Inheritance of the Infernal Devil Emperor? But so!"

Ling Xiao opened her eyes and looked calmly at the emperor in front of her, with a touch of sarcasm in her eyes.


The emperor was shocked, and felt a strong crisis hitting him.

(End of this chapter)

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