Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2911: Sanctify the flesh!


The huge chaotic thunders are as terrifying as the mountains, and even some thunders are directly endowed with spirituality and turned into various wild behemoths such as Thunder Dragon, Thunder Tiger, Thunderbolt Unicorn, etc., while rushing towards Lingxiao.

Ling Xiao wanted to break the shackles of the flesh, and instantly caused the sensation of Dadao, directly lowering the horrible holy robbery.

The endless thunder is intertwined and makes people feel heart-pounding. This horrible holy robe, even if it is a real saint, is afraid of it, and it will not produce any resistance at all.

"Come well!"

The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, his eyes brightened instantly, and an extremely powerful fighting intention emerged!

In Ling Xiao's view, this holy robbery is not a disaster that prevents him from becoming a saint, but is the strongest help for him to break the shackles of the flesh and become a saint!

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao punched like a dragon and released the most powerful force without hesitation. He constantly launched a fight against the thunder of the sky. Every time he collided with the thunder of the sky, it was like a sky cracking, which inspired a huge thunder wave.

The holy horror of horror shrouded Ling Xiao. Those thunders were filled with chaotic light, and they were all transformed by the law of the avenue, which contained the killing of the avenue. Every thunder is comparable to the sage's full blow and incomparable terror.

The sky of thunder and light shrouded Ling Xiao, from which came the sound of Longyinhuxiao, and even turned into an ancient soldier's blade, as if it were the imprint of the ancient imperial soldiers in ancient times, and contained a peerless murderous opportunity.

Ling Xiao was also maddened with blood, and his whole body was boiling with blood, like a **** cloak flying behind him. His black hair was dancing wildly, and his eyes were like the blazing sun, piercing the heavy thunder.


Ling Xiao suddenly roared upwards in the sky, and opened his big mouth directly, from which came a powerful force of engulfment, like a whale swallowing the sea, swallowing the sky of thunder into the belly.


Thunder exploded in Ling Xiao's body, spreading along his flesh and bones, suddenly sprayed through the pores of his body, and bombarded directly on the shackles of the body!


The fierce tremor of the physical shackles appeared a crack, as if it would break apart at any time.

"Give me!"

Ling Xiao's spirit was shocked, his eyes were full of blazing sharp edges, his terrifying divine power exploded, his arms seemed to penetrate the boundary between real and false, and directly grasped the chain of yoke, and suddenly pulled.


The shackles around Ling Xiao suddenly exploded into powder!

Physical shackles, completely broken!


Ling Xiao shined all around, and beams of light were emitted, intertwined with each other, as if they could pierce the sky dome, containing all the power fluctuations that broke.

The small world in his acupuncture points had great powers in it. It was a hidden body of the flesh, but because of the shackles of the flesh, there was no way to explode.

At this moment, the shackles of the flesh are broken, and the vast force is intertwined with each other, which directly turns into a storm, sweeping all directions, so that this chaotic sea is violently shaking!

Ling Xiao floats in the void, lowers her eyebrows, looks very calm, and has a faint smile in the corner of her mouth. She has a great joy, freedom and great detachment!

He felt that the heavens and the earth became extremely clear, the chaotic sea of ​​four sides could be seen through the essence by him at a glance, and the chaotic principle of the avenue could no longer have any influence on him.

At this moment, Ling Xiao's Yuanshen emerged a bright rain of light, which was directly integrated into his flesh and bones, perfectly integrated in one.

Every drop of his flesh and blood contains the imprint of Ling Xiao's Yuanshen, cultivation and memory, as long as he still has a drop of flesh and blood, he can immediately restore his true body.

This is a real undead body, reborn with blood!

"Is this physical sanctification?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment.

The undead body is one of the most obvious supernatural powers of the sanctification of the flesh. With the undead body, even if it is a strong level of the Holy King, don't want to kill Ling Xiao completely.

In addition to the immortal body, Ling Xiao felt that his physical possessions had been completely developed, and his physical strength was more than ten times more than before.

Today, he can directly bomb a saint with a punch!

This is the horror of physical sanctification.

Although this road is extremely difficult, once you successfully break the shackles and become sanctified, you can rely on your own power to break everything, break everything, and have an invincible combat power.

Today's Ling Xiao has finally broken into the realm of saints!

If anyone knows that Ling Xiao is sanctified by the flesh, breaking the shackles of the flesh will definitely be shocked. After all, this road is too difficult, and it is very difficult for a person to appear for thousands of years, let alone a weak human race.

Today, Ling Xiao did it!

"The sanctification of the flesh, my combat power should be enough to sweep the realm of the saints, even if facing the great saints, there is also the power to fight! If I can at the same time prove the sanctification of the primordial god, the law and the mental power, and achieve the realm of the four saints, to Even the cultivation of the saints was enough to suppress the great saint and be invincible!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were burning, revealing a strong self-confidence.

Since the God of War Realm soared into God Realm, Ling Xiao has always had a sense of crisis, fearing that his identity will be exposed, so he has desperately cultivated and experienced countless life and death hardships before he has today's cultivation.

The sanctification of the flesh, although not invincible, has given him the strength to stand on God Realm!

"After returning to God Realm this time, I can look for opportunities to lower the realm and bring Adie and A Niang into God Realm! Staying in the lower realm is always a hidden danger!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.


His dazzling Jinxia slowly converged, and the runes looked extremely mysterious and crystal clear, as if they contained heaven and earth, but at the moment, they were all absorbed into the body and disappeared.

After Ling Xiao's breath was completely absorbed, his entire portrait did not have any cultivation practices, just like an ordinary scholar, without the slightest fluctuation of the strongest!

After the sanctification of the flesh, Ling Xiao has reached the state of returning to the original Even if he does not perform the occultation technique, most people cannot see his cultivation behavior at all.

It's just that Ling Xiao has some regrets that although he used the energy of chaos to break the shackles of the physical body and sanctify the physical body, he still wants to sanctify the Yuanshen, the law and the mental power, and there are still some deficiencies that need to be slowly polished and repaired. Only by pushing into perfection can we continue to break through.

"With the help of the energy of chaos, you are the first! You are the first! Yes, yes..."

Suddenly, an old voice rang in Ling Xiao's ear.


Ling Xiao couldn't help but change her face, looking towards the front with some vigilance.


The dazzling light filled, a figure emerged from the haze of chaos, reflected in Ling Xiao's eyes!

PS: Fourth, Mu Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and everyone rested early.

(End of this chapter)

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