Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2913: The secret of heaven and earth!

Before the Human Race era, it was the Demon Race era. It was also because the Devil Race was too powerful and the background was extremely deep. Once it was the master of several eras, so the Human Race could not destroy the Devil Race.

Otherwise, the creation of the human race era by the human race must be based on the destruction of the demons. After hundreds of millions of years, I am afraid that no one can remember that the demons once existed.

Now, the old man of Tiandao tells Ling Xiao that this world has gone through 108 epochs. This represents 108 powerful races. How could Ling Xiao not be shocked?

"One hundred and eight epochs, there are one hundred and eight ancient cities in the ancient chaotic land, and one hundred and eight mysteries in the wordless scriptures. Is there some kind of connection?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

"Ling Xiao, do you know how these worlds formed?"

The elderly Tiandao glanced at Ling Xiao and said slowly, "In fact, at the beginning of the 108 era, there were no heaven and earth, but only a complete universe, an eternal immortal and endless ancient continent, but But because of a battle of Emperor Meteorites, countless Emperor Emperors fell, shattering the universe of that side, and gradually evolved into the heavens and the world...

The era of catastrophe is like a reincarnation, making the heavens and the world constantly changing and getting closer, just like this side of the universe wants to repair itself and wants to become complete! In the era of the catastrophe, there will be countless creations and opportunities. Hundreds of millions of races, countless of the strongest understand this, so they will fight, win, want to create an era, and become the strongest race The big foundation...

As a Heavenly Path, in the battle of the Emperor's Fall, as the universe shattered, the appearance of the heavens and the world became fragmented, and I was hit hard and fell into a deep sleep! Only at the end of the epoch, when the universe is turbulent, can I temporarily wake up from a deep sleep and change into what I am now, but see my chosen son of heaven...

But one hundred and eighty epochs have passed, I have waited too long, but I still haven't waited for someone who can help me! The former Emperor Zhuan almost succeeded, but he still fell on the road! And today, I finally waited for you! "

Tian Dao's voice was calm and calm, but the content of the words was heard in Ling Xiao's ears, but it was like a thunder, which made him shake.

This is the secret of heaven and earth, and even the supreme emperor may not be able to know the secret, but now it is released by the heavenly old man and the pan, and he is all known.

Ling Xiao not only knew the origin of the era tribulation, but also the origin of the natural election conference, but also knew the past of this side of the universe.

The old man of heaven did not hide anything, and told him everything.

"Wait for me? I don't know why my predecessors are waiting for me? Even the emperor's majesty can't do anything. You are too high on me?"

Ling Xiao asked with a wry smile.

"You're right! If you are amazed by talent, you are still a lot worse than Emperor Zhuan! But the difference is that this is the 108th era!"

The voice of the old man in heaven was a little solemn.

His words made Ling Xiao almost not choked to death, Ling Xiao was only modest, but did not expect that in the heart of the old Tiandao, Ling Xiao was really far worse than Emperor Zhuan, which made Ling Xiao very hurt.

After all, he asked himself not to be weaker than others. Even in the face of Zhao Ritian, the son of the emperor, he did not think he was inferior to Zhao Ritian.

But now, he feels despised.

"The 108th epoch? Is there any difference?"

Ling Xiao felt a little sullen in his heart, but asked in doubt.

"Of course it is different! The 108th epoch, this is also the last epoch of this side of the universe, just like the reincarnation of the four seasons, this side of the universe is also about to enter the winter! This time the era of catastrophe, more than ever Even more tragic, all the heavens and hundreds of millions of races will be swept in! Even the self-proclaimed old monsters, the strongest before a few eras, will wake up, and it will be a terrifying battle at that time!"

Tian Dao's face is full of sadness and mercy.

"Is the most terrible era catastrophe? What is the so-called catastrophe? Why can it cause a battle in the world?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"When the era of catastrophe comes, the world barriers of the heavens and the world will become extremely weak, and the suppression of the law of the Dao will be minimized. What do you say will happen?"

Heavenly Old Man asked.


In Ling Xiao's heart, if the world's barrier became extremely weak, wouldn't it mean that he could enter and leave other worlds at will, and then the human world would resist the God Realm's invasion of the God Realm, I am afraid that it would be like paper, and there is no trace at all. The role.

It turned out that this is the real catastrophe!

"And, the reason why this era of catastrophe will be even more terrible! It is because the heavens and the world, not only will the world barrier disappear, but also will likely be reunited and become a complete world!"

The heavenly old man released another thunder.

"Being one? A complete world?"

In Ling Xiao's heart, he finally felt the seriousness of the matter.

If all the races of the heavens and all realms come to God Realm, what kind of things will happen then?

At that time, the entire Divine Realm will be covered with charcoal, except for the twelve immortal holy sites and several great tribes that can protect themselves. I am afraid that most human races will be extremely miserable, and they will be abused by all races and fall into endless darkness.

After all, the human race created the era of the human race, which is also based on the iron-blooded expedition. In addition to the demons that have become enemies of life and death, the human race has offended many other strong races.

All ethnic groups have entered a complete world, and if there is an emperor, it may be able to let others fear and protect themselves.

But the human race now looks prosperous and prosperous, but there has not been a great emperor in countless years. The most dangerous thing at that time is probably the human race.

"Senior, what do you need me to do?"

Ling Xiao saw the most terrible future from the description of Heavenly Old and asked seriously.

"Ling Xiao, if you let the Ten Thousand Clan War, I am afraid that it will be another battle of the Emperor's Fall, and the whole world will be smashed again. By then, our universe will really be invincible! It takes you to grow up, suppress all races, collect luck from all races, and fill the heaven!"

Tiandao old man looked at Ling Xiao and said.

"Suppress Wanzu? Collect Wanqi luck? Seniors really look at me!"

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly.

This is something that even the Heavenly Emperor failed at that time, not to mention that Ling Xiao has just proved to be holy, and there is no God Realm from the distance, and I don't know when it will be achieved.

"I believe in you, and I can only believe in you! I know that you want to save the human race, and my demands are not in conflict with your thoughts!"

Heavenly old man sighed softly. ()

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