Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2916: Lingxiao Mountain!

Jade Emperor Heaven, Lingxiao Mountain.

Lingxiao Mountain is located on the edge of the Jade Emperor's Heaven, close to the endless sea, but it is a forbidden place in the Jade Emperor's Heaven.

Legend has it that Lingxiao Mountain was the site of the ancient heaven. There used to be countless Qionglou Yuyu, the supreme emperor sitting here, suppressing the heavens, countless rare birds and animals, exotic flowers and plants...

It is even said that even Heavenly Emperor once established the Heavenly Palace here, but it was only because of the invasion of the Devil Realm that this place was completely destroyed.

Today's Lingxiao Mountain is full of ruins and ruins, and the glorious scenes of the past can still be seen vaguely. Although it stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, it is covered by chaotic qi and avenue laws. Even time and space are messed up here, and ordinary people dare not enter it.

However, during this time, many strong men came to Lingxiao Mountain.

"Twelve immortal holy places, several great emperors have strong here, is there any treasure in Lingxiao Mountain?"

Someone asked in shock.

They saw that in the twelve immortal holy places, all the sages came to Lingxiao Mountain in person, and each occupied a mountain, as if waiting for something.

"You don't know about this? I heard that it was the head of the Temple of Destiny who shot it personally, and the channel that pushed the ancient chaos is in this Lingxiao Mountain! After Ling Xiao left the Chaos ancient land, it will definitely appear here. !"

"Is it that you got the wordless book and the Lingxiao who became the son of the heavenly choice? Lingxiao, Lingxiao Mountain, could it be that God's will did it? What a coincidence?"

"Who said it was not? As the so-called innocent, and guilty of guilt, this Ling Xiao is only afraid of danger!"

"Hey, don’t look at all the holy places and the emperor clan, there are saints here, but this is just the power on the surface. They secretly don’t know how many powerful people have been dispatched. This place has become a land of right and wrong. The war is about to break out!"

"It's a pity! Although Ling Xiao is the man of the Temple of War, but the Temple of War is now insecure, and I'm afraid I can't save him!"


Everyone saw each strong man entering the Lingxiao Mountain, all talking in a whisper, his eyes full of sympathy.

On a lonely peak, Jin Se, a red dress fluttering, his hands on his chest, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance. Although his expression was indifferent, there was a flash of worry in his eyes.

"Sister Jinse, I'm back!"

A streamer flashed, Feng Qingyang appeared behind Jin Se, sighed softly.

"What does Master say?"

Jin Se lowered his hands, but did not look back, only a faint voice came, and it seemed very cold.

"Sister and sister, the mother agreed, as an ally of the Temple of War, if that Ling Xiao really encountered an irresistible danger, she would shoot!"

Feng Qingyang nodded, but then hesitated.

"What else do you want to say?"

Jin Se turned around and said lightly.

"Sister sister! You know, this time Ling Xiao is only afraid that there is a lot of fierceness! And not to mention that there are many people in the human race who want to deal with him, and secretly, I don't know how many other powerful people in the world are hiding. I am afraid this time At least the saints are the strongest!"

Feng Qingyang said slowly.

"I understand! But he can't die, I have to save him!"

Jin Se said lightly, but there was undoubted determination in his voice.

Feng Qingyang nodded and said nothing more.

And Jin Se stood on the Gufeng, her coat fluttering, and her red dress was like a flame. Her eyes looked far away, deep and indifferent, but she had a sparkling light.

She seemed to feel that the face in her memory became more and more real.

Another mountain is the site of the reincarnation temple.

"Holy daughter, are you really going to marry the son of the palm master? Just for Ling Xiao, is it worth it?"

Xue Wei was dressed in a white dress, unstained, and looked holy and serene. She had a kind of dusty temperament, like a snow lotus on a snowy mountain, which made people unbearable.

Standing behind her was an old woman holding a snake-headed cane, with silver hair and wrinkles all over her face, exuding a cold air around her body, but at the moment looking at Xue Wei's eyes was full of intolerance and worry .

"Mother-in-law, you don't understand! I can give everything for him, as long as the head teacher can save him, even if he is married to the child of the head teacher, I recognize it!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Xue Wei's mouth, looking pure and beautiful, with bright eyes, as bright as the stars in the sky.

"What a silly girl!"

The old lady shook her head and gave a long sigh in her mouth.

Above the peak of the Temple of War, there is a figure dressed in white sitting on the plate, he is surrounded by a bright light, the fog is misty, the dust is peaceful and the whole body exudes an extremely powerful breath fluctuation.

Only one of them came to the whole Temple of War.

Now the white **** of war in the temple of war, Liu Baiyi!

"Liu Baiyi actually came to Lingxiao Mountain in person? It seems that he really attached great importance to this Lingxiao!"

An elder of the Nineth Emperor Que sneered.

"What role can Liu Baiyi play alone? What is the Temple of War now? It is no longer the Temple of War in the past. They are already unable to protect themselves. If they still want to save Lingxiao, then the Temple of War is waiting to be completely destroyed. !"

Elder Huang Tai of the Ninth Emperor Que also arrived, said indifferently.

The Nineth Emperor Que was originally an ally of the Temple of War, but it was also the first counterattack, even more fierce than the Five Elements Tianzong and the Time and Space Heaven Gate. I don’t know how many Emperors of the Temple of War died in their hands.

After seeing Liu Baiyi, although they were a little surprised, they were not worried at all.

In addition to the 9th Emperor Que, Chaos Tianzong, Temple of Destiny, Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Temple of Reincarnation, Temple of Light and Darkness, and other immortal sacred places have also arrived, as well as several other Chinese emperors such as the Chinese and the Golden Emperor.

Many powerful people have different looks. They all looked at Liu Baiyi above the mountain with cold eyes.

Liu Baiyi's eyes were slightly closed, sitting on the mountain peak, as if he had forgotten everything around him, and a powerful rhythm permeated from the surrounding mountain peaks, with flowers blossoming, withered plants, extremely mysterious.

Above the void that no one can see.

Ye Liangchen followed a sloppy old man, and he kept urging.

"Old man, in any case, you must save Ling Xiao this time, he is my elder brother, if you don't save him, I will not end with you!"

Ye Liangchen said to the old Damn, big or small, dare to talk to Master like this? I told you that Ling Xiao stabbed Ma Honeycomb. He is now a strange commodity. No one wants to let him go. How can you save me? "

The old man was so angry that he blew his beard, and said helplessly.

"Then I don't care! You said the old man yourself, if you cultivate to the heavens, no holy king, emperor or even the supreme emperor can live long without you. It is also very simple to save Ling Xiao! If you dare not save He, I just...I just...I committed suicide!"

Ye Liangchen sneered a sneer, a very rogue look.

"You bastard, it's really a bastard. Let me think about it, and you know that you're in trouble for the teacher!"

The old man said angry and helpless, he had no way to take Ye Liangchen.

However, this time Ling Xiao is really not saved! ()

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