Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2925: God of War shot!


There was an extremely miserable roar in the mouth of the black water black snake. Even the mouth of Dongtian Dasheng spewed out a blood. He was connected to the life of the black water black snake. The black water black snake suffered heavy damage. He was naturally the first to bear the brunt. !

However, the vitality of the black water mysterious snake is extremely powerful. As soon as the triangle snake head turns in the void, it will fly back again.


Ling Xiao's eyebrows glowed, a bright beam of light emerged, exploded in the void, and turned into a huge engulfing vortex, directly swallowing the head of the black water black snake.

At the same time, Ling Xiao bullied himself straight up, grabbed the headless snake body directly, the horror of his whole body erupted, hugged the black water black snake deadly, and then swallowed the blood of the black water black snake directly!


Ling Xiao sprayed a blazing divine light around him, and the vast Heaven Swallowing Heaven emerged. After he exhibited the Heaven Swallowing Mystery, the majestic blood and the source of life in the Black Water Profound Snake were madly surging Into the body of Ling Xiao.

Dong Tian Da Sheng instantly succumbed to death, his eyes showed a terrified look.

At this moment, he and the Blackwater Black Snake had merged into one. Ling Xiao was devouring the blood of the Black Water Black Snake, and he was also eating the source of his life, making him feel a threat of death.

"help me……"

Dongtian Dasheng shouted, and there was a horror that could not be hidden in his voice.


The seven heavenly kings were all murderous in the eyes, and they all came to Lingxiao with gold war guns.

But what is very strange is that the void around Lingxiao suddenly rippled like a wave of water. They watched Lingxiao in front of them, but they seemed to be across the endless time and space.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Yellow Sword War Gun contains a sharp edge that penetrates everything, piercing the void, but it seems that there is no way to reach Ling Xiao's side.

While Ling Xiao swallowed the black water mysterious snake, he pedaled the bucket, sprayed the chaotic light, and performed the technique of large movement, which turned into a residual image that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Seeing that most of the blood and life source of the black water black snake was swallowed by Ling Xiao in an instant, it will not take long for the black water black snake and Dongtian Dasheng to die at the same time. In hand!

"court death!"

The icy sound exploded like a thunder, and the person hidden in the void could not bear it at last.

Four powerful breaths, falling like a meteor from the sky dome, suddenly rushed towards Ling Xiao, one by one as if they could swallow the sun and the moon, destroying the heavens and the earth.

Those four breaths are extremely powerful, even more terrifying than the breath of the East Heavenly Great Saint, but they belong to the same origin as the East Heavenly Great Saint. Obviously, the other four days of the Ninefold Emperor Que arrived!

Western Heaven Great Saint, Southern Heaven Great Saint, Northern Heaven Great Saint and Zhongtian Great Saint!

They were originally hidden in the dark, but what made them angry was that not only did Huang Tai die in Ling Xiao’s hands, but now the East Heaven Great Saint was suddenly on the verge of life and death, and they were naturally angry. Too.

The four great saints are like four bright suns, and they will break through time and space in an instant, killing Ling Xiao who is devouring the blood of the black water black snake.


But at this moment, a huge palmprint rose from the sky, and the mighty atmosphere contained a majestic atmosphere, just like the first day of life, the splendid glory, and the four great saints were stopped.

"Liu Baiyi, dare you stop us?"

A cold and angry voice sounded. Although the Four Great Saints forcibly broke the palm seal, they were all blocked by a figure.

It was a figure dressed up in white, with a stunning look.

Although he could not see his face clearly, his eyes were bright, his body glowed, and there was a lingering temperament all over his body, just like a fairy.

He stood in front of the four great saints, as if there was a vast world blocking the way, making the four great saints look dignified and staring at him.

"You bully Ling Xiao so much, do you really think my temple of war does not exist?"

A cold and indifferent voice sounded in the void, and the vastness pervaded the Quartet.

The white figure is naturally the contemporary **** of war in the Temple of War, Liu Baiyi!

Everyone's expressions could not help but awkwardly, Liu Baiyi was hailed as the most shocking and arrogant natural pride of the Temple of War in recent years. His talent is superb and his combat power is unmatched. It is the strongest man on the bright surface of the Temple of War. The impressive record makes people feel awe.

After so many years, no one knows what level he has reached now!

Seeing Liu Baiyi shot, everyone's eyes showed a strange look. I don't know if it was admiration or ridicule. Now Ling Xiao is enemies all over the world. What do you think?

"Liu Baiyi, Ling Xiao will definitely die today! Since you want to get ahead, then go with him to die!"

The head of Zhongtian Dasheng was indifferent, and his whole body exuded a monstrous murderous intention, and he shot towards Liu Baiyi in an instant!


The four of them seemed to be in good agreement. Zhongtian Dashengzhou had a terrifying breath, and broke out into a strong fighting force, killing Ling Xiao.

The other three great saints are very indifferent, bypassing Liu Baiyi, and want to rescue the black water mysterious snake and Dongtian Dasheng!

"You still stay!"

Liu Baiyi said faintly, his expression was very calm, and he waved directly at the sleeves of the Four Great Saints. In a flash of void, his sleeves seemed to contain a vast world, exploding a powerful swallowing force, toward Four great holy men came over.

In the sleeve!

Liu Baiyi has cultivated the universe in his sleeve to the extreme. It seems that there is really an ancient world suppressed, covering the sky and covering the sun, so that the great sage of the sky and the other three sages are unavoidable, and they are swallowed in an instant. In that world.

"Liu Baiyi, you are dead!"

The four sages of Zhongtian Dasheng are all startled and horror of the whole body is intertwined, and the most powerful forces erupt out one by one, and they are killed in the direction of Liu Baiyi. Envelop the area.


Liu Baiyi's expression was indifferent, and his shot seemed to have no fireworks, but every time he collided with the four celestial beings, he burst into earth-shaking power, which made them unable to rush out of the realm of their sleeves for a while.

At this moment, the majestic blood and life source of the black water black snake were completely swallowed by Ling Xiao, almost to the edge of the dry lamp, and Ling Xiao exuded a vast and majestic breath around the body, more A bit fierce and ancient.

And Dong Tian Da Sheng was born, but was lifted by Ling Xiao directly strangling his neck.

"How do you want to die?"

Ling Xiao's indifferent voice rang, and in an instant the Great Heaven Sage was falling into the ice abyss, and his whole body shivered uncontrollably.

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