Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2934: The Holy King is here!


Ling Xiao felt a shock in his heart, and suddenly felt a fatal crisis approaching, making him sweat all over.

He didn't want to think about it. The vast divine power of the whole body sprayed away, and he punched directly above his head!


On top of Ling Xiao's head, the sky dome broke apart, and a huge palm print was crushed down in the air, just like the hand of heaven, containing unpredictable divine power and unmatched power, and suddenly hit Ling Xiao's punch. Together.

Ling Xiao's fist prints shattered, his whole body was shocked, he suddenly coughed up a blood, and was blown out by the unparalleled divine power!

"Huh? A little saint, can actually stop the full power of this seat? The realm of the Four Saints is really extraordinary!"

A slightly surprised voice sounded in the void, containing a faint but calm wave, as if everything was under his control.

Above the broken sky, an old man with white hair, wearing a large robe, holding a purple bamboo stick, hung with a purple gold gourd, looks like a fairy bone, temperament dust, slowly Falling down.

His eyes are deep and indifferent, as if he regarded the world as ants, and he has a kind of kingly temperament.

After he appeared, all the heaven and earth avenues resonated with it.

"Is the ancestor of the Chinese Zizhu?!"

Someone exclaimed, suddenly showing a look of awe.

This ancestor of Zizhu is a genuine strong king of the Holy King. He has not lived for many years. He was once famous in God Realm and his strength is unfathomable.

Everyone didn't expect that the Chinese would be the ancestors of Zizhu!

"Ancestor, you are finally here! Please also ask the ancestor to shoot, behead this monk, and revenge my eight brothers!"

After seeing the old man, the King of Heaven immediately bowed his hands with a courtesy, and his eyes were full of awe.

"Waste! Can't even solve a single Xiaoxiao in every district. The Nine Heavenly Kings folded eight, and you are the sinner of my Chinese ethnicity!"

The ancestor of Zizhu looked at the heavenly king coldly.

He was actually bleeding.

Even if the Chinese family has a great cause and profound knowledge, it is not so easy to cultivate a strong person of the Great Saint level, and now it has been killed by Ling Xiao at once.

It is not that the ancestor of Zizhu is unwilling to shoot. He was originally hidden in the dark. When Ling Xiao was going to kill Huaqiu, he was ready to shoot, but he was blocked at a critical moment.

The secret man used his supernatural powers to block this space and prevent the Holy King from entering. The ancestor of Zizhu finally broke the blockade and should break in.

But when he appeared, it happened that Ling Xiaodu had succeeded in robbery, and the Nine Great Kings had only one solitary Great King left!

"Ancestor, I'm guilty! But now the top priority is to kill Ling Xiao, as long as he can win the heavenly luck and the wordless book, how much will my Chinese pay is not a problem!"

Big Heavenly King whispered a sound to Zizhu Patriarch Road.

"go away!"

Patriarch Zizhu scolded, but also acquiesced in the words of the King of Heaven. Today, the top priority is indeed to kill Ling Xiao, to win the heavenly luck and the wordless book, so you can do it at all costs!

"Holy King of the Chinese? Didn't think that the holy king of the hall, even a sneak attack behind him, is really disgusting!"

Ling Xiao sneered, his eyes very deep.

If it hadn't been for him to notice something from the look of the great heavenly king, I'm afraid that one blow would be enough to injure him completely.

The holy king is unfathomable, but the king of the holy way.

Perhaps the ten saints could barely fight against the saint, but the ten saints were not opponents of the saint king at all, and could even be said to be a one-sided slaughter.

"Ling Xiao, you killed eight Chinese people, just take your life to pay it back!"

The ancestor of Zizhu said lightly, he could not help but shoot towards Ling Xiao without any hesitation!

At the level of the Holy King, the strong can almost be said to be standing at the peak of the power. When the emperor and the emperor are not out, the Holy King is an invincible existence.

They naturally do whatever they want, they don't need to care about any fake names and opinions, if they want to kill someone, maybe they need a reason to grab something?

After paying such a large price, I finally tested the true combat strength of Ling Xiao. Naturally, the ancestor of Zizhu did not have any scruples, and he directly shot.


The huge palm print covers the sky and the sky is vast and mighty, just like the hands of God. Not only is it extremely huge, but also contains the power of annihilation, and it directly shoots down towards Lingxiao.

This palm fell, even if a great holy city will be shot to death instantly, without any exception.

"Give me!"

The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, revealing a **** war intent, and the sky was spinning in his palm, and an unparalleled divine power broke out in an instant. The sky greeted the ancestor of Zizhu!

At the same time, Ling Xiao erupted the strongest power, and his eyebrows, body, mind and flesh were glowing, and four immortal magic rings were suspended behind him, making him exude a wave of invulnerability.


Fan Tianyin is like an ancient mountain, the power is terrible, but after colliding with the palm of the ancestor of Zizhu, it was slapped by the ancestor of Zizhu and flew out.

The palm of his hand was unabated and collided with Ling Xiao again.

Ling Xiao trembles violently all over the body, and the four Divine Rings are also shining to the extreme in an instant, as if they have reached the limit of bearing, even a tiny crack appears.

Ling Xiao was shocked all over the body, the whole blood was tumbling, and suddenly flew out!

"The gap is too big! The holy king is the king of the holy way, and he can control the heaven and earth avenues as he pleases. With my cultivation practice, even if it is the state of the four holy, it is just a saint, and there is a difference between the two big realms~www. is a far cry!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly.

But his eyes became sharper and sharper, his whole body of war rose, the vast breath in his eyebrows surged violently, and a volume of ancient heavenly books came out of the sky in a flash, revealing a magnificent light!

Wu Zi Tian Shu floated on top of Ling Xiao's head, filled with chaotic light, like the scene of the birth and death of the infinite world, the vast and terrifying power poured into Ling Xiao's body, and Ling Xiao's breath began to skyrocket.

"The wordless book?! The wordless book appeared!"

"Ancestor Zizhu finally made Ling Xiao feel the pressure? Is this the legendary chaotic treasure of no words?"

Everyone's eyes light up instantly, one by one short of breath, trembling all over.

Will Ling Xiao, who has been blessed with no words, will be the opponent of the ancestor of Zizhu?

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