Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2351: Lingxiao VS Jinse!

"Sovereign, this is to kill three birds with one arrow!"

Taiyuan thought a moment, secretly thought.

Seven Loves and Six Desires, Tianzun knows the emotional entanglement between Jinse and Ling Xiao. If Jinse kills Ling Xiao, he will be desperate and desperate. Not only will the way of forgetting the emotions be completed instantaneously, but he will be able to feed the Seven Loves and Six Desires, and make Jinse prove sanctified in one fell swoop.

Only Jinse proves the sanctification, and can be regarded as the best furnace for the seven feelings and six desires. At that time, she may be able to wish her a breakthrough in the supreme situation.

Moreover, Qi Qing and Liu Yu Tian Zun are cautious in nature, and I don’t know what cards Xiao Ling has. Just let Jinse and Taiyuan try to test Ling Xiao. If they can kill Ling Xiao completely, Qi Qing Liu Yu Tian Zun will be able to get the Wordless Book and remove it for the Demon Race. A big threat.

Taiyuan did not expect that Seven Feelings and Six Desire Tianzun would let Jinse kill Ling Xiao, but after he understood the purpose of Seven Feelings and Six Desire Tianzun, he became more and more afraid.


Jin Se held a sword of seven emotions and six desires, and his eyes were full of cold murderous intentions, and the whole body's breath began to skyrocket!

The sword of seven emotions and six desires shined brightly, and the seven-color Shenxia flooded into Jinse’s body. A ghost image of Tai Chi emerged from the top of Jinse’s head, slowly rotating, allowing Jinse’s cultivation to break through to the saint in an instant. Situation, and continue to break through.

Early Sage Realm, Middle Sage Realm, Late Sage Realm...

Great Holy Land!

The Seven Feelings and Six Desire Swords are the treasures of the Seven Feelings and Six Desire Heavenly Venerables. They contain vast power, just like a part of the Seven Feelings and Six Desire Heavenly Venerable Body, which contains part of his cultivation practice. , Has been reaching the peak of the Great Holy Realm before stopping.

"Jin Se, do you really not recognize me?"

Ling Xiao's eyes were filled with sadness, especially the determination and killing intentions in Jin Se's eyes, which made him heartbroken.


Jinse's response was only one word.

In an instant, the sky was falling apart and the sky was tumbling!

A peerless sword spirit spreading across the sky and the sky came across the sky. Jin Se held a sword with seven emotions and six desires. The sword spirit was sharp around the body, the red skirt fluttered like flames burning, and the eyes were full of decisiveness.


In the palm of Ling Xiao, the compass rose in the sky, and the power of time fell down like a crystal clear ancient world, distorting the space and blocking it in front of Ling Xiao.

"Jin Se, I don't want to do anything with you! Why do you force me?"

Ling Xiao's face was full of pain.


The vast sword gas fell and collided with the colorful ancient world in front of Ling Xiao, bursting out a dazzling divine light, exploding like an endless big wave, arousing the sky and water waves.

The sword spirit and the colorful ancient world are simultaneously annihilated, and the sword of seven emotions and six desires is also cut on the compass of the years, but it is distorted in time and space, and the figures of Ling Xiao and Jin Se are interlaced in the starry sky.

Ling Xiao could see the cold killing intention in Jinse's eyes, as if imprinted in the soul, carved in the bones, it was a kind of life-and-death determination!


At this moment, Seven Sentiments and Six Desire Tianzun shot.

I saw her in a red dress fluttering, and the whole person rose from the sky. From her sleeve, there was a silk thread intertwined, containing seven colors of light, exuding various mysterious emotions and desires, vaguely between The vast world emerges, and the will of hundreds of millions of souls is intertwined, containing a supreme power.

Those silk threads were woven into a huge chain of order gods, which came across the void in an instant, penetrated through time and space, and wound directly on the compass of the years.


The compass rose over the years and the vast power of time rose, wanting to break the chain of order, but what surprised Ling Xiao was that the chain of order was incomparably strong, and the blessing of billions of lives was blessed. There is no way to break the blockade for a while.

Seven Loves and Six Desire Tianzun, as she just said, blocked Ling Xiao's years compass for Jinse!

"You don't understand the Godless way, so naturally you can't exert the power of the Jidao Emperor Soldiers! The Emperor Jidao Emperor Soldiers of the Years, really fell into your hands and it was a real disaster!"

Seven emotions and six desires Tianzun said indifferently.


At the same time, Taiyuan also shot!

He is the strongest in the Holy King Realm, and there is great power between his shots, just like the arrival of the ancient emperor, he can smash a supreme star with a single blow.

Taiyuan's shot posed a great threat to Ling Xiao.

The compass of the years was trapped by the Seven Feelings and Six Desires, and Ling Xiao did not dare to offer the Wordless Heavenly Script, but could only use the Wordless Heavenly Script as the source of energy, urge the power of the Wordless Heavenly Script, and bless it on the Twelve Heavenly Skills, Use twelve days of skill to fight the enemy!


Ling Xiao's fighting intentions rose throughout the body, and the Battle of Heaven's Secret technique allowed Ling Xiao to have the ultimate fighting instinct. His shot was as fast as lightning, and he could penetrate the flaws of others in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, Ling Xiao is running the Chaos Mystery, displaying the Heavenly Emperor Boxing. The vast Seal of the Heavenly Emperor Boxing seems to be able to encompass everything. Each blow contains the supreme power of ruining the in the Wordless Book of Heaven Below, Ling Xiao's strength also began to skyrocket!


Ling Xiao's fist seal collided with the sword of seven emotions and six desires, and a brilliant Mars burst out, and the endless sword gas exploded. Ling Xiao's fist seal contained unparalleled physical strength. He opened the physical body hideout, the physical body was sanctified, There is unpredictable Tianwei between his hands and feet.

The vast mighty power was transferred into the sword of seven emotions and six desires, and then Jin Sezhen was retreated!


Ling Xiao and Tai Yuan collided together. Tai Yuan's body surrounded Shengwei ascending, and there seemed to be a yin and yang vortex hidden in the palm print, just like a vast yin and yang world, wanting to swallow Ling Xiao into it.

Ling Xiao resolved the secret of Yin and Yang, broke the palm of Taiyuan, and flew out of it.

The strengths of Taiyuan and Jinse are terrifying!

Needless to say, Taiyuan is the strongest of the Holy King Realm. Although it is just an ordinary Holy King, after all, it controls the laws of the Dao and condenses the Holy King Dao Guo. With a single blow, Ling Xiao has to deal with it with all his strength. .

And Jin Se is beyond the expectations of Ling Xiao.

Originally, Jinse was only the cultivation practice of the Half Saint Realm, but after obtaining the Sword of Seven Feelings and Six Desires, the cultivation practice in which Seven Feelings and Six Desire Heavenly Venerables were temporarily fused, the strength soared to the peak of the Great Saint Realm!

Coupled with the quasi-imperial soldier with seven emotions and six desires, the threat posed to Ling Xiao was even stronger than that of Taiyuan. The sword gas fell down as fast as lightning, and the surrounding void was blocked, making Ling Xiao avoiding inevitable.

Under the siege of Taiyuan and Jinse, Ling Xiao soon fell into a disadvantage.

Moreover, the sword spirit is intertwined, and the sword of seven emotions and six desires contains the power of all living beings in red dust. Ling Xiao's body as a sanctified body can't stop the sword of six emotions and six desires, and soon leaves several **** wounds!

Reading Yue, reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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