Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2354: For you, resist 1 cut!

.. Eternal Emperor


Jin Se has been shrouded in the sky of thunder.

A ray of thunder and light is like a dancing dragon and snake. Various mysterious scenes appear between heaven and earth. An ancient shadow of Yin and Yang Taiji even emerges on the head of Jinse.

That phantom was purely thunderous, and contained endless killing intentions, as if it could completely destroy everything.

Looking at the Seven Feelings and Six Desire Heaven Sovereigns killed by Heng Kong, Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of madness.

Never let the Seven Feelings and Six Desire Tianzun interfere with Jinse's breakthrough!

This is related to whether Jin Se can retrieve his previous memories, Ling Xiao does not allow anyone to destroy, for this he can do whatever it takes!


The pores of Ling Xiao's body sprayed out a thin golden blood light, and it suddenly burned up. Almost instantly Ling Xiao burned a million-year-old Shou Yuan, and even the whole body's flesh and Yuan Shen were glowing, and he was urged to Extreme.

In the body of Ling Xiao, Wu Zi Tian Shu is like a shining sun, which blooms extremely brilliant light, providing Ling Xiao with endless energy!

Ling Xiao pinched the Heavenly Emperor's fist seal in his left hand, and a year-old compass in his right hand.

Ling Xiao started desperately.


The collision between Ling Xiao and the Seven Loves and Six Desire Heavens is like a hurricane sweeping through the sky, and suddenly a terrifying wave of divine light erupted.

And Ling Xiao was directly flew out without any accident!

His arms were cracked, his flesh and blood were blurred, his arms were trembling violently, his mouth could not bear the coughing up, and his breath was weak.

But his eyes became brighter and brighter, and there was a crazy temperament all over him!

Jin Se was right behind him.

He will not let Seven Feelings and Six Desire to take a step!

Although he knows that there is a huge gap between him and the Seven Love and Six Desire Tianzun, like the ants and the Shenlong, Ling Xiao still refuses to lose, and still explodes the strongest power to stop the Seven Love and Six Desire Tianzun!

"Ling Xiao, you are dead!"

Seven Loves and Six Desire Tianzun was also irritated by Ling Xiao.

In his view, although Ling Xiao is the so-called son of Heaven's Choice, it is no different from the ants. If it weren't for Ling Xiao's body without a word and a compass, he was afraid that he could crush Ling Xiao to death.

Now, this ants dare to provoke the Shenlong, really do not know life and death!


Seven Loves and Six Desire Tianzun traversed the sky dome, broke through a lot of time and space, directly collided with Ling Xiao, and then shot on his chest.

Ling Xiao's chest collapsed directly, his bones shattered, his flesh and blood were blurred, and the whole person flew out again.

The twelve ancient worlds in him are trembling violently, as if they may be completely broken at any time. If it is not the defense of the wordless book and the compass of the year, this palm can make Ling Xiao's body direct Split apart!

What is Tianzun?

Heavenly Sovereign is the extreme state of the Holy Word, but the strongest person under the Emperor State!

Although many people know that the Holy King Realm is the pinnacle of the Holy Path, there are three, six, nine, etc., and the gap between them is like a world gap.

Ordinary Saint King, Peak Saint King, Supreme Saint King, Tianzun!

These are the four major ranks of the Holy King Realm, and the gap between each major rank is huge, not to mention Ling Xiao is just a cultivation practice of the Saint Realm, and the gap between him and Tianzun is too big!

The holy king ancestors such as Taiyuan, Tianyunzi, Zizhu, and Zipao were completely killed because of this battle, which caused the shock of God Realm, but they are just ordinary holy kings.

Tianzun was angry, the heavens shook, the world was ruined, and all the spirits blew blood!


Wu Zi Tian Shu provides Ling Xiao with an endless source of life. Physical sanctification gives Ling Xiao a very terrifying resilience, and the compass of the years can distort space and time, to a certain extent, it can weaken the attacks of Seven Loves and Six Desires and provide powerful defense. force.

With so many treasures in hand, Ling Xiao barely supported.

But he is already precarious!


Ling Xiao's mouth continued to spur blood, and his flesh flew out like a rag, with seven feelings and six desires, but Ling Xiao seemed to be unable to fight forever, constantly struggling and blocking him in front of Jinse.

The void is full of rich **** breath, this battle is extremely tragic!

But what surprised Ling Xiao was that perhaps the Seven Loves and Six Desire Tianzun wanted to swallow the wordless monologues, and placed a powerful enchantment around it, resulting in no power of the Devil.

Otherwise, such a fierce battle, I am afraid that it has already attracted the attention of the powerful in the devil world!

And Jin Se, sat under the stars to ride the Holy Tribulation.

The state of her whole person is extremely wonderful, as if she has fallen into a tortoise, her breathing is smooth and pure, and the vast thunder around her falls, and she is completely absorbed and swallowed into it.

In Jinse's body, it seems that there is a Yin-Yang Avenue slowly rotating, constantly engulfing all the foreign forces.

Those thunders are not like the holy robbery of Jin Se, but rather like the energy that helps Jin Se to break through the environment. They are swallowed by him endlessly and integrated into his body.

Gradually, the ethereal breath of Jin Se began to disappear, and the whole person became more and more Like a person with blood and flesh.

And all emotions and desires, all emotions of all kinds of red dust creatures, also slowly disappeared, so that the whole Jinse became extremely pure.

She was wrapped in a soft light, with a faint smile on her lips, like a dream, with a light smile and a beautiful atmosphere.

The Holy Tribulation is also coming to an end!

"Ling Xiao, you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Seven Loves and Six Desire Tianzun was completely irritated by Ling Xiao, and her eyes were filled with cold murderous intentions. There was a vast red dust around her body, which instantly became a chain of order gods, traversing the void, and bound Ling Xiao all over. .

Then she slapped towards Ling Xiao's head with a palm, and there was a rune flashing in her palm, rising a mysterious flame, as if it could burn everything.

This blow is fierce, and contains the anger of Seven Feelings and Six Desires, and wants to kill Ling Xiao completely!


The compass of the years was directly blown away by the seven emotions and six desires.


The twelve ancient worlds behind Ling Xiao crashed apart.


Ling Xiao's flesh began to crack, like a spider web with dense cracks.

Moreover, his eyebrows seemed to start to burn, and a burning red dust industry fire appeared on the chain of red dust order gods, which wrapped Ling Xiao all over him.

"Seven Loves and Six Desires, I am not the one to die, but you!"

Ling Xiao opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes calm and deep, without any fear.

But his voice was like a thunder, so that the seven emotions and six desires and Tianzun could not help but shocked.

Because, she felt a fatal threat emerged from behind him!

Reading Yue, reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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