Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2361: Open the golden age!

"Leave here first!"

Liu Baiyi and Zhao Ritian looked at each other and decided at the same time.

Since Yuanlou Mojun has already died in the hands of Jinse, they do not need to continue to fight. This is the home of Demon Realm. If they continue to fight, they might be in danger of being annihilated by the whole army.

"let's go!"

The Hunyuanzi, the Lord of Reincarnation Hall and the Master of Extinction all nodded their heads, and an extremely powerful force erupted in an instant, forcing back the demon saint kings who had been killed, and then moved towards the void in the distance.

"Jin Se, what are you doing? Come back!"

The face of the extinct Taoist suddenly changed. She saw Jinse holding the compass of the years, and her whole body exuded a mysterious and mysterious light. She walked slowly towards the depths of the starry sky, and there were mysterious ripples in space and time.

"Master, please allow the disciples to be capricious once! I'm going to find Brother Ling Xiao, thousands of mountains and rivers, and heaven and earth, I will find him, I will!"

Jin Se smiled slightly at the extinct master, with a light smile, which seemed very distressing.

"Idiot! But Ling Xiao is dead..."

The extinct Taoist's heart softened and shook his head with a bitter smile.

But Jin Se's eyes were very firm, and he looked at the extinct Taoist seriously. The compass rose suddenly in the years, and Jin Se rolled up and disappeared directly into the starry sky.


Xue Wei also shivered and wanted to say something, but the reincarnation hall master seemed to perceive something. A roll of sleeves directly rolled up Xue Wei and moved towards the distance.

Although the demon world was boiling and angry because of the death of Yuanlou Demon King, those demons' holy kings wished to crush Liu Baiyi and other people into corpses, but after Liu Baiyi and Zhao Ritian Temple, the two sacrificed Tiandi Yin and Tiandao Emperor Sword, In the end, he blocked the violent and horrific attack of the Demon Saint King and was able to retreat.

And Ling Xiao cited Wu Zi Tian Shu to explode, and the news that Yuan Lou Mo Jun was killed soon spread throughout the whole God Realm, and even spread towards the heavens and the world, making everyone stunned.

"Ling Xiao is so strong? Qin Wu Zi Tian Shu blew himself up, and died with Yuanlou Demon King. It's really courageous and heartbreaking!"

"But this time, my human race's natural selection son fell, will Heaven's luck continue to favor my human race? The devil has lost a Yuanlou Demon King, although the loss is huge, but what is the significance of the natural selection son to my human race? Can Yuanlou Mojun be compared?"

"Hey, who said no? That Ling Xiao was so stunning, he was so talented, he was not only sanctified in the flesh, but also sanctified on the three strengths of mental power, law and Yuanshen, and achieved the four saints of the ancient and modern. Realm. He uses the cultivation of the sage realm to slaughter the great sage and fight the sage king, so maybe only the Nine Emperors of the human race can compare with each other?"

"If Ling Xiao is not dead, it is really possible to become the tenth emperor of the human race and lead my human race to a new era!"

"Huh! I think Ling Xiao fell this time. The most happy ones besides the Demon Race are those immortal sacred places and Godless Races? They acted for Ling Xiao for their own selfish interest, disregarding the justice of my human race, and they are simply not worthy of human race. !"

"Hush... Silence! Don't kill you? Those immortal holy places and godless races dominate the world of God, if they are heard by you, you're done!"

"Human hope!"


The news of Ling Xiao's fall made the whole spirit world fall into a sad mood.

Perhaps before this, many people had not seen Ling Xiao and did not know the history of Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiaoshan won the respect of everyone with his strength in the battle of Ling Xiaoshan, and many people regarded it as a human race Hope.

After all, Ling Xiao is the son of a natural choice in this era, and he is blessed with heaven and luck. As long as he does not die in the future, he is destined to become a peerless figure like the nine emperors!

But now, he hasn't grown up yet, he fell.

In the heavens and the world, countless people have been shaken by this news. People who like and appreciate Ling Xiao are naturally very sad, but those who are afraid and jealous of Ling Xiao are extremely happy, playing together and clapping.

Temple of War.


A huge thunder came like a dragon snake, and landed on a man with bronze skin. His muscles were knotted, his blood was bloody, and all his body exuded a majestic and mysterious temperament.

This is a holy robbery, the man is Pangu Tiangang!

Pangu Tiangang exudes monstrous grief all over his body, and his eyes are filled with murderous intent, rushing into the Leihai, punching like a dragon, blasting those thunderstorms apart, and then swallowing all his mouth.

Such a horrible holy robbery did not cause any harm to him, but became a nourishment to help him proclaim his sanctification!

Soon, Pangu Tiangang passed the holy robbery, the vision of the sky descended, the ground was filled with golden lotus, and the smallpox was falling, and he began to permeate a vast divine power all over his body.

"Great elder, from today on I will guard the temple of the warlord until he returns! I don't believe that the temple master will die, no one can kill him!"

Pangu Tiangang came to Liu Wenzheng and said to Liu Wenzheng seriously.

The news of Ling Xiao's fall has long reached the Temple of War, and after Pangu Tiangang came out of the Chaos ancient land, he did not catch up with the battle of Lingxiao Mountain because of the retreat.

Annoyed and angry in his heart, he wished to fight side by side with Ling Xiao, but he also knew that the most important thing now is to protect the Temple of War.

Ling Xiao is gone, but the Temple of War cannot fall!

"Tiangang, I also believe that Junior Brother He...will come back!"

Liu Wenzheng's eyes were slightly red, and he sighed softly.

It is difficult for everyone to accept such a result, as if no one could defeat Ling Xiao in their hearts, Ling Xiao could not die.

But Ling Xiao's soul lamp left in the Temple of War has been extinguished, and it has completely broken the hope of Liu Baiyi returned to the Temple of War and immediately began to retreat.

The whole Temple of War is filled with a sad atmosphere, but at the same time there is a flame of hatred burning, which is the hatred of those immortal holy places and the godless race, and also the hatred of the Devil, which makes the whole Temple of War The disciples began to condense together and began to practice and grow crazy!

The Tianxuan Conference was over, and the news of Ling Xiao's fall spread to God Realm.

After going through the baptism of the general election conference, they all got a lot of opportunities and fortunes, made up for their heritage, and allowed them to prove the sanctification in one fell swoop!

It was like opening a golden age, and countless peerless arrogance appeared, fighting against each other, just like the ultimate prosperity before the arrival of destruction, and more and more peerless geniuses emerged from the human race.

The name Ling Xiao seems to be gradually forgotten by everyone! (https:)

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