Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2365: Search the sky!

The snow fell and the sky and earth were wrapped in silver, and only a white piece was left.

In the distance, the mountains are undulating and all are covered by heavy snow. Among them, there is a huge snow mountain, which is like an excalibur, straight into the sky, like the center of this side of the world.

A woman in a red dress has a beautiful face, her skin is like jade, and there is a gorgeous temperament all over her body. She walks barefoot on the snowy mountain and moves towards the top of the snowy mountain, with white hair flying. The whole person has a tired breath.

She held a black compass tightly in her hand, looking quaint and mottled, with mysterious runes intertwined on it, exuding a shining light, like pointing in directions.

When she walked to the top of the snowy mountain, the glowing light above the black compass instantly dimmed.

"It seems that Brother Ling Xiao is not here in the snow world!"

The woman in the red dress lowered her head a little bit lost.

She is Jinse!

Falling Snow Realm is already the 19th world she is looking for, but she still hasn't found Ling Xiao's whereabouts.

The battle between Ling Xiao and Yuanlou Demon King was extremely tragic, and finally Jin Xiao was detonated by Ling Xiao to detonate the wordless book. Yuanlou Demon King was hit hard and died in the hands of Jin Se, but Jin Se was unwilling Believe that Ling Xiao is dead, so she is determined to travel all over the world to find Ling Xiao's whereabouts.

After Jinse killed Yuanlou Mojun, he broke his Yuanshen with years compass and found part of Yuanlou Mojun's memory.

Ling Xiao detonated Wu Zi Tian Shu. The horrible explosion made a piece of space-time channel appear directly in the starry sky. Ling Xiao and Yuanlou Mojun were sucked into the space-time channel.

But fortunately, they were just attacked by the chaotic space, and the timeline was not completely chaotic, otherwise Ling Xiao and Yuanlou Mojun would be directly wiped out.

The last area where Ling Xiao disappeared is the thousands of worlds around the snowfall.

In addition, the compass of the years and the intermittent induction of Ling Xiao, so Jin Se will be chased here all the way.

Jin Se explored a dozen worlds, but found no trace of Ling Xiao.

Snowfall Realm is already the 19th world!

"Brother Ling Xiao, you are waiting for me, I will find you!"

Jin Se whispered to himself, then the whole body of light flickered and disappeared into the falling snow world.

Although Jinse has proved to be holy, the saint's cultivation is not enough for her to break the barriers of the world and travel to the chaotic void, but with the help of the compass of the years, she has found many possibilities in all the worlds.

Although every time the world barrier is broken, Jin Se will be affected and inevitably injured, but she does not care at all.

Qing Ling Realm, Xuan Yuan Realm, Flame Realm, Frost Realm...

Jin Se has traveled one world after another. Under the guidance of years compass, he wants to find the trace of Ling Xiao.

The heavens and tens of thousands of worlds are like the number of sands in the Ganges, and there is no way to measure them. There are big thousand worlds such as God Realm, Devil Realm, and Demon Realm, there are also middle thousand worlds and small Thousand Worlds, and small Thousand Worlds like Falling Snow Realm, even the saints do not have , The strongest is nothing more than the cultivation of the half-saint realm.

In this way, Jin Se has been searching on the road. She herself does not know how long it has been, how many times she has been disappointed, but she has never given up hope.

Red clothes are like blood, and white hair is like frost. She walks through the heavens and the world, but just wants to wait for someone to come back.

In the end, this has even become the obsession of Jin Se.

Endless snow, yellow sky, heavy rain, raging flames, tremendous thunder... Jinse has seen the sights of countless worlds, seeing mountains and rivers magnificent, life evolution and evolution, the world is also mature and perfect , So that she has a lot of insights on Tao.

However, she still felt very lonely.

Jin Se sometimes wondered how good it would be to have Ling Xiao's brother beside her?

She even suspected that she was about to persevere.

It is never disappointment to defeat a person, but endless despair and a long night without light!

But Jin Se insisted.

Heavenly World.

This is the world that Jinse and the compass of the year have chosen again.

Heavenworld is not so much a world as one side is about to destroy. It is full of chaos, desire, greed, cunning and other assholes. There is no order, only endless battles.

Heavenly Prison Realm is so vast, it turns out that it does not lose at all to the great world like God Realm and Devil Realm.

There are many fierce and terrible people here, and even the legend that the people in the heavenly world are all ancient gods and deities, eating people and drinking blood, cruel and murderous, without evil.

But this time, the light displayed by the compass of the years should be a little brighter, so that Jinse was full of hope again.

Above the sky dome of the Heavenly World, there is a round of **** sun, which dyes the whole sky with blood, full of the meaning of killing.

Legend has it that the **** sun of the Heavenly Prison Realm is a supreme treasure, a powerful person who stayed there in ancient times, but no one knows how to collect it.

Over time, everyone will ignore this legend.

But in the past few days, the strong man in the heavenly realm found that the **** sun bloomed a bright glow, and there were extremely powerful fluctuations in the origin of life from it, which made many people think that this treasure is about to be born, so one All are eager to try, very excited, want to get the treasure of the Scarlet Sun.

Kong Sang Mountain is where the **** sun sets.

Nowadays, there are many strong people in Kong Sang Mountain. Each one has a powerful atmosphere, and it looks extremely fierce. His eyes are full of greed, and they are all coveting the **** sun in the sky.

However, the blazing sun emits a raging flame that can burn everything, even a saint can be burned directly to ashes, so although many people covet coveted treasures, they can't get close to the blazing sun, and can only gather in the empty mulberry mountain, waiting for action .

On this day, a woman dressed in a red dress with a unique style came to Kuangsang Mountain, attracting the attention of many people in Kangsang Mountain.

Most of the powerhouses in the Heavenly Prison Realm are full of And there are very few women, let alone a woman as brilliant as Jin Se, I don’t know how many people have greedy and lewd in their eyes. .

However, many people saw that the woman in the red dress was not easy to provoke, so she just watched her actions coldly.

Women in red dresses are naturally Jinse!

Her eyes fell on the **** sun. Her eyes were a little excited and a little nervous. She had been disappointed too many times, and she was afraid that she would be disappointed this time.

The compass in her hands is shining brightly, like a pearl, and it is trembling slightly. All this indicates that she is likely to find Lingxiao!

Jin Se walked toward the **** sun step by step, without paying any attention to the eyes of the powerful people around him, and all his attention was placed on the **** sun.

PS: Secondly, everyone take a break early. (https:)

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