Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2378: Destiny!

Arctic mountains, towering into the clouds.

In the Arctic Mountains, a few ancient pine trees stand proudly, two or three pieces of strange stones are hidden, and in the center is a spring water, which is flowing.

The Arctic mountains are extremely cold, and the strong men under the sage realm come here, and they will be frozen into ice sculptures in an instant. There are endless winds and screams all year round, forming a barrier to prevent any creatures from coming here.

Although the spring water was only a few feet in size, it seemed to boil, and there was a haze of transpiration, which formed a very sharp contrast with the cold outside.

At this moment, Jin Se was sitting in the spring water, the cold outside and the hot water of the spring intertwined, spilled into her mouth and nose, and then spread out around, forming a very mysterious rhythm.

The spring water seems to contain a very mysterious energy, healing for Jinse.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

But at this moment, three sounds of breaking the sky came, and in an instant the three figures directly penetrated the gang wind barrier and came to the top of the Arctic Mountain.

"That woman is really here!"

The sound of a very pleasant surprise came, and the three figures were Hu Feng, Zilei Gongzi and Juxie!

"You are here for me?"

Jin Se slowly raised his head and glanced lightly at the three people in front of him. The expression was extremely calm, as if there were no accidents at all.

"Yes! This girl, we know that you were hit hard at the moment, so you should not deliberately resist! But we promise that as long as you hand over those two pieces of great imperial soldiers, we will let you leave here, how?"

Zilei son gently shook his folding fan and smiled slightly, just like a handsome young man in the muddy world.

However, Rao is a son of Zilei, who is very knowledgeable, but when he saw Jinse, he couldn't help but be amazed. He didn't think there was such a perfect woman in this world.

On Jin Se's body, there is a temperament of grace and atmosphere, holy and pure, which makes people feel respected, but dare not have a hint of blasphemy.

"Girl, we know that you want to save the man with the blood of Heavenly Prison? Now your purpose has been achieved. Although the Ji Dao Emperor soldiers are good, but they are only things outside the body. How about giving them to our three brothers? How about us? You can also block the strong enemy for the girl, the girl may not know, for example, if the prison world has been laid down today, just wait for the girl to appear, then the top ten holy kings will act on the girl!"

Hu Feng also smiled slightly, appearing to be polite, making it hard to feel bad.

"Do you want Ji Dao imperial soldiers? No problem! As long as you can take it away, the Yin and Yang Tai Chi map and the compass of the years are yours!"

Jin Se said lightly, but there was a trace of sarcasm in his eyes.


Her words just fell, and the world turned suddenly, the sun and the moon changed, and the surrounding scenes became illusory instantly, as if there were yin and yang flowing, containing the extremely cold killing intent.

The years compass appeared silently on top of Hu Feng's head, and the power of terror was intertwined, as if they could instantly turn the three of them into powder.


The faces of Hu Feng, Zilei Gongzi and Giant Axe all changed suddenly.

They felt a fatal killing intention from the yin and yang around them, from the compass on the top of their heads, which made their hearts tremble and their backs cold, as if they would move to death immediately. .

"This is the inner space of the Yin-Yang Taiji Map? Haven't you been hit by the Heavenly King of Burning Heaven? How could it be possible to sacrifice these two extreme Dao soldiers?"

Hu Feng's mouth was full of bitterness, and he said slowly.

They still miscalculated.

I originally wanted to be the next cardinal, but I didn't expect it to be designed by others. Jin Se still retained the power of a battle!

"Burning Heavenly King? What kind of thing is he? If it wasn't for my brother Ling Xiao, I would kill him directly! Do you three have anything to say now?"

Jin Se's eyes flashed sharply, although his voice was bland, but he exudes an indescribable domineering and majestic.

"As of now, our three brothers have also accepted their fate! The girl is going to kill and suffocate.

The giant axe said in a muffled voice, but also seemed very stiff.

Although the three of them are the strongest in the sage realm, they have no chance of winning in the face of the two Great Dao Emperors. They used to think that it was impossible for Jin Se to sacrifice the Ji Dao Emperors again, but now it seems Still miscalculated.

"You covet my mysterious imperial soldiers, I really want to kill you! But..."

Jin Se said lightly.

"but what?"

Hu Feng couldn't help but ask, the eyes of Zi Lei Zi and Ju Xie could not help shining brightly, they could see the hope of life, and they were naturally unwilling to die like this.

"However, even if I killed you, it would be very difficult to escape from Heavenly World! So I need you to take me out of Heavenly World, but I don't worry about the three of you!"

Jin Se said slowly.

"The girl is indeed right! Even if you killed us, there is no way to leave the heavens!"

Hu Feng nodded, knowing what Jinse said was justified.

Today's Heavenly Prison Realm has been laid down by the Top Ten Holy City. Even if Jin Se wants to leave here, it is extremely difficult.

"So, I need you to give me a reason not to kill you!"

Jin Se said coldly.

"Girl, the three of us can make a vow of Heavenly Dao, never covet your Ji Dao imperial soldiers, and **** you away from the Heavenly Prison Realm, how?"

Hu Feng, Zilei son looked at each other, and finally Hu Feng said slowly.

"Not enough! I don't believe the Heavenly Dao oath, so, you donate a natal soul, and when I leave the Heavenly World safely, I will let you go, how?"

Jin Se said.

"Essence primordial spirit? Impossible! If we give out the primordial primordial spirit, our lives are between your thoughts, wouldn't you let them be slaughtered at that time?"

The face of the giant axe immediately changed, suppressing the anger in my heart.

"Can you think that now you are not let me slaughter?"

Jin Se sneered.

The giant axe immediately choked up, and Hu Feng and Zi Lei also both smiled bitterly. Jin Se was right, I am afraid this is also their best choice.

The three of them secretly talked for a while and finally reached a consensus.

"Okay! Girl, we are willing to surrender natal spirit!"

Hu Feng smiled bitterly.


The three men's eyebrows are all radiating a gleam of out a natal soul, heading towards Jinse.

Under the threat of the Yin-Yang Taiji map and the compass of the years, the three of them did not dare to move any crooked thoughts.


Jin Se's slenderness pre-authorized a wave, and immediately the three mortal Yuanshen flew directly into Jinse's sea of ​​knowledge, and merged with her Yuanshen.

Hu Feng, Zilei Gongzi and Giant Axe all felt the Yuanshen tremble. The three of them had formed a mysterious connection with Jinse, which made them dare not have the slightest idea of ​​resisting Jinse, even the belly No slander, it seems that as long as Jinse's heart moves, they will die in disappointment.

"No! You... you are lying to us!"

Suddenly, Hu Feng was shocked, as if he noticed something, his eyes suddenly became very sharp. (https:)

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