Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2397: Leave a name!

Ninety million years ago, Taiyi opened Taitian Court in a peerless manner and was regarded as an emperor, but Taiyi Court soon fell apart after Taiyi disappeared.

Many people speculate that Tai Yi has at least the emperor's cultivation behavior, otherwise it will be impossible to unify the heavenly realm.

It was also the first time in the **** world of hundreds of millions of years.

Seeing these three names appear on the stone tablets, the excitement and excitement in the hearts of the ten saints disappeared instantly, and their faces became extremely pale.

These strong men had come here to get the inheritance of the Heavenly Prison Emperor, but all failed without accident, but they did not return to the Heavenly Prison Realm, but disappeared forever.

Where did they go?

The Ten Great Kings glanced at the Celestial Beast above the stone tablet, and they felt a little chilly in their hearts, lest they were all dead.

No wonder the Heaven Prison Beast just said a word in a hurry, and they no longer ignored them. I was afraid that even the Heaven Prison Beast would treat them as dead people, thinking that none of them could be inherited by the Heaven Prison Great Emperor, and they would die sooner or later. it's here.

There was a hint of retreat among the eyes of the ten great holy kings.

Even the three deficient sons, Tianyuanzi and Taiyi have failed. They still have self-knowledge and do not think they can beat those three.

"Don't deliberately leave here! Anyone who comes here must undergo trials, otherwise, die!"

The eyes of the celestial beast squinted slightly, and a ray of fine mane shot out, as if sensing the ideas of the ten holy kings, turning over on the stone tablet, and said lazily.

The faces of the ten Great Kings instantly became very ugly.

"Master Ling Xiao, it seems that this time we are going to die here!"

Hu Feng smiled bitterly.

"Don't be so pessimistic, maybe some of us can get the inheritance of the Heavenly Prison Emperor? Today's people are not necessarily inferior to the ancients, you must have confidence in yourself!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

He vaguely realized that this space was extremely strong, and was blessed by some mysterious force, like a huge prison, they could not leave here at all.

At the moment, if you want to leave here safely, you can only seize the way that the Heavenly Prison Emperor inherited.

Ling Xiao's consciousness of the sea flashed a lot of clips, he looked at the stone tablet in front of him, even had a feeling of similarity.

"Tian He Xue Yang, is there anything to do with the Tian He Emperor?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved.

He naturally knows the source of those clips because after he refined the Heavenly Blood Blood Yang, part of the pictures recorded in the Heavenly Blood Blood Yang was just too fragmented, and no clues could be seen for the time being.

"Mr. Ling Xiao is right! What is terrible about death? Being able to tie in with these ancient powerful names, even if they are still remembered after hundreds of millions of years, is worth it! Brothers, I am the first to come Right!"

Suddenly, the giant axe stood up and smiled freely, his eyes falling on the stone tablet.

"Giant axe, be careful!"

Hu Feng and Zi Lei looked at each other, and they were both ashamed.

There is a great horror between life and death. The two of them have always claimed their wisdom, but when it comes to life and death, they are not as thorough as the giant axe.


The giant axe smiled, his eyes instantly became extremely sharp, and began to speed up the run, and then his body ejected like a cannonball, and shot directly towards the stele.

The axe's eyes were fixed on the word "tian". If he could be tied with those three brilliant names, he would be proud of it.

The giant axe flew to the height of those three names easily, but before he could engrave his name, he suddenly felt a vast divine power descend.


It seemed that he was oppressed towards him from all directions. Under the vast heavenly prestige, he was like a trembling ant, the primordial spirit, the flesh, and even everything in the whole body were shaking, as if appearing above the head An infernal **** pressed him down quickly.


The axe roared, and a trace of madness appeared in his eyes. His body was full of blood and blood. The whole person was struggling against the vast Tianwei around him. He wanted to get rid of Tianwei's shackles and stay on the stone tablet in front of him. Under his name.

But that celestial prestige was so terrifying that it immediately suppressed the giant axe until it was about four thousand feet, and then stopped.

The giant axe came beside the word "Ru".

Without thinking about it, he instantly broke his fingertips, and then wrote his name towards the stone tablet.


His finger had just touched the stone tablet, and suddenly a more terrifying Tianwei was released from the stone tablet, constantly suppressing him down.

Four thousand feet!

Three thousand feet!

Two thousand feet!


Finally, the giant axe came to the position of a thousand feet of the stele, and carved his name at the foot of the word "Jail"!

Giant axe!

"It's terrifying! The Tianwei contained in this stone monument can't be counterbalanced! That's the oppression of the level of life. It's not something that cultivation and strength can resist!"

The giant axe flew back, his face was extremely pale, and his eyes were still full of fear.


Burning Heavenly King sneered with a sneer, his eyes full of disdain.

The position of the stone monument is a thousand feet, and it is almost at the end. The giant axe left a name in this place, it really seems very common.

"I'm not a waste, but I think you are a waste! I believe that the son of Ling Xiao will be able to leave a name around the word "tian". As for you, it is definitely not as good as the son of Ling Xiao!"

The giant axe countered politely, his eyes full of ridicule.

"you wanna die!"

Burning Heavenly King was angry, but did not expect to be mocked by a ant.

"I'm just looking for death, you have the ability to kill me? The bold egg, Grandpa is not afraid of you!"

The giant axe simply went out and confronted the King of Burning Heaven Saint King, anyway, the King of Burning Heaven didn't dare to shoot him.

"I'll try!"

The eyes of Wang Ba Sheng Wang's eyes flashed, and he stood up instantly.

His whole body was shrouded in dark golden light, and his own immortal light diffused, making him look very mysterious.

He shot towards the stele instantly, like a dark golden lightning, appeared under the and climbed upward!

Wang Ba Sheng Wang saw the horror of the stele, so he was not eager to achieve success, but played steadily and steadily against the vast dignity of heaven and climbed upwards.

A thousand feet!

Two thousand feet!

Three thousand feet!


In the end, King Ba Shengwang came to the position of eight thousand feet, almost approaching the word "Heaven." He bit his tongue, emptied his emptiness, and wanted to leave his name on the stone tablet.

But once again the terrible Tianwei was sprayed out of the stele, and he was forced to press him down a thousand feet, and finally the king of the overlord left his name in the position of seven thousand feet!

PS: These days Kavinka's desire is immortal, this is yesterday's two changes, today's three changes are still in the evening. (https:)

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