Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2417: The defeated guru!

Many Taiyi disciples who had been desperate originally had amazing brilliance in their eyes and renewed hope.

The power of the Demon Church made them all desperately desperate, but now that Ling Xiao has suppressed the three great masters of Dark Lord, White Tiger King and Suzaku King by his own power, making them very excited.

Tai Yi's mixed vitality is extremely powerful. It can be said that it cannot be invaded by all means, the sword soldiers cannot be added, and the sneak attack technique that the Dark Lord is good at has no way to start.

And Ling Xiao's Tai Yiquan and Taiyizhi are all cultivated into the state of Dacheng, which contains a vast martial arts intention, and he is extremely powerful, suppressing the Dark Lord, White Tiger King and Suzaku King.

"Damn it! This kid just broke into the Grand Master's realm, how could it be so terrifying?"

White Tiger King and Suzaku King looked at each other, their faces were extremely ugly.

They felt great pressure on Ling Xiao, especially the White Tiger King, who had already been deprived of his arm by Ling Xiao, and his combat power was greatly damaged. Ling Xiao's attack made him almost breathless.

He knew that if there were Dark Lord Venerable and King Suzaku, I was afraid that he would not be able to sustain the three moves in Ling Xiao's hands.

"The two of you hold him back, I'll catch Tai Xuanzi and Qin Feng!"

Among the eyes of the Dark Lord, there was a murderous flash in his eyes, and he used the innate ingenuity to spread the voice into the secret, and told the White Tiger King and Suzaku King his thoughts.

"it is good!"

Both King White Tiger and King Suzaku agreed with their teeth.

They know the thoughts of Venerable Dark, this is to make Ling Xiao cast a mouse, and then look for Ling Xiao's flaws, one kill in one blow!

After all, Tai Xuanzi and Qin Feng have lost their combat power now, that is, two living targets, it should not be difficult for the Dark Lord to grasp them.

"Boy, die!"

The White Tiger King roared with a roar, and the whole body was so angry that a White Tiger suddenly appeared on top of his head, and then he seemed to come alive, directly rushing towards Ling Xiao.


The King Suzaku also had a murderous flash in her eyes, and her whole body of red vitality rose as if the flames were burning away. The red sword in her hand burst into a fierce sword. Came with Lingxiao.

These two moves are powerful killing moves. Both the White Tiger King and the Suzaku King burst out the strongest combat power in an instant. No matter whether the innate innate energy in the body is excessively consumed, I want to stop Ling Xiao at all costs.


The Dark Lord, while taking advantage of the shape of the body, instantly turned into a black shadow, skimmed Ling Xiao, and flew directly towards Tai Xuanzi and Qin Feng.

"not good!"

Someone at Taiyimen exclaimed, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

Dark Venerable clearly went to Tai Xuanzi and Qin Feng. Today, Ling Xiao looks at her own self-confidence and is dragged down by King Baihu and King Suzaku. Who can rescue them?


At this moment, I saw Ling Xiao's bright light flashing around him, and in a flash, he practiced the Divine Rainbow in the sky. The speed was so fast that he appeared directly in front of the Dark Lord, and then punched out!

At the same time, two golden lights also appeared in front of the White Tiger King and the Suzaku King, killing them both!

"What?! How did he do it?"

Many disciples of Taiyimen were also stunned.

Some people even rubbed their eyes and couldn't believe everything in front of them.

Ling Xiao turned out to be like a golden light, and directly differentiated three figures, which appeared in front of the Dark Lord, the White Tiger King and the Suzaku King, just like the reality of the incarnation.

But how did Ling Xiao appear in front of these three people at the same time?

Everyone is unbelievable.


Ling Xiao seemed to be shrouded in golden light all over his body, and his momentum was magnificent. A golden fist print fell across the sky, allowing the Dark Lord to avoid the inevitable, and he was only able to make a hard fist, but was directly flew out!


On the other side, the huge white tiger phantom burst into the sky, and Ling Xiao punched on the arm of the white tiger king, and suddenly heard a clear sound, his arm burst into pieces. It turned into a blood mist directly.


And the sword-like spirit in the void was completely lost. Ling Xiao kicked out of the sky, kicked the long sword in the hands of Suzaku, and then kicked it on her chest again. , Kicked her out, coughing up blood in her mouth!

"I said, the three of you are too weak! Want to kill in front of me? You don't have this skill yet!"

Ling Xiao's indifferent and cold voice sounded.

His whole body was shining with golden light, and it was difficult for people's eyes to capture his figure. Everyone only saw a ray of golden light falling on the three bodies of the Dark Lord, the White Tiger King and the Suzaku King. The three great masters If they were struck by lightning, they were like dead dogs. They were completely knocked down by Ling Xiao and could no longer stand up.

"How can this be?!"

The other five guardians are also stunned, eyes full of incredible look.

Dark Venerable is one of the two great Venerable Demon Sects, second only to the Holy Archbishop, White Tiger King and Suzaku King are the second of the four protectors. The three men teamed up enough to kill most of the Grand Masters.

But now, all three of them have been defeated by Ling Xiao, one by one lying on the ground like a dead dog, coughing up blood with a big mouth, eyes scattered, his face full of terrified look.

"let's go!"

Those five law-enforcers were reluctant to retreat, all of which were decisive and immediately wanted to turn around and leave Taiyi.

Ling Xiao's power is far from what they can contend with. If he stays here, I am afraid that he will end up like the Dark Lord, White Tiger King, and Suzaku King.

"Want to leave? Or stay!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with a slight flare, and suddenly a fierce qi was shot out, like a sword sword, directly penetrating the five major dharma protectors and shot them down.

The five guardians all screamed fell from the void and fell half dead.

"The descendants don't kill!"

Ling Xiaoling walked empty in the air, and there was a vast and lingering breath around him. He drank a loud voice, and suddenly burst like a thunder across the entire Taiyi Peak.

Among the many powerful cultists who were still fighting, seeing that the Dark Lord, the White Tiger King and the Suzaku King, and the five great protectors were all hit by Ling Xiao, they all showed a terrified look on their faces.

"Go away! He is a demon, leave Tai Yi Door!"

The powerful ones of the demon screamed one by one, and they turned and fled towards the distance. .

"act recklessly!"

The cold light of Ling Xiao's eyes suddenly shook his body, and turned into a golden light directly, killing those powerful magicians, and the speed of the golden light was extremely fast, and it gave Ling Xiao a metamorphosis of almost metamorphosis. For a moment, among the many powerful players in the Demon Religion, those innate strongmen were broken by Dan Xiao and became waste people.

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