Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2423: The top of the Tianshan Mountain!

"Skyway... Could it really be a skyway to God Realm? Otherwise there is no energy in other parts of the world, but why is there such a pure thunder power here?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he thought secretly in his heart.

"Ling Xiao, this is the top of Tianshan Mountain! The top of Tianshan Mountain is shrouded by endless thunder all year round. Only when Tianlu appears, the thunder will be weaker, you see that is Tianlu!"

Tian Yunzi pointed to the front with a very familiar finger and said to Ling Xiao.

"Sky Road?"

Ling Xiao's eyes also fell on the front.

The top of the Tianshan Mountain is a smooth and mirror-like platform, which looks very ordinary and envelopes the blazing thunder, but Ling Xiao sees this mysterious road in the midair, as if leading to an unknown world.

That road was dazzling, with a little bit of starlight, extremely gorgeous, as if one could set foot in it, Ling Xiao was very keenly aware of a fluctuation of time and space.

Although I don't know where the sky road leads, Ling Xiao can be sure that the sky road does lead to the unknown time and space.

"If it really leads to unknown time and space, will there be source energy there?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved slightly, guessing secretly.

On the top of the Tianshan Mountain, dozens of figures have already gathered, including the Wushuang sons that Ling Xiao has seen before.

The breath of the dozens of figures is extremely powerful, most of them are the practice of the master's realm, and only a few are the practice of the innate realm.

After seeing Ling Xiao and Tian Yunzi appear, only a few eyes came, and then they moved away.

Everyone's eyes fell on the sky ahead.


At this moment, Ling Xiao saw two figures flying under the bright thunder.

The speed of the two figures is extremely fast, as if fearless of the thunder, in the thunder and thunder, even in a fierce battle, each blow is like a sky crack, the thunder around becomes more and more violent.

"Murong old man, are you crazy? Could it be that you are not afraid of the advent of heaven, and will kill you here?"

A very cold voice sounded, with irritable anger.

It was a young man wearing a black robe and holding a black ancient sword. He had long purple hair and a beautiful face. He looked very evil, and his face was full of ruthless expression.

Opposite him was an old man with white hair, dressed in sackcloth, who looked kind-hearted and fair-eyed, but at the moment his eyes were full of coldness, his shots were fierce, and the moves were all murderous. .

"Heavy building! You killed my grandson and took away his Taiyi mantra, really thought the old man didn't know? Today I want you to be buried with him!"

The old man shouted, his hair was all spread, and his whole body exuded a terrible killing intention. The huge palm prints were like a row of mountains and seas, and they were killed towards the heavy building.

"The demon leader is Chonglou? Is that old man Murongjin?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and he said to himself.

The momentum of these two people is indeed very strong, so that Ling Xiao felt a strong threat, and it can only reach this level with the master of the Demon Religion, only Da Zhou Laozu Murong Jin.

"Crazy man! You are a madman. I didn't kill your grandson, there are only illusions in the sky! Murong old man, are you really afraid that you will not succeed?"

A cold killing intention also appeared in the eyes of Chonglou.


The epee in his hand was fierce, but it was almost to the extreme. Ling Kong fell towards Murong Jin as if it were a black thunder, which contained an indomitable sword.

And Murong Jin seemed to be killing his eyes, not shining, and directly greeted him with a pair of fleshy palms. The palm prints were just overbearing and suddenly shot on the sword body. There seemed to be a thunder burst in the void, two People are going backwards at the same time.


After the two bodies were separated, they were killing each other at a faster speed, and the battle was fierce.

At this moment, although everyone's attention was attracted by Chonglou and Murongjin, more importantly, everyone's eyes fell on the sky.

The sky road is shining brighter and brighter, like a Hongqiao appears on the top of the Tianshan Mountain, so that everyone is very excited, and his eyes are full of expectations.

"The opening of Tianlu is nowhere to be found! When it opens and closes, it seems that we have caught up with the good time, Ling Xiao, are you not going to go into Tianlu and see?"

Tian Yunzi smiled slightly at Ling Xiao.

"of course!"

Ling Xiao stared at the sky road in the void. He felt that the sky road was gradually solidified because it absorbed the power of the thunder around him. It seemed that there was a passage between the two spaces, and the sky road was That passage.


On that day, the road was extremely bright, and Hongqiao seemed to be condensed into substance. Everyone couldn't help but feel shocked, and they all rose up directly into the sky and flew towards the sky.

"The sky is open! Everyone rushes!"


Many strong men on the top of the Tianshan Mountain are all glared and bloody, and they have rushed towards the sky.

Chonglou and Murongjin, who were in the war, were also shocked, and turned into two streamers at the same time, plunged directly into the sky, and disappeared completely.

Tian Yunzi's eyes also showed a eager look, and said to Ling Xiao: "Go, let's go to Tianlu to see!"

"Go ahead! I want to wait one more time!"

Ling Xiao shook his head.

"Wait again? What are you waiting for? If you go late, the nature and chance in the sky will fall on others!"

Tian Yunzi asked curiously.

However, Ling Xiao just shook his head and didn't explain anything to him. He saw that he couldn't persuade Ling Xiao, he couldn't help but shook his head, and turned and plunged into the sky.

"Be careful yourself!"

Tian Yunzi left a word, the figure completely disappeared.

"Why is this Tianyunzi so good to me? Is it because of this pendant?"

Ling Xiao's heart was a little puzzled, but then she let go.

He didn't enter the heavenly road because Ling Xiao encountered such a vast thunder. He wanted to try it and cultivate with the power of thunder.

"The mysterious technique of punishment is the original skill of the thunder property. See if you can absorb the power of thunder!"

A move in Ling Xiao's heart Immediately sat down on the top of the Tianshan Mountain, and then tried to run the punishment of punishment, trying to absorb the power of the thunder around.

However, Ling Xiao soon became disappointed.

The mystery of heaven penalty seems to have lost any effect, there is no way to absorb the power of thunder here.

"Can it only be practiced with this type of practice?"

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly in his heart, and finally decided to give it a try.

Although Ling Xiao cultivated the Tai Yi Mantra, although it only has a scroll, it also contains a mystery of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth. Ling Xiao slowly runs the Tai Yi Mantra, and then vomits by breathing, trying to absorb the power of thunder around. .


Just when Ling Xiao was running Taiyi Mantra, the thunders around him seemed to be violent and boiling, and they began to flow into Ling Xiao's body like crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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