Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2427: Weird control!

Chonglou and Murongjin are both great masters of the world. The cultivation base has reached the top of the master. Almost all of the Zhoushenjinzang have been opened. The flesh is powerful and unmatched. It can affect the world and control the vast power of the world.

This is the influence of our own small world to the outer world, which can cause changes in the celestial phenomena, control wind and rain, thunder and lightning, and evolve various mysterious and mysterious magical powers.

At this point of cultivation, Xiuwei can already be called a god, and God knows it and dominates the world.

Whether it is the realm of Chonglou's sword, or Murongjin's gang wind, it is this kind of magical power, which is enough to sweep the master's realm and be powerful.

Therefore, Chonglou, Murongjin and Tianyunzi can be the three great masters of the world!

This kind of magical power is enough to kill the general master, but for Ling Xiao, it is just a joke. Ling Xiao’s body has branded the martial charm of those powerful creatures, which has been reborn and powerful, and no matter how strong his opponent is, he can be one. Break it!

This is how to break everything!


Ling Xiao punched out, the golden vitality rose into an invincible fist seal, and he collided with Chonglou in an instant, the sky of sword light annihilated, and the swordsmanship seemed to be endless, cut On Ling Xiao's body, it was as if he was chopping on the golden iron, and issued a spark to Mars.


Ling Xiao drank a cold voice, wearing a heavy sword light in his palm, and suddenly slap on Chonglou's face, pumping him out directly!


In the face of Murong Jin, Ling Xiao didn't even look at him, even with a palm shot, the blazing Jinxia rose in the palm of his hand, and a golden dragon suddenly came across the sky, bringing the powerful gang wind field Break through, and then swept him out with a sweeping force.

Ling Xiao's body was full of blood and energy, as if he was about to burn, his momentum was getting stronger and stronger, and his eyes seemed to be covered with a crazy killing intention, while at the same time staring at Tianyunzi and Wushuangzi.

"not good!"

Tian Yunzi and Wushuang son shuddered in their hearts, feeling as if they were being stared at by a demon, and suddenly became cold all over.

"Dare to provoke the Taiyi, kill without pardon!"

Ling Xiao's mouth made an extremely cold voice, and the huge fist seal enveloped both Tian Yunzi and Wushuang Gongzi.

At this moment, Ling Xiao seemed to have fallen into a very strange state. He felt that the heavens and the earth were under his control, so that he had the power to destroy the world between his hands and feet.

Whether it is Chonglou, Murongjin, Wushuang son or Tianyunzi, they have become the most lowly creatures in his heart and must be eliminated.


The golden fist print came out of the sky, as if a **** came into the world, and a terrifying and violent power fluctuation erupted, making both Tianyunzi and Wushuangzi irresistible and directly flew out!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were blood red, and his whole body was full of monstrous murderous intent, and his breath was extremely powerful.

"Not good! He is crazy and controlled by the Taiyi Statue. We are not his opponent at all. Hurry and leave here!"

Tian Yunzi's eyes were full of dignity, and he exclaimed to everyone.

"Controlled by the Taiyi Statue?"

Both Chonglou and Murongjin shuddered, as if thinking of a certain legend, they could not help but feel excited, and would leave here without thinking.

The incomparable evil gate of the Taiyi Statue in the Heavenly Road, if legend is controlled by the Taiyi Statue, it will become a puppet who only knows about the killing, and will kill all the people who entered the Heavenly Road.

"What's the matter? Who is that person? He even suppressed the three grandmasters and the unparalleled sons by himself?"

Someone exclaimed.

At this moment, more and more people came out of the illusion, but they saw the great war on the mountain, and their eyes were unbelievable.

The three Grand Masters are the three most powerful people in the world. The existence of the most hopeful broken void is now suppressed by others, and they are not even a united enemy. They all spit blood and flew out.

"Is he the devil above the sky?"

Someone said with a trembling voice, a terrified look in his eyes.


At this moment, Ling Xiao's eyes also fell on everyone's body, and his extremely cold killing intention was revealed in his eyes.


The golden qi and blood around him seemed to start to burn up, and turned into a golden flame. He was bathed in the flames of Jinse and attacked. Between his hands and feet, there were fluctuations in the power of ruining the heavens and the earth. Shaking and shaking.

"This power... this power is by no means a mortal power! Get out of here!"

Tian Yunzi also became extremely anxious, his eyes full of fright.

boom! boom!

Chonglou and Murongjin suffered a punch from Ling Xiao respectively, and could not help but suddenly spit out a bit of blood and flew out directly!

After hearing Tian Yunzi's words, everyone was trembling and their eyes were full of fright, and they all fled towards the distance quickly.

Ling Xiao's blood was boiling to the extreme, and the flame was burning fiercely, making him look like a terrifying demon, chasing towards the crowd.

But suddenly, Ling Xiao's eyes showed struggling colors, and the whole person directly stopped in the void.

"Want to control me? Get out!"

Ling Xiao roared in his heart, and the suppressed reason began to recover slowly. His eyes also showed a clear color, the golden flame of the whole body dissipated, and the violent power was also integrated into the body. It disappeared completely.

At this moment, no matter whether it is the three Grand Masters, Wushuang sons or other grand masters, they have already taken the opportunity to escape, and have not looked up to detect Ling Xiao's state at this moment.


Ling Xiao slowly fell from the void.

His eyes were filled with extremely cold killing intentions, but the bloodthirsty and madness had disappeared, leaving only pure killing intentions and anger.

Ling Xiao did not expect Just when he was fighting Chonglou and Murongjin, his mind was controlled by a mysterious force, and he almost became a monster that only knew about killing.

If it were not for him to struggle and get rid of that kind of control, I am afraid that he had already slaughtered Chonglou, Murongjin, Tianyunzi and Wushuangzi and so on.

In that state, no one is his opponent.

"Taiyi, are you controlling me?"

Ling Xiao returned to the stone palace again, staring coldly at the statue of Taiyi in front of him.

However, the Taiyi Statue did not answer him.


Ling Xiao's body was full of blood and blood, and a punch came out. The fierce and overbearing fist marks went directly to the Taiyi Statue. He wanted to directly blow this Taiyi Statue into a powder. (https:)

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