Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2435: Shinto martial arts!

Above the Tongtian Peak, thousands of gurus fell from the sea of ​​clouds. After they abolished the cultivation in their bodies, they could no longer stand in the sky, and their faces were extremely pale, and their eyes were full of despair.

Among the thousands of masters, only one person did not choose to abandon self-cultivation.

"Ling Xiao, you have betrayed Taiyi and blasphemed Taiyi Patriarch. You must not die!"

Among the sea of ​​clouds, only Qin Feng stood alone in the sky and looked very lonely. His eyes were full of anger, staring at Ling Xiao coldly.

"Master Qin Men, as the so-called difference is not a matter of conspiracy, seeing that I have cultivated the Tai Yi Mantra, I will not kill you! Let's go!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"Ling Xiao, if you go backwards, you will not end well!"

Qin Feng seemed to suddenly become very old, with a look of Xiao Suo, he looked at Ling Xiao, then turned and flew towards Tai Yifeng.

"Patriarch, as we say, weeding and rooting, you should not let him go!"

Chonglou looked like a dog's leg and said respectfully to Ling Xiao.

"Follow him! Let him alone, he can't turn over any big waves! Starting today, except Taiyi Gate, the world is not allowed to worship Taiyi Patriarch, do you understand?"

Ling Xiao glanced at Chonglou and said.

"Yes! Patriarch! Patriarch is a wizard of heaven and earth, creating a Shinto. Naturally, he should become a ancestor, then Tai Yi and Patriarch are like fireflies and Sun and Moon! Contribute to the great cause of the Patriarch!"

Chonglou said with a bitter smile.

"Relax! Since I set up Shinto, I will naturally send you a great fortune! You will soon know how lucky your choice is!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.


Everyone looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

They are now abandoning cultivation practice. Although the flesh is still somewhat powerful, it is already a waste. It is not as good as the strong in the congenital realm, let alone compared with the strong master.


Suddenly thunderous sound roared around Ling Xiao, and the golden divine light dazzled from his body, making him look old and mysterious.

"Today, this seat sets up Shinto and will teach you the practice of Shinto. You will understand that compared with Shinto, the so-called martial arts are not worth mentioning, and you have all gone astray before..."

Ling Xiao said faintly, the voice resounded through Tianfeng, making everyone feel awkward.


The sound of Longyin shook the sky dome, and the golden light in the palm of Ling Xiao suddenly appeared, and a lifelike dragon appeared, soaring into the sky dome, exuding the incomparable supernatural power!

"what is that?!"

Someone exclaimed, trembling all over.

They saw that the golden dragon floated on the sky dome, vaguely transformed into a mysterious human form, and there appeared a dense channel of meridians, interconnected with each other, forming a weekly cycle, looks Very wonderful.

"That seems to be... the method of cultivation?"

Someone said slowly that their eyes fell on the movement of the meridians. When they saw the golden dragon, they seemed to feel that the blood and blood in the body were flowing, the body was heating up, and the body seemed to have an ancient power. Awakening soon.


In addition to the golden dragon, another tiger roared to the sky, and a white giant tiger appeared next to Ling Xiao, exuding a fierce monstrous atmosphere, and also appeared countless ways of meridians running.

Soon, there was flame in the void, a strange fire phoenix flew out of the fire, endless thunder intertwined, the vast unicorn roared in the sky, Kunpeng turned over the river and the sea, the sky and the earth were changing, and the three-legged golden black was like the sun. Dazzling...

In Ling Xiao's body, ten powerful ancient spirits floated throughout, forming ten mysterious picture scrolls, containing powerful spiritual practices.

After seeing the ten picture scrolls, the crowd could no longer look away, shaking one by one, and showing a very excited look on his face.

"The heavens and the earth are made up, gestating all living beings, and the gods are clear, and they belong to their people.

Ling Xiao's voice contains a mysterious rhythm, as if the heaven and earth around him are shaking and trembling with his voice, and a very mysterious scene emerges from the sky.

The smallpox is falling, the golden lotus is flowing!

This is a scene that only appeared when the Taiyi Patriarch preached in the legend, and now when Ling Xiao preached the law, it was also a natural phenomenon, and it was more amazing than the legend.

Ling Xiaopan sat above the void, and Jinxia was shining brightly around him, as if a sun appeared behind him. As he recited the scriptures, the ten picture scrolls became more and more solid, that The ten extremely powerful creatures were originally a bit illusory. At this moment, they seemed to have awakened from the ancient times, exuding a wave of breath that made everyone tremble.

At this moment, headed by Chonglou, Tianyunzi, Murongjin, and Wushuangzi, all the masters and strongmen sat down, with a faint smile in each corner of the mouth, exuding a shining light.

Among the ten scrolls, there was a Dao of divine light scattered and integrated into the body of the people. They seemed to have fallen into the realm of enlightenment, and began to unconsciously pose in various poses, full of A strange beauty.

The cultivation methods contained in those ten pictures were all integrated into their bodies at this so that they began to enter the state of cultivation.

The so-called martial arts is just to polish the flesh, condense the innate ingenuity, then open up the flesh and soul hidden possession, and finally realize the nature of the world, even the process of breaking the void.

But Shinto is quite different. Shinto does not need to cultivate the flesh, but condenses strong spiritual power, interferes with reality with spiritual force, forcibly opens up the gods in the body, gathers the gods within the gods, and finally reaches the gods, and is completely reborn. Go to the realm!

Of course, the cultivation of Shinto is more demanding than that of martial arts. It requires a strong mind and mind to be able to consciously condense the spiritual power, and then open up the physical body.

The ten pictures of Ling Xiao are the most powerful views.

Shenlongguan Ideas, White Tiger Ideas, Phoenix Ideas, Qilin Ideas, Kunpeng Ideas...

These methods are all passed down by Ling Xiao, and it is only necessary for everyone to visualize these powerful creatures, get the methods of cultivation from them, and take the most religious beliefs, and cultivation can be advanced by leaps and bounds.

(End of this chapter)

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