Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2437: Patriarch Ling Xiao!

Above the Tongtian Peak, everyone has left, leaving only Ling Xiao and the 囡囡.

"Brother Ling Xiao, I want to practice Shinto too!"

Suddenly the quietly naughty boy suddenly lifted her small face and said seriously to Ling Xiao.

"Oh? Why do you want to practice Shinto?"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, his eyes showed interest.

"Because I hope to help Brother Ling Xiao, I want to become very powerful, so powerful that no one in this world can hurt you!"

囡囡 said seriously, his voice was immature, but it was very determined.

Ling Xiao said with a smile: "Okay! The puppets are so good. I will teach you the Shinto cultivation method and make the puppets the most powerful people in the world!"

Ling Xiao touched his little head.

"We go home!"

Ling Xiao said.


The boy nodded hard.

After leaving Tongtianfeng, Ling Xiao and the naughty boy returned to the small mountain village.

The small mountain village is still very quiet, as if no one has come to disturb at all, the sun is warm and brilliant, the river is flowing, and everything looks very peaceful.

Knowing that Ling Xiao lived here, Chonglou, Murongjin, Tianyunzi and Wushuangzi all warned everyone to list this place as a forbidden place and no one was allowed to come here.

However, Ling Xiao saw a familiar figure in the small village.

"Girl Qin Yao?"

Ling Xiao's expression slightly stunned.

Standing on the stone bridge, Qin Yao was wearing a white dress, his skin was as white as jade, and his hair fell like a waterfall, and he looked like a picture scroll.

Her face was full of incredibly complicated and unbelievable looks, slightly pale, and when she saw Ling Xiao appearing, her eyes lit up.

"Ling Xiao, why are you doing this?"

Qin Yao asked, his voice hoarse and wanted an answer.

"Qin Yao, you don't understand! Me and Tai Yi are the enemy of life and death. This is more a dispute of Confucianism. There is nothing to do with right or wrong. Although I am grateful that you let me practice the Tai Yi Mantra, the martial arts must be destroyed. There will be only Shinto in this world! "

Ling Xiao sighed softly, but his eyes were filled with determination.

"The enemy of life and death? Taiyi Patriarch has been dead for hundreds of millions of years. What hatred do you have with him? I think it is your ambition, Ling Xiao, you have let me down too much!"

Qin Yao sneered, his eyes full of disappointment.

"Miss Qin Yao, you don't understand many things! But you will understand in the future, please. I won't let people hurt Taiyi, but Taiyi still needs to be calm!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, and then walked towards the mountain village holding the hands of the 囡囡.

"Ling Xiao, I hate you!"

Qin Yao shivered and her eyes were red, and she burst into tears. She looked at Ling Xiao with hate, then turned and left.

"Brother Ling Xiao, why did that sister hate you?"

囡囡 asked some seemingly incomprehensible.

"Maybe it's different from what she imagined!"

Ling Xiao smiled softly.

In the following time, Ling Xiao and the 囡囡 lived in a small mountain village, as if they had lived in complete secrecy, ignoring the commonplace.

Ling Xiao also began to teach the practice method of the **** Shinto. Ling Xiao found that the talent of the boy was surprisingly amazing, and he was able to cultivate the ten great ideas at the same time, and he cultivated by leaps and bounds.

But at the moment, the outside world has been completely chaotic.

The three grand masters and the unparalleled sons represent the four most powerful and highest in the world.

Chonglou is the master of the Demon Religion, and the disciples of the Demon Religion spread all over the world, claiming to be a million people.

Murong Jin is the ancestor of Great Zhou, and his generation is the uncle of the current Great Zhou Emperor. The Great Zhou Emperor has obeyed him and has a monstrous fist.

Tian Yunzi is also the master of the Mengyuan Empire. When the emperor of the Mengyuan Empire saw him, he even had to behave as a disciple. Tianyunzi had countless fanatic admirers in the Mengyuan Empire.

The Wushuang son is also the heir of the first family of the rivers and lakes. When you shake your arms, there will be many ancient families.

After leaving Tongtianfeng, the four men jointly issued the Shinto law and informed the world that the martial arts should be abolished from now on. No one can practice martial arts, only the martial arts. Top ten ideas.

The more than a thousand masters also played a crucial role in it. The whole world set off a movement of waste martial arts and cultivation of Shinto.

At the beginning, it naturally suffered a fierce and fierce resistance. After all, this world is a world of martial arts. Martial arts are deeply ingrained in the hearts of everyone. Forbidding them to practice martial arts is to break their roots.

But under the suppression of four of them and more than a thousand masters, those resistances were quickly quelled.

More importantly, everyone saw the benefits of Shinto.

The ten great ideas are spread all over the world without reservation. Everyone who sees ideas can understand a unique martial art suitable for them.

In addition, the idea of ​​Shinto is based on its own soul and spirit, and it opens the physical possession. Although it is completely different from the martial arts practice, it is the same way, and with the blessing of the ten ideas, the speed of cultivation is faster and more. Easy and powerful.

So, the whole world began to change in the direction that Ling Xiao wanted.

In the process of this change, the name of Patriarch Ling Xiao began to resound throughout the world.

With the exception of Taiyi Gate on Taichang Mountain, all the statues of Taiyi Patriarch were demolished, and the temples and idols of Patriarch Lingxiao were re-established in every state and county.

And in these temples, the most mysterious ideas of Shinto are contained.

As a result, the incense of these temples is extremely exuberant. Every day, countless devout disciples come to worship their beliefs, and then learn from the ideas of the Shinto concept to suit their unique skills.

Everyone is gradually forgetting martial arts and Taiyi Patriarch.

Even if there are diehards ~ ~ people who want to stick to the martial arts are gradually dying out under the **** suppression.

Ten years passed quickly.

Ten years later, Ling Xiao sat on the Tongtian Peak, dressed in white, looking at the changing sea of ​​clouds in front of her eyes, her eyes deep and mysterious.

Behind him stood four people: Chonglou, Murongjin, Tianyunzi and Wushuangzi.

The eyes of the four people in Chonglou looked at Ling Xiao full of fanatical worship. They felt that Ling Xiao's breath became more and more unfathomable. It was a feeling that the mountain looked up and the ants looked up at the dragon.

As if every day, the gap between Ling Xiao and them is getting bigger and bigger.


A streamer came across the sky and instantly fell in front of Ling Xiao, turning into a pretty girl in a cyan dress. (https:)

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