Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2442: Battle of Destiny!


The void around him shattered, the bright light shone, and Ling Xiao vaguely saw a lot of strange scenes, the endless chaos of fog and mist, he seemed to go up to the sky and saw a mysterious world.

Ling Xiao broke the void with his own strength and came to another world.

This is a dark world.

Quiet, icy, and full of unimaginable lifeless energy, when you look around, there are countless corpses, floating on a dark, endless sea, making your scalp numb.

Ling Xiao smelled a thick **** gas, and the black sea turned out to be full of blood, but I didn't know how many years later, the bright red blood had now turned into pure black, as if it could devour everything.

On the mountain built by the bones, there seems to be an ancient throne vaguely, exuding a mysterious fluctuation of breath.

"Ling Xiao, you are finally here!"

A very old voice sounded, and a white figure stood up from that throne.

It is too one!

I saw Tai Yi's white clothes with white hair and white hair. It looked like a fairy bone, and his eyes were deep and majestic. It seemed to be out of tune with everything around him. I was shocked.

"Taiwan, I'm here!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were very calm, staring at Tai Yi and said slowly.

The eyes are opposite, as if sparks are blooming in the void, even the black sea has ripples.

This is a battle of destiny.

The winner dominates the destiny, maybe he will be able to leave this world, and the loser will sink forever.

Although Ling Xiao's eyes were calm, he was extremely vigilant in his heart. Tai Yi stood on the throne of Bone Bone and looked like a red dust fairy, but Ling Xiao could feel his breath unfathomable, like this black sea Formed a mysterious resonance, just like the master of this world.

It can be said that Taiyi is far more powerful than Ling Xiao's imagination.

"Ling Xiao, you did not disappoint me! Gathered the world's luck and the power of faith of all beings. If I expected it to be good, you should have exterminated martial arts and then created a new cultivation method?"

Tai Yi's eyes showed an interesting look and said slowly.


Ling Xiao nodded and said, there is nothing to hide at this point, Tai Yi should be very clear.

The power of luck and the faith of all beings in a world converge in Ling Xiao, making Ling Xiao almost a real god, with its strength to the extreme, even if the powerful of the broken void stands in front of him, both Can be slapped to death by him.

Ling Xiao guessed that this might be the way Tai Yi used to be, and also the secret of his ability to crush countless days of arrogance.

"The power of luck in a world and the power of faith of all beings are indeed very powerful! But that is nothing but external force, and I have stripped off the power of luck and the power of faith ten million years ago, you Do you think my current strength alone will be my opponent?"

Tai Yi smiled indifferently, his voice was very peaceful, just like chatting with his old friends.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Ling Xiao also smiled faintly, and his mind was firm, and naturally it was impossible to be touched by Tai Yi's words.

Today, Ling Xiao is at its peak. If he is not Tai Yi's opponent at this time, then he is finally killed in Tai Yi's hands, and he does not have any complaints!

Moreover, Ling Xiao still has some things to verify through this battle.

"It's really a newborn calf not afraid of a tiger! Yes, yes, no one who has made me interested in shooting has appeared for many years, you are the last one! Take it, otherwise you have no chance!"

Tai Yi smiled slightly.


He walked slowly down from the throne of the bones. As his footsteps moved, it seemed that there was a tumbling of the sky. The world is bursting with a bang that shakes the world, like knocking deep inside, exuding There is a vast power.

Tai Yi stepped into the black sea, and there was a violent wave in the blink of an eye. The black blood, which had already been so cold, rose up, exuding heavy blood, corruption, and evil power fluctuations, vaguely, as if there was a The ancient troll awakened from a deep sleep.

Tai Yi had white hair, white clothes fluttered, and a faint smile in the corner of his mouth, and there was a lot of dust, but the momentum exuded from his body was full of evil, weirdness, darkness, and corruption. This very different atmosphere gathered in Not only did he not have any weirdness in his body, but it made him look more terrifying.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and in an instant an extremely powerful fighting intent emerged.

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

Ling Xiao's voice is like piercing the dark light, echoing between heaven and earth, and the golden radiance of his body sprayed away in a flash, and the mighty golden fist print bloomed in the toward Taiyi Boom away.

This punch is fierce, overbearing, and fierce, like a rising sun, shining a divine light in an instant, illuminating this dark void.

In this fist, Ling Xiao's beliefs, perceptions, years, and even emotions are condensed, and there is an unprecedented momentum!

This fist brings together the luck of the world and condenses the beliefs of all beings.

"Come well!"

There was a stunning look in Tai Yi's eyes. Rao was that he had absolute confidence and did not put Ling Xiao in his heart, but this punch was still worthy of his appreciation.

He read a lot from this punch, read Ling Xiao's hesitation, panic and cowardice, but also read Ling Xiaodao's faith, courage and strength, so he understood the power of this punch better.


Tai Yi's sleeves waved, and suddenly a huge black wave rose across the black sea. In the blink of an eye, twelve black water walls formed in front of him.

The golden fist seal came in a flash, and it instantly blasted on the first black water wall. After the black water wall touched the golden light, it was like ice and snow under the sun, quickly melting, and then Disappeared without a trace.


Immediately afterwards, the twelve walls of water shattered, and the punch immediately reached Tai Yi.

Tai Yi’s look remained the same, just a simple palm shot, and collided with Ling Xiao’s fist print. The golden light and the black light collided in an instant, bursting out, and a terrifying air wave radiated around. Come on.

With Ling Xiao and Tai Yi at the center, hundreds of big waves rose up from the black sea, and both Ling Xiao and Tai Yi stepped back at the same time.


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