Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2445: Eternal heart!

Tai Yi has never felt panic like this moment.

Mind Dao is an extremely mysterious power. Although the early strength of those who practice Mind Dao is not strong, it is a watershed from condensing the heart realm to reach the state of manifestation. The true heart saint strong possesses unimaginable power.

There are very few strong men who are physically sanctified, but they don’t have much heart sanctity. Too staying here for hundreds of millions of years is nothing but meeting people who have talked about practicing the mind.

But in this world of trial, everyone is just a mortal, and it is simply impossible to cultivate the mind and heart here even to reach the state of the heart.

Therefore, Taiyi will have such a fear that Ling Xiao can manifest the heart.

This shows that Ling Xiao has awakened her mind in this world, and has already possessed the cultivation of Xinsheng.


As Ling Xiao's heart became apparent, his whole person was breathless, exuding a kind of extraordinary sacred breath fluctuation, the vast power burst out of him, and the surrounding world of the cage suddenly collapsed suddenly. .


As the cage collapsed, Tai Yi's mouth suddenly spewed out a bit of blood, his body shook slightly, and his breath became extremely weak.

Most of his strength is above the prison cage world. Now that the cage world is collapsing, he has also received a huge backlash.


The black sea around him began to surge violently, and a cold, evil and weird atmosphere permeated from it, as if it was about to boil, and there were countless ghosts crying and howling.

"How did you do it? This world, at most, can only withstand the power of the Divine Realm. How can you awaken the cultivation of Xinsheng? Could it be... is it heaven and earth?"

After the initial shock, Tai Yi quickly regained calm.

After all, he is a generation of heroes, once the master of the court, although knowing that the general trend is now gone, I am afraid that he will really die in Ling Xiao's hands today, but he still wants to ask for an answer.

"You're right, but it's not completely correct! It is indeed heavenly luck, which makes it easier for me to awaken Xinsheng's cultivation practices, but the most important thing is that you haven't seen the essence of this world until now!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, and did not continue to shoot Tai Yi, and now Tai Yi has no threat to him.

"The essence of the world?"

Too slightly stunned.

"Yes! Don't you wonder why we come to this world of trials and become mortals without any practice?"

Ling Xiao looked at Tai Yi and asked.

"Of course I doubted it! But here is the world of trial left by the Heavenly Prison Emperor. With the cultivation practice of the Heavenly Prison Emperor, I want to deprive us of our cultivation practice silently, so that we can try like a mortal here, and It's not difficult!"

Tai Yi said slowly.

"You're wrong! Taiyi, even Heavenly Jade Emperor, can't be so quiet, or you don't understand the mystery of your heart!"

Ling Xiao shook his head and said that although Tai Yi was a transcendence, Ling Xiao could be sure that he certainly did not cultivate the Tao of Heart, at least he did not reach the state of Heart Saint, otherwise the talent of Yi Tai, fearing that he had already left this side to try the world Too.

"What?! Heart way?"

Tai Yi was shocked, as if he suddenly understood something.

"You mean, this side is trying the world, is it...the heart of Emperor Tianlu?!"

Tai Yi's voice was shaking, and a complex look of shock, disbelief and regret appeared on his face.

"Yes! That's right, because this place is the heart of the Heavenly Priest Emperor, so he can quietly deprive everyone of his cultivation behavior, and then he can isolate the heaven and earth spirits and the laws of heaven and earth from this place. The testers all leave traces in this world, but they can’t meet each other!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, which was also his previous guess. It was only after he finally condensed his heart that he discovered the secret.

This piece of trial world is the heart of Heavenly Prison Emperor!

Over the years, Ling Xiao has never seen the Ten Great Kings and Hu Feng, etc., nor any traces of them, and even made Ling Xiao think that they have not entered the trial world.

But Ling Xiao looked through the ancient books and was able to truly see that the powers of the Heavenly Prison Realm above the heavenly monument are all leaving traces in this world.

In this way, Ling Xiao guessed that this world is not the only one. Perhaps there are many parallel worlds, and each tester is in a different parallel world.

Only the heart can do this.

The Tao of Heart, the ever-changing are all heavenly machines, the only heart that will never be destroyed!

"Hahaha...Heaven's heart? I've always been wrong! I've always been wrong! I always thought that as long as I accumulate enough energy, I can break through this world, but I don't know , My direction was wrong from the beginning!"

Tai Yi laughed loudly, and his voice was so sad that the surrounding black sea became more and more violent, and Tai Yi’s body became a bit Ling Xiao sighed softly, this blow It's really huge. If it is replaced by ordinary people, I'm afraid I'm already crazy.

Tai Yi has been waiting here for hundreds of millions of years. Loneliness, darkness, and silence are enough to torture any creature, and Tai Yi is only supported by a hope and faith, so that he can continue to the present.

But now, the only hope is shattered.

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a trace of intolerance, but still said softly: "Taiyi, although I don't want to tell you, but I think you should still know! Do you think you are still alive now?"

Ling Xiao's voice exploded like a thunder, and instantly made Tai Yi tremble, and his face began to pale.

"Heavenly Emperor's heart is extremely cruel! He not only isolates the spirit of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth, but also limits the lifespan of this world, at most it is only a hundred years! No one can even reach the lifespan of a hundred years, so The time given to the testers is one hundred years.

If there is no way to leave within this hundred years, then it can only be completely buried here! Although you think you have no choices and set such a terrifying situation, all this is just that you are deceiving yourself! You have long been dead, but now it is just a remnant of your support! "

Ling Xiao said slowly, every sentence of him seemed to be chiseled in the heart of Tai Yi, making him tremble, and the whole person became more and more unreal.

"Hahaha...I'm already dead! I'm already dead! Heavenly Emperor, you are so cruel..."

Tai Yi stumbled, his voice was so sad, his eyes were full of bitter hatred, and Ling Xiao was a little sad.

Taiyi is also a poor man.


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