Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2452: Real Longaotian!

"Ling Xiao, it seems that your reputation is not loud enough, even these ants can look down on you!"

Heavenly Beast looks like a snow-white puppy, lying on Ling Xiao's shoulder and sneering.

"These people should be the people of God Realm! I didn't expect that they were really painstaking for me. As soon as the door of God Realm opened, they couldn't wait to send someone to the realm!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, but his eyes were cold and deep.

The aura of Prince Junmo could hide others, but it could not hide Ling Xiao. It was a unique aura of God Realm, and he didn't know which one was sent by the Twelve Holy Lands.

In addition to Prince Junmo, Ling Xiao was able to perceive that the hidden gods around him were also the people of God Realm.

Today this is a killing game against Long Aotian, and all this is due to Ling Xiao.

"It's you? Junmo, you let your men come to die, it doesn't make any sense at all! He is not my opponent, if you are brave, come and fight me!"

Long Aotian sneered. He didn't even look at the **** of the sun. He stared sharply at Jun Modao.

"Long Aotian, you are dead!"

The Sun God will feel Long Aotian's disregard, as if he has been greatly insulted, and his eyes suddenly burst into cold killing intent.

He shouted loudly, and the sword in his hand was thin with a red blade of light, as if an endless flame was condensing, and an instant volley of a knife split towards Long Aotian.


This knife caused the Void of the God of War Realm to violently oscillate, making a sound of clanking, just like a flame **** knife divided the sky and the sky into two halves.

"act recklessly!"

Long Aotian's eyes were full of sharpness, and his vigorous posture rose up into the sky instantly, facing the sword of the sun god, without shining, he directly punched!


An ancient Dragon Yin sounded in the void, Long Aotian's fist marks burst out in the void, and in a flash a golden dragon flew into the sky, directly rushing to the sun **** general.

The golden dragon was lifelike and exudes a magnificent dragon power, and it instantly collided with the huge knife and gang, and then directly blasted the knife and gang into powder.

The dragon swings its tail, sweeping away towards the sun god, like an endless storm, sweeping across the sky.

The sun god's face changed, but he hadn't waited for him to dodge, and the huge dragon tail was already drawn on his chest, instantly making him tremendously, suddenly flew out, and he couldn't help coughing in his mouth. A sip of blood.

"The sun **** will also be a god, but he is not even Long Aotian's enemy?"

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked, and there was an incredible look in their eyes.

"It seems that Long Ao is really well-deserved! He is the most dazzling Tianjiao in the past 100 years and the cousin of Ling Xiao. If it is not the appearance of Prince Junmo, he is the first person deserved by our young generation of Ares !"

Someone said with emotion.

"Hey, what is the first shit? Even if he can defeat a sun god, but there are eight sun gods here, not to mention that Prince Junmo didn't make a shot! Long Aotian is sure to die today!"

Someone sneered.


Seeing that Long Aotian had seriously injured a Sun God directly under the blow, the other seven Sun Gods were all startled and angry, and could not help but screamed and rushed towards Long Aotian.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two fierce sword lights lie across the void, and the sky dome was illuminated in an instant. The mighty pours down towards Long Aotian like a waterfall. The sword light is like rain, so fierce.

The three figures blasted a punch, a palm, and a finger respectively. The fist prints were overbearing, and the palm prints were overwhelming, like a mysterious world, and the mansions contained invincible waves, pointing directly at Longao. Heaven's brows came.

The last two figures are like ghosts and ghosts, quietly appearing behind Long Aotian. There is a black mist evaporating in the palm of the hand, which contains a kind of insane power towards Long Aotian. A sea of ​​knowledge came.

Although the seven Sun Gods all shot under anger, their shots were extremely fierce. Between their hands and feet, there was a wave of power that destroyed the world and wanted to put Long Aotian to death.

"Hahaha...Why don't you join the waste wood together, I am afraid of Long Aotian?"

Long Aotian laughed loudly, looking bold and uninhibited, his clothes hunted and hunted, the golden light in his palm was shining, and a red gold dragon gun appeared in an instant, the whole body was like gold casting, and the gun was It seems to be the breath of a dragon, containing the invincible gods.


Holding a golden dragon gun, he swept the volley, and the violent gun gang shocked the four sides, directly sweeping the sky of the sword light, and then the dragon gun flew out of his hand, and stabbed the volley directly towards the two sun gods holding the sword.


He punched his fists together, and the violent blood rose around him, as if condensed into a dragon shape, and collided with the punch and palm, and there was a fierce blasting sound in the Those two The Sun God will be directly flew out by him.

He hit a foot in the air, collided with the finger, broke the indestructible finger, and then a foot fell from the sky, as if to crush the heavens, trembling the body that the sun **** would tread, and coughing blood in his mouth.

"Dare the light of fireflies dare to compete with Haoyue? Get away!"

Long Aotian took a scream and took a step, suddenly bursting into a vast dragon-sounding sound, which contained extremely powerful spiritual power, spreading in all directions like a storm.

This is the eight sounds of the dragon, which can be regarded as a weakened version of Zu Longyin, but it is a supreme primal spirit attacking method, containing the supreme dragon power.

The two sun gods who wanted to invade Ling Xiao and know the sea silently and mentally, all shuddered. If they were struck by lightning, the seven tricks overflowed with blood and flew directly out!

Even on the Changsheng Mountain, those watching the battle were disturbed by the aftermath, and their faces showed extremely painful expressions one by one, holding their heads and howling.

Only the strong men above the Supreme Realm can barely resist the aftermath of the dragon's eight sounds.


Long Aotian's golden dragon gun was fierce and overbearing, just like a golden lightning bolt, which instantly penetrated the chests of the two sun gods, and then returned to Long Aotian's hands.

Long Aotian grabbed the golden dragon gun, and his eyes flashed with eternal glory, and there was an endless sense of war. The golden dragon gun burst out with a loud sound of dragon chant, and then swept away in all directions like a golden storm. .

The eight Sun God generals were all drawn by the golden dragon guns, shaking one by one, their chests sunken, their bones broken, and they flew out directly!

(End of this chapter)


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