Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2454: The Great Dragon Body!

boom! boom! boom!

Long Aotian and Jun Mo collided very quickly in the void, and the two immediately fought hundreds of times. Each collision rang like a thunder, and the bright divine light bloomed in the void, letting everyone There was a look of great awe on his face.

This is the power of the gods, as if only a trace can completely transform a supreme into powder!


The golden light flashed in the palm of Long Aotian, the golden dragon gun emerged, and the whole body sprayed thin Jinxia, ​​and the gun was unmatched. The next moment seemed to be alive, and it turned into a golden dragon directly towards Junmo.

In Jun Mo's eyes, a flash of divine light flashed, and a palm knife lobed the divine dragon, radiating a bright light. The sharp sword light in his hand exploded, and an ancient sword exuded a powerful divine power. Pierced the Shenlong, then pierced towards Long Aotian's eyebrows.


The golden dragon gun collided with the ancient sword, the harsh sound made people tremble, and their faces became extremely pale.

The gun is the ancestor of the hundred soldiers, and the sword is the king of the hundred soldiers. The battle between the gun and the sword also represents the path of Long Aotian and Prince Junmo. Fierce fighting.

The battle between Long Aotian and Jun Mo had a kind of life-and-death battle from the beginning.

"Ten dragons are destroyed, kill!"

Longao Tianbao drank a sound, and the Golden Dragon Gun instantly split in the void, and became ten, like ten golden dragons, intertwined with each other, bursting out a black thunder, containing the breath of destruction, toward Junmo pounced.

The black thunder, as if coming from nothingness, merged with the ten golden dragons and burst into a terrifying power.

The ten dragons destroy the world, which is a kind of magical skill that Longaotian obtained from the blood heritage of the dragon clan. It can instantly increase the power by ten times, and form ten world gods to destroy the world.

"Wanjian Jue!"

Jun Mo's eyes flashed sharply from the eyes of the ten Shenlong dragons, making him feel a very strong threat. He didn't want to think about it. He immediately rose from the sky and first broke away from the blockade of the ten dragons, and then the ancient The sword fell into the sky, spraying endless Cabernet Sauvignon.

In an instant, a sea of ​​fire appeared on the sky dome. The sword light split up in the sea of ​​fire and turned into hundreds of thousands of sword lights. Each one was incomparably real, and each other was like a mysterious sword array. Empty down.

The collision of the Ten Dragons and the World of Ten Thousand Juices shows that Long Aotian and Jun Mo both broke out their strongest fighting powers, and each has regarded the other as the strongest opponent.


A series of dragons erupted above the sky dome, and ten golden dragons rose into the sky, with a domineering, majestic and warlike atmosphere, and collided with the sky-long sword array.

In an instant, the mighty dragon, the sword light shattered, and the world seemed to appear in the void!


A golden divine dragon, after breaking the infinite amount of sword light, was also cut by the sword light, and turned into a bright rain of light.

Followed by the second dragon, the third dragon, the fourth...

Soon, all the ten dragons were wiped out by Junmo's Wanjian Jue and completely annihilated.

And Wan Jianjue seemed to be endless, and the vast sword formation formed by hundreds of millions of sword lights descended from the sky dome and enveloped Long Aotian in the center.

The endless sword qi is vertical and horizontal, and contains a very pure law of kendo, so that the surrounding voids are trembling slightly, as if they are to be completely broken by these sword lights.


Long Aotian seemed to have no resistance, and was instantly overwhelmed by the sword array, disappeared into hundreds of millions of sword lights, was pierced through the body by a sword, and then disappeared, like a complete transformation For the sake of fandom!

"Is Long Aotian dead?"

Everyone was shocked and asked with some doubt.

Such a terrifying array of Wan Jianjue is not something humans can resist at all. Even if it is the magical skills of the Dragon Race, such as the Ten Dragons, it is no match for Wanjianjue.

"Prince Wanmo's Wan Jianjue is really dominating the world, and he can't be beaten! That Long Aotian can die under Wan Jianjue, and he can also be proud!"

Someone said with emotion.

"Huh? Not good!"

Prince Junmo was shocked, and his eyes showed a very dignified look.

He found that Long Aotian in the large array of Wan Jianjue had completely disappeared, and there was no trace of a soul flying like a sudden disappearance, which made Prince Junmo instantly alert.


From behind the Prince Junmo, there was a sound of breaking the air, and a huge boxing wind roared, containing a strong and overbearing boxing will be exploded behind the Prince Junmo.

He didn't want to think about it. The ancient sword in his hand rose into the air and cut a sword directly behind him.


Long Aotian appeared quietly behind Prince Junmo's eyes. His eyes were fierce. He punched the ancient sword in Prince Junmo's burst into a bright light.

Prince Junmo was shocked all over, only to feel that an invincible divine power came in, suddenly numb his arm, and the ancient sword in his hand flew away.

"Junmo, Wan Jianjue is nothing more than that! How about you try my great dragon body?"

Long Aotian said lightly.

Although Prince Junmo’s Wan Jianjue was strong, Long Aotian took the plan into account, and used the secret removal technique that Ling Xiao had taught him to directly remove the gold cicada. He appeared behind Prince Junmo and gave a strong blow.

Sure enough, even Prince Junmo couldn't see the details of moving secrets.


Long Aotian's dazzling Jinxia was surging, blood was rising, and the mighty waves were as surging as the rivers and rivers. The meridians in his body seemed to have turned into a dragon dormant, containing unimaginable power, and a wave of terror fluctuated from his body. Spread.

Prince Junmo's complexion changed, he felt a strong threat from Long Aotian's body, and he moved directly to the distance without thinking.


Long Aotian's body was full of breath, and the sound of an ancient dragon chant sounded. He was like a tarsal bone. He followed closely behind Prince Junmo's prince, and then simply punched toward Prince Junmo.


Although Prince Junmo tried his best to resist, he found that Long Aotian's flesh turned out to be ten times and one hundred times stronger in an instant, and became extremely powerful, so that he couldn't resist at all. His arms were numb and his whole body was straight. Fly out!

This is the body of the great dragon of Dacheng, which contains the supreme secret of the dragon clan, so that Long Aotian has a very abnormal physical power. Rao is a powerful prince of Junmo, but there is still no way to resist the current Long Aotian. !


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