Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2458: The power of 1 palm!


The golden divine dragon instantly shrank and became a dozen feet long, like a golden chain, directly wrapped around Liu Sheng's body!


In the eyes of Long Aotian's eyes, the flash of the gods flashed, while Liu Sheng was deterred by the dragon's eight sounds, and then punched out of the sky, the mighty fist prints burst out, giving him a sense of carefreeness, as if The power in the body sprayed directly out like a volcano, directly blasting on Liu Sheng's chest.

Liu Shengru was struck by lightning, and his body protector Shen Gang couldn't resist the punch. It suddenly broke, and his unmatched punch exploded in his body, making him tremble directly, the ribs above his chest It all shattered, and blood spewed wildly in the mouth.


Long Aotian's eyes were cold, he didn't give Liu Sheng any chance to breathe, and it was the volley of the sky that slammed into the past, and his whole body of blood rose, like flames and thunder are intertwined, making his breath look more terrifying!


Everyone was stunned.

Many powerful men, including Prince Junmo and Shenchao, smiled on their faces and became incredulously stunned.

Liu Sheng is a strong man at the pinnacle of Heavenly God Realm, and his strength is unfathomable. He once killed a lot of Heavenly God strong men. It stands to reason that dealing with Long Aotian should be in his hand.

However, Long Aotian was like fighting chicken blood, and his strength has soared many times. As soon as he shot, he directly suppressed Liu Sheng, and even began to beat Liu Sheng, so that Liu Sheng did not have the slightest resistance.

"This... this is really hell! Long Aotian can't have such a strong fighting force, otherwise he would have killed Prince Junmo, what's going on?"

Everyone had their eyes widened, and their faces were all horrified.

"Is it Long Aotian who has been hiding?"

"Impossible! If he had been hiding awkwardly, the King of God would have almost killed him just with one finger! I think it might be the reason for the young man in white!"

"Yes! I remembered it. The young man in white just patted Long Aotian. Long Aotian suddenly had the power to crush Liu Sheng!"

"This... how is this possible? I was slapped by the young man in white and immediately had the power of the leapfrog challenge? Are you sure you are not teasing me? I don't believe it, there must be something we don't know!"


Everyone was talking about it, wondering why Long Aotian would become so strong.

Many people began to doubt Ling Xiao. After all, it was Ling Xiao who just shot Long Aotian. Long Aotian immediately felt like he had hit the chicken blood and had the power to crush Liu Sheng.

Although this statement makes everyone feel a little weird, but there is no reason to refute.

boom! boom! boom!

Long Aotian's golden vitality rose around him, and a ghost image of a golden dragon appeared above his head, making him look terrible, and each blow had the power to destroy the world.

He threw dozens of punches again and again, and each punch hit Liu Sheng, making Liu Sheng tremble, coughing up blood in his mouth. At the beginning, Liu Sheng’s eyes were full of anger, but the more he reached the back of his heart The more fear.

Is he really going to be killed here by Long Aotian?

A strong man in a true divine realm can actually kill a strong man in a perfect divine realm, and on the basis of not having any treasure bonus, this is simply incredible.

"Damn it! How could this be? You hurry up and rescue Uncle Liu!"

Prince Junmo's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of shock. A huge panic appeared in his heart, as if he felt a sense of loss of control.

This feeling made him a little panicked, especially when he saw the distant but calm gaze of Ling Xiao in the distance, so that he could not help but tremble, and a shuddering feeling appeared in his heart.


Although the real gods were very frightened at the moment, Prince Junmo’s order came down, and they could only obey. They suddenly showed a very fierce killing intention in their eyes. Rushing towards Long Aotian.


Those powerful real gods urged all of their cultivation practices, holding swords, swords and halberds, exhibiting the most powerful life-long learning skills, the whole body's divine light surging, bursting out powerful breath fluctuations, towards Long Ao God is coming.

They do not seek to be able to kill Long Aotian, they only hope to be able to hold Long Aotian as far as possible, and then give Liu Sheng a chance to breathe. They believe that as long as Liu Sheng can have a breathing chance, there is a possibility of defeat.


Long Guangtian's Yu Guang looked at the people who had been killed, and suddenly the murderous intention rose among the eyes, and then punched towards the people. The golden fist print was like a mountain, and it fell down towards everyone.

The mountains are sturdy and vast, containing unparalleled divine power, but the blood and blood gathered in Long Aotian’s body, weighing hundreds of thousands of people. Those people were caught off guard by the mountain, and they were instantly suppressed by this mountain. Completely empty.

Those powerful real gods haven't been able to kill Long They were suppressed by Long Aotian with one punch, coughing up blood in his mouth, breathlessness, and instantly lost most of the battle force.

"Junmo, the next one is you!"

Long Aotian sneered, his cold eyes fell on Prince Junmo in the distance, so that Prince Junmo could not help but tremble in his heart.


Long Aotian shouted, his whole body of war rose, and the power in his body seemed to be endless, which gave him a terrible combat power, and Liu Sheng had no resistance at all.

A mighty fist print fell from the sky, like a shining meteor, gathering the strongest power in Long Aotian's body, and even bursting into the vast sound of dragon chant, terrified to the extreme.

Liu Sheng's face changed drastically, and his eyes showed an involuntary expression of fear. He could feel that he couldn't stop this punch, he would die under this punch.

In that extreme fear, Liu Sheng could not help shouting, "His Majesty the King, save me!"


At this moment, the sky dome broke apart in an instant, and the endless bright light poured down, like a storm in the endless sea, scattered with the breath of breath that made everyone frightened and frightened.

"Who dares to kill Ben's men?"

A majestic and icy voice exploded in the void, and the four heavens began to roar violently in an instant, and everyone shuddered, and their eyes were very frightened.

"Yes... God's King is coming?!"

Someone exclaimed, and his voice was trembling.

ps: Yesterday it was originally six chapters. There were only two chapters when something happened. I will make up four chapters today. There will be a total of seven chapters today. This is the second more.


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