Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2461: God of War!

The Heaven Swallowing Sword is Ling Xiao's life and treasure, and it contains the complete Heaven Swallowing Avenue. After Ling Xiao proved the sanctification, after all these years of hard work and sacrifice, the Heaven Swallowing Sword has merged the endless treasures of heaven and earth. , Has swallowed many powerful holy treasures, and has become a unique holy treasure.

The purple war sword in Jun Tiancheng's hands is also a holy treasure, but it is only the inferior holy treasure, but this time he came to the war **** realm, the treasure given to him by the sect, otherwise he would like to use the cultivation of his **** king realm, want It is not so easy to have an indispensable holy treasure.


Swallow Sky Sword came across the void, and instantly collided with the purple sword. Mars was shining, and the divine power was spreading out, so that the surrounding voids were trembling violently, and there was a crack.


Long Aotian's eyes were full of monstrous warfare, and the swallowing sword swayed in the palm of his hand, exuding the sound of a vast dragon chant, a beam of sword light exploded, containing everything that devoured everything. Power fluctuations.

The breath of his whole person was skyrocketing, and he soon surpassed the limit of the true **** realm and reached the same realm as Jun Tiancheng.

Holding the swallowing sword, Long Aotian has a kind of self-confidence and momentum that defies the world and is invincible!

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Both Long Aotian and Jun Tiancheng are extremely fast. They fought above the sky dome. With each blow, the roar of mountains and tsunamis erupted. The endless divine light swept the Quartet and was deafening.

Jun Tiancheng originally thought that it would be possible to suppress Long Aotian between turning hands, but when he saw that the swallowing sword in Long Aotian's hand turned out to be a holy treasure, he immediately took away the thought of ignoring the enemy. Sky Sword, the fighting power of the whole person has skyrocketed, not weaker than him at all, making Jun Tiancheng's heart startled and angry.

It is difficult for him to imagine, why a sacred treasure can make Long Aotian have a fighting power comparable to that of God Realm?

And what is the identity of the young man in white who claims to be a friend of Ling Xiao?

Jun Tiancheng was distracted, and the more he thought about it, the more he was afraid of Ling Xiao. For a time, he even competed with Long Aotian.


Ling Xiao and Jun Tiancheng collided again, as if a sun exploded directly, and the bright light rain formed a storm, sweeping towards the surroundings, making people tremble.

"Hahaha...happy! The so-called **** king, but so!"

Long Aotian laughed loudly, his fighting spirit rose in his eyes, and the violent power in his body was as turbulent as a big wave, allowing him to squander his divine power at will and exert the divine power of swallowing the sword.

Ling Xiao was very fond of Long Aotian when he was in Ares Realm, so he even taught him the secret technique of swallowing the sky. Although Long Aotian's experience in these years was mainly above the practice of the secret technique of ancestral dragon, but the secret technique of swallowing the sky He also condensed and swallowed Tianding, able to devour everything.

Using the Sky Swallow Mystery to control the Sky Swallow Sword can explode into a more powerful combat power!


Long Aotian's blood was rising around him, and a three-legged two-eared eard appeared behind him. It looked quaint and mysterious. It contained a vast swallowing law, and the vast heaven and earth spirits around him rushed into Long Aotian. Come.

He held the sky-swallowing sword in one hand, the sword shining on the world in ten directions, squeezing the dragon fist seal in one hand, and the violent power in his body exploded, making him appear to be a golden dragon!


Endless sword qi fell across the sky, containing Dao Dao Shengwei, the dazzling runes flashing, that was transformed by the laws of the Dao Road, and came towards Jun Tiancheng.

"Give me!"

Jun Tiancheng's eyes flashed, his mouth screamed, and the purple war knife was cut across the sky, containing a roaring thunder, blazing fiercely, turned into a thunder knives, and collided with the endless sword energy, Tremble violently in the void.

The rune laws condensed by Jianqi are like substance, which poses a great threat to Jun Tiancheng. He exploded out all the fighting power, and wanted to break the endless sword Qi out of it.


Long Aotian's eyes were indifferent, and a punch came out, the golden divine light rose, and the fist seal directly turned into a golden mountain, crashing down towards Jun Tiancheng.

Jun Tiancheng rose to the sky and collided with Long Aotian's punch. There was a fierce thunder rising in his palm, directly blasting on that mountain, and blasting that mountain into a powder.

There was a booming sound in the void, and Long Aotian and Juntian Chengdu stepped back at the same time.


Prince Junmo looked at the war in the void, his face became very ugly, and there was even a trace of unstoppable fear.

The father of the God King, who claimed to be invincible in his heart, turned out to be just like Long Aotian.

And all this was caused by the young man in white!

"Who is he?"

The fear of Prince Junmo's heart was that Long Aotian was only as strong as his strength. Even if he was a little stronger than him, he couldn't be much stronger, but it was the appearance of this person that made the biggest change in today's battle.

The young man in white patted Liu Aotian directly killed Liu Sheng at the peak of Heaven and God Realm!

The young man in white gave Long Aotian a sword. Like the blood of chicken, Long Aotian broke out the fighting power of God King Realm, which was inseparable from Jun Tiancheng's killing!

What exactly is this young man in white doing?

Prince Junmo knows that such unpredictable means, even Jun Tiancheng, can't do it. Is it possible that this young man in white has already touched the realm of the Holy Word?

Today's God of War Realm, with the constant engulfing the world around it, is already dozens of times larger than ten years ago, and it can gradually withstand the power of the Holy Word.

However, the cost of sending the saint to the lower realm is too high, so there is no saint in the God of War Realm today.

Ling Xiao stood on his hand, standing on the top of the Changsheng Mountain, with a white coat fluttering and a breath of mystery and mystery. On his shoulder was a snow-white cute puppy, who looked very lazy and looked bored, looking like a statue. The ordinary fairy, make people dare not come close.

Everyone looked at Ling Xiao's eyes at this moment, full of awe.

Ling Xiao didn't shoot, so everyone didn't know how strong Ling Xiao was.

However, Ling Xiao easily created a strong king of God. Seeing Long Aotian fighting with Jun Tian, ​​everyone became more and more afraid of Ling Xiao.

In the hearts of everyone, Ling Xiao has far surpassed the **** king Jun Tiancheng, and has become an invincible existence, which makes people hold high mountains.

"God of War Realm, it seems to be changing!"

There was a thought in everyone's heart.

Even the invincible God King Jun Tiancheng is now faintly defeated by Long Aotian. Everyone seems to see that after ten years of silence, the Changshengmen will re-enter the War God Realm with a strong attitude!


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