Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2463: sucker Punch!

Swallow Heaven Supreme, one of the most legendary people in the God of War Realm.

Rising at the end of the century, sweeping the world invincible, pushing the door of immortality to an unimaginable peak, he pushed countless powerful men, suppressed the demon outside the territory, and sacred to the major holy places, creating one legend after another.

The name Ling Xiao has become the glory of God of War.

Since Ling Xiao soared to God Realm a hundred years ago, his name has been circulating throughout the Ares Realm, and almost everyone regards it as an idol. Because of him, the entire Ares Realm has ushered in a vigorous development opportunity, endless arrogance, martial prosperity, The strong gather.

At that time, Ling Xiao's deeds were all talked about by people.

Swallow Heaven Supreme has become the legend of the whole God of War Realm!

Today, the Heavenly Sovereign Sword, Heaven Swallowing Sword, has appeared here, and is showing its dignity, killing His Majesty the King of God. The danger is immense, and it is almost dying under the Heaven Swallowing Sword.

Everyone's heart was full of inexplicable excitement and excitement, and at the same time a doubt appeared in his heart, why would the Swallow Sword be in the hands of this young man in white?

"What?! This is swallowing the sky sword? Who the **** are you?"

Jun Tiancheng was shocked, with an unbelievable look in his eyes, staring at Ling Xiao and asked.

The name of Swallowing the Sword is naturally thunderous, no matter in God Realm or God of War Realm, Jun Tiancheng thinks that person will tremble.

That peerless ruthless man who can slaughter the Great Saint and the King of War!

"Who am I... what do you say?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly and said noncommittally.

"Impossible! You can never be Ling Xiao! Chaos Treasure's self-explosion, even the emperor will certainly die, Ling Xiao has already died in God Realm, you just accidentally got his sword!"

Jun Tiancheng shouted, a look of panic appeared in his eyes.

He didn’t want himself to believe that the young man in white in front of him was Ling Xiao, which was simply impossible, and if this thing was true, it wasn’t just him. All the people who came to the whole Ares world must die without a burial place. .


Taking advantage of the moment when Juntian became a god, a fierce sword light fell from the sky, directly cutting Jun Tiancheng's legs, the blood light diffused in the void, and his two broken legs were swallowed by the sky sword instantly. Dried blood, turned into a fly ash.

"Jun Tiancheng, this sword belongs to Uncle Nangong!"

Long Aotian's eyes were filled with cold killing intentions, holding Tian Tianjian to cut off Jun Tiancheng's legs.

"Ah... **** you!"

Jun Tiancheng's eyes were full of cold killing intentions, his mouth roared, his face was extremely grim, the whole person quickly broke away from the envelope of the swallowing the sky sword, and the majestic life of the body surged and wanted to break Limb rebirth.

In the ten years of Ares Realm, Jun Tiancheng really regarded himself as the king of repression. He has always said one thing, how to tolerate his legs being cut off by others?

This is an unbearable shame for him!


Jun Tiancheng's blazing divine light surged out of his eyebrows, a purple thunder suddenly turned into a huge purple sword light in the void, exuding a vast heavenly power, horizontal sky Cut down towards Long Aotian.

But after this knife was condensed, Juntian Chengdu couldn't help but spit out a bit of blood, his face became very pale, and the seven tips all overflowed with blood, which looked terrible.

Obviously, this knife was urged, and Jun Tiancheng also paid a great price.

"Huh? Tiandao Zixuedao? It seems that this Juntian achievement is among the nineth emperor Que, not a small person!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and instantly recognized the trick that Jun Tiancheng broke out.

The undisclosed secret of the Nineth Emperor Que, the Supreme Treasure of Heavenly Path Purple Blood Sword, once caused a great threat to Ling Xiao, but later after Ling Xiao killed the Nineth Emperor Que's emperor, he also practiced Heavenly Path Purple blood knife.


Long Aotian's eyes flashed, and he felt a huge threat from the purple blade of light in the void. go with.

The purple sword light contains a kind of majestic, ancient and mysterious fluctuations, as if everything in the world shook in front of this knife and turned into ants. Although the sword-swallowing air was fierce, it broke instantly.


Jun Tiancheng's eyes were full of cold killing intentions. He hated Long Aotian to the extreme, and he had to kill Long Aotian completely no matter what.

"Jun Tiancheng, you haven't even got the fur of the Heavenly Blood Purple Blood Knife. It is really embarrassing to the Nineth Emperor Que!"

At this moment, Ling Xiao's faint voice sounded in the void.


Ling Xiao Ling pointed out with a finger, a purple light bloomed at the fingertips, an instantless amount of light illuminated the world, a bright purple knife like the sun, looks crystal clear, bright and flawless, exuding a sharp breath, Blocked in front of Long Aotian and collided with Heavenly Dao Zixuedao.

Only hearing a clear voice sounded, Tian Tian Zi blood knife cast by Jun Tiancheng suddenly broke, and the purple knife light went away, directly cutting Jun Tiancheng's reborn legs.

" could you possibly be my Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife of the Ninefold Emperor Que?! Who the **** are you?"

Jun Tiancheng screamed in his mouth, his eyes full of terrified look.

Ling Xiao's Heavenly Dao Purple Blood Sword burst out, just like the glory of Tianhuang, containing the power of Heavenly Dao's slaughter, as if the power of Heaven's Dao came, and Jun Tiancheng had no chance to resist at all.

And After Jun Tiancheng's legs were cut off, it seemed that he was affected by a mysterious force, and there was no way to regenerate his limbs.

"This knife is for many of my disciples who died in Changshengmen!"

Long Aotian's eyes flashed murderously, taking advantage of the opportunity to rise up into the sky, two bright sword lights fell, and Jun Tiancheng's arms were cut off.

"This sword is for the human race heroes who were killed by you!"

The sword light bloomed in the void, swallowing Tian Jian directly on Jun Tiancheng's face, flicking him out, his teeth were mixed with blood foam, and his face was swollen, looking very miserable.

"This sword is for myself!"

Another sword light fell, and nearly broke Jun Tiancheng.


In the void, only Long Aotian's roar and Jun Tiancheng's screams were left, and above Changsheng Mountain, everyone was silent, their eyes widened, their eyes full of fear and awe. .

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