Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2471: Summon!

Seeing Ling Xiao's mood was a bit low, Long Aotian's eyes turned and suddenly changed the topic: "Cousin, you exposed your identity. I am afraid that the powers of God Realm and Devil Realm will soon know. The news that you are still alive? I think we should leave the God of War Realm as soon as possible, otherwise we will be more dangerous when those might come!"

Long Aotian's words also expressed the hearts of everyone, and Ling Zhen and Nangong Xuan also nodded.

Ling Xiao is in the world of God, and can be said to be the enemy of the world. In addition, he became the son of the Heavenly Election in the Heavenly Election Conference, bearing the luck of heaven and earth, and becoming the sweet and sour in the eyes of countless people.

He blew up the wordless book before, and his death was gone, but now the news of his life is spreading, I am afraid that it will cause those who are coveting to be tempted.

"I just want them to know that I am still alive. If they can send the Holy King to chase me down, that would be great! And I am sure that they will definitely send the Holy King to the lower realm, the temptation of the Son of Heaven, not every one. Everyone can bear it!"

Ling Xiao sneered, a sharp edge appeared in his eyes.

This is also the reason why he talked to the people before. Otherwise, if Ling Xiao's cultivation is used, all the Shinto strong men in the God of War Realm can be killed.

"You can rest assured! The reason why I did this was because I was confident that they would come back and forth! As for you, it is indeed too dangerous to stay here. After today, I will open the channel of the Heavenly Prison Realm and take you all Sent into the heavenly realm, where it will be our base camp from now on, and there will be solid gold there, no one can threaten you!"

Ling Xiao comforted when she saw the worry in Ling Zhen and Long Aotian's eyes.

He understands their worries. After all, Ling Xiao is only the cultivation of the Great Holy Realm. If God Realm and Demon Realm send Saint King to the lower realm, I am afraid that Ling Xiao is hardly their opponent.

However, Ling Xiao has not put the strong man of the Holy King Realm in his eyes.

Holy King, you can kill!

"Tian He Realm? Cousin, you are so amazing! No one thought you would have been inherited by the Emperor Tian He, and became the master of the Tian He Realm. In this way, I will never have any worries about the Changsheng Gate. !"

Long Aotian looked at Ling Xiao in admiration and said.

Before listening to Ling Xiao said that he became the master of the heavenly world, everyone is like a dream, there is a very unreal feeling.

Even today's Heavenly Prison Realm has been isolated from other worlds for hundreds of millions of years, but Heavenly Prison Realm is also a large world of thousands and thousands of worlds like God Realm, Devil Realm, and Demon Realm. local.

Ling Xiao became the master of the Heavenly Prison Realm, just like the ancient emperor, possessing the power of a complete world.

"Yes! Perhaps you should have discovered that the God of War Realm is now dozens of times larger than a hundred years ago. The immense quantity of robbery is coming, the endless world will be destroyed, re-integrated and reborn, and will form a source continent. , The heavens and the world will be broken, only the eternal realm!

By that time, I am afraid that from ancient times to the past, countless peerless arrogances will appear. This is a golden age and an extremely cruel era. If we do not have enough power to protect ourselves, we can only become the weak who are arbitrarily slaughtered! "

Ling Xiao sighed softly, and then drank the wine from the glass.

After everyone heard Ling Xiao's words, they were all a little dignified and felt the immense pressure, and their hearts were full of fighting spirit.

Innumerable disasters are challenges and opportunities.

By that time, no creature can hide fast, and it must have sufficient strength to protect the people it cares about!

"Master, rest assured, we will not be ashamed of you! When we reach Tian He Realm, we will work hard to become stronger as soon as possible!"

Seven people including Mu Linfeng said seriously.

"Hey, why do you talk about such a heavy topic? Come and drink! Today is a day to celebrate the return of my cousin. Don't think so much, drink well. I believe that the future will definitely be our world!"

Long Aotian grinned, broke the repressed atmosphere, and raised his glass of wine and laughed at the crowd.

Everyone smiled, and they all drank and drank.

The Taoist tree is rooted in the earth, the trunk is like a pillar of heaven, the crown of the tree is covering the sky, and the verdant leaves shake with the breeze, making a clear and pleasant sound like a wind chime.

On the quiet night, everyone was strategizing, full of joy and excitement, and all of them began to get drunk.

Even Ling Xiao suppressed his practice, and let the wine anesthetize his nerves and began to get drunk. His eyes were blurred, and he seemed to see Jinse and Xuewei vaguely, and met them in a dream.

Ling Xiao was drunk and fell into a deep sleep, extremely relaxed.

He just wanted to get drunk, relax his body thoroughly, experience joys and sorrows, and experience the most complex and true emotions in the world.

The bright moonlight fell on Ling Xiao's body, and there was a beautiful arc in the corner of his mouth, with a pure smile like a child, and fell asleep.

On the second day, Ling Xiao woke up from a deep sleep, and felt that his body was refreshed, his mood became extremely peaceful, and his cultivation of the Great Sacred Realm actually improved a lot. Rooted in the void, spreading towards the heavens and the world, drawing energy, is changing towards a towering tree.

He felt an unprecedented ease.

"Cousin, there are words from the coming Shinto strong men who want to come to see you!"

Long Aotian came to Ling Xiao and brought a message.

"Want to see me? Are they not afraid that I will kill them all directly? Very good, have the courage! Then see you, you hear, I will wait for them above the sea of ​​reincarnation before sunset, if anyone dares not Come, then it won't be used!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, with a hint of fineness in his eyes.

Although the advent of Shinto powers did not take the initiative to take the longevity door, Ling Xiao believes that they must also contribute to the back, but Jun Tiancheng is only the one they launched on the bright side.

Although I don't know why they want to see themselves, Ling Xiao didn't pay any special attention. These people are just the people he left behind to spread the news. It's not worth mentioning like ants.

"it is good!"

Long Aotian smiled and felt quite raised and exhaled.

He can think of the anxiety and fear of those strong Shinto all, even Jun Tiancheng and Jun Mo are planted in Ling Xiao's hands, plus Ling Xiao's illustrious name in God Realm, if they How dare you come to visit Ling Xiao.

Even if they don't want to come, they may only come here with a scalp.

Long Aotian's words quickly spread throughout the whole Ares Realm, telling all the people of Ares Realm, Ling Xiao will summon many Shinto powers before sunset.

The whole Ares is boiling.

They are secretly guessing, is it that Ling Xiao wants to open the ring of killing and kill those strong Shintos?

There are many people who are curious and go to the reincarnation to see what will happen.

In the longevity world, under the testimony of many longevity disciples, Jun Tiancheng and Jun Mo were alive and condemned, and they were eventually crushed, and their souls died away, which can be regarded as a solution to the anger and hatred in the hearts of many disciples.

Ling Xiao is ready to open the channel of Tian He Realm and send everyone to Tian He Realm!

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