Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2474: Holy King avatar!

After all, whether it is the condition of Hua Xuanling or the condition of Bolin, it is an irresistible temptation for everyone, which is beyond expectation for countless people, but it is now placed in front of Ling Xiao.

"Ling Xiao, it seems that these guys are not afraid to come and ask you to guilt. They are surreptitious, I think they all deserve to die!"

He was lying on Ling Xiao's shoulders, his lips pouted, and he sneered.

Ling Xiao's eyes fell on Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin, and his eyes were deep and calm, as if they contained a kind of power that penetrated people's hearts, and both Hua Xuan Ling and Bo Lin felt great pressure.

"I originally thought that you came to ask for sin, and begged me to spare your life, maybe because you didn't deal with the longevity door, I don't bother to deal with your group of ants! But I didn't think that you actually I came to talk to me about the conditions, which is really interesting!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, with a hint of laughter in her eyes.

"But, what qualifications do you have to talk to me about the conditions? Lord of the court of heaven? The future Devil Emperor? It's okay to use this kind of lie to deceive children, do you really think I dare not kill?"

At the end, Ling Xiao's eyes showed a sharp edge.


The voids around them seemed to be influenced by Ling Xiao's momentum, and suddenly rumbling and trembling, the reincarnation of the sea was rough and the waves were rising.

Both Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin couldn't help but change their faces. They didn't even think that Ling Xiao even refused to even think about it.

With such tempting conditions, does Ling Xiao not feel excited at all?

"Ling Xiao, are you determined to be the enemy of my Chinese family and the Nineth Emperor Que? Know that this consequence is not something you can bear!"

Hua Xuanling's eyes flashed sharply, looking directly at Ling Xiao, saying that there was something threatening in his speech.

"Hey, Ling Xiao, you really don't know how to live or die! Dare to reject my emperor and the three devil emperors, they have all become dead! Take the opportunity of the king's world, you don't want to be a dead man, it's stupid... …"

Bo Lin also sneered, and there was no trace of respect for Ling Xiao anymore.

"Are you finally going to see Tu Pang? I'm really curious, how do you want to deal with me based on you ants?"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, his eyes full of ridicule.

From the beginning, he felt something was wrong, and Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin were too calm. They even talked to him with an equal attitude.

If Ling Xiao did not guess wrong, the two of them should have come with the will of God Realm and Devil Realm. If Ling Xiao agreed, then if they did not agree, I would probably let them go directly to the killer, except Ling Xiao.

"Ling Xiao, you are the son of Heaven's Choice. Since you don't agree to the conditions of my Chinese people, you can't go back to God Realm alive! You are nothing but the cultivation of the sage's realm, and now there are no wordless books. My ancestor's eyes are nothing but ants! Let's die!"

Hua Xuanling said expressionlessly, and suddenly his eyes showed a very crazy and excited killing intention.

The son who can be chosen by the sky, the seed of the future emperor, will make Hua Xuanling groan with excitement!


One of the ancient jades in Hua Xuanling's palm was suddenly crushed by him, the bright and vast divine light bloomed, the chaos filled with fog, a young figure appeared in the void, exuding the incomparable monstrous sky The general trend.

That young figure was shrouded in the mist of chaos, and his face could not be seen clearly, but a pair of eyes was very cold, like the sword spirit of Chongxiao, to pierce the endless world.

"A Saint King avatar? It seems that in order to deal with me, the Chinese are really laid down on the blood!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, with a trace of sarcasm in her eyes.

He can naturally see that the young figure in the void is not a real body, but a holy king avatar. There is no way to exist for too long, but he can have most of the holy king's combat power in a short time. .

"Dare to die before death? Kill him!"

Hua Xuanling pointed at Ling Xiao and sneered.


The Saint King's avatar took a step in an instant, as if crossing the endless world, killing Ling Xiao in the sky!

The God of War Realm seemed to have no way to withstand the power of the Saint King's avatar. The void around them shattered, and the entire God of War Realm was shaking. There was a wave of terrifying terror.

"Do you want to kill me every time a Saint King avatar? It seems that the Chinese really look down on me!"

Ling Xiao shook his head.

"Where is the sky burning?"

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked deep into the sky.


The sky suddenly shattered, the extremely blazing divine light bloomed, forming a vast vortex of void, a terrifying figure stepped out of the vortex, looking like a mountain, spreading the world, exuding the vastness And the breath of terror fluctuates.


After that figure appeared, there was a monstrous flame rising in a flash, containing all the power fluctuations that burned the sky, and directly enveloped the holy king.


A huge fist print descended from the sky, and was strong, domineering and majestic, directly blasting on the Saint King's avatar, splitting the Saint King's avatar apart, and then being shrouded by the burning Tian Zhenyan, and quickly turned into nothingness.


Everyone was stunned, feeling a trembling all over, eyes full of incredible look.

At the moment when the Saint King avatar appeared, everyone felt as if the whole person had been frozen, there was no way to move.

The power of the Saint King avatar exceeded their imagination, as if this Saint King avatar was the invincible emperor who crushed the heavens!

But what they did not expect was that the extremely powerful Saint King avatar was actually smashed by a punch, as if there was no resistance.

Especially Hua Xuanling, at the moment, his body was trembling, his face was pale, his eyes were full of fear, and his voice was trembling unconsciously: "Holy... holy king?! How could there be a holy king in this world?"

Maybe others don’t But Hua Xuanling instantly sensed the horror of that figure, this is the arrival of a real holy king!

In the void, the holy king was covered with flames and contained endless power. Even the glory of the sun was covered by him. The people did not even dare to look up. They all knelt on the ground and shivered with trembling.

"Burn the sky to see the master!"

After shooting the dead king, the holy king bowed down to Ling Xiao respectfully.

It is one of the ten holy kings in heaven prison world, burning heaven holy king!

At this moment, everyone is silent.

The same sentence appeared in their minds at the same time.

Burn the sky and see the master!

This horrible holy king, actually called Ling Xiao's master, and so respectful, willing to be a slave to Ling Xiao, how powerful should Ling Xiao be?

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