Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2476: The war is coming

The ten great holy kings stand in the sky, exuding the mighty majesty, like ten bright suns, dazzling the entire God of War.

Who could have imagined that Ling Xiao could make the top ten holy kings bow down?

The conspiracy of Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin completely turned into a joke in the face of absolute power.

At this moment, above the reincarnation of the sea, Ling Xiao's clothes fluttered, her face was pale but calm, and her whole body exuded a kind of lingering temperament, just like the emperor's dust.

Everyone including Hua Xuan Ling, Bolin and all the powerful God of War Realm bowed their heads, and their eyes were full of terrified looks.

Especially Hua Xuan Ling and Bo Lin.

Death is not the thing that scares them the most, what scares them the most is that they seem to have really seen a future great emperor on Ling Xiao's body, and are rising from the sky with an unstoppable momentum!

The ancient emperor can prove the emperor's realm, and all of them have stepped on the bones of countless people and walked through the **** sea of ​​corpse mountains before they can reach the realm of no god!

Especially the emperor at the beginning of the human race era, although hailed as the most dazzling arrogance and peerless power in the history of the human race, it overwhelmed the heavens and the world, and even made other great emperors dare not fight against it, but also killed with the power of peerlessness. After a grand and terrible life, the godlessness was killed, and the light and glory of the human race was killed!

Ling Xiao is the son of a natural choice in this era, and he is full of luck, but his cultivation is not strong, and he does not have a strong background. Naturally, it has caused countless people to covet.

In their view, before the son of natural selection grows up, he is just a slightly more powerful genius, which is not a cause for concern.

They even wanted to replace it, seize the heavenly luck of Ling Xiao, and let themselves be the children of this era!

But Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin now suddenly found that with the ten holy kings as servants, Ling Xiao already had the confidence and any immortal holy place in God Realm to compete. After all, even if the Chinese are known for their deep heritage, there are not so many holy people. Wang Qiang!

"He wanted to use us as a bait to lure the ancestral ancestors of you and my family into the world?"

Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin soon wanted to understand Ling Xiao's intention, and his face became extremely pale, and even a trace of despair appeared.

If the Chinese and Boxun emperors really have the holy king ancestors coming, under the siege of the ten holy kings, I am afraid they will eventually die out!

Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin were so anxious in their hearts that they didn't want to be sinners in the family, but they had no way at all!

The entire Ares Realm has been blocked by Ling Xiao, and there is no information to transmit.

"Burn the sky, I am afraid that God of War Realm will disappear completely after today, but the creatures of God of War Realm I can't bear them to die. You will bring them all to Heaven Hell!"

Ling Xiao looked at the top ten holy kings and said lightly.

"Yes, master!"

The top ten holy kings are bowing salutes.

In their eyes, the hundreds of billions of creatures in the God of War Realm are as weak as ants, and they are not even taken seriously by them, but Ling Xiao's order must be implemented carefully.

At the same time, sending hundreds of billions of spirits of the God of War Realm into the Heavenly Prison Realm is also a great consumption for the Holy King, but their ten Great Holy Kings are simultaneously performing the technique of moving the world, which can also be easily completed.


With the swing of Ling Xiao's sleeve, the sky dome instantly shattered, and the vast and huge void channel expanded tens of thousands of times. When you looked closely, it seemed that there was a huge hole in the sky dome, exposing the vast universe.


Headed by the Holy King of Burning Heaven, the top ten Holy Kings all exhibited supernatural powers, and the vast light shrouded the entire God of War Realm.

At this moment, the spirits of God of War Realm, whether human or beast, were all wrapped in the Holy Light, slowly rising into the sky, and heading towards the vast void channel above the sky dome.

"What's going on?! Where are we going?"

"Why is my body not under my own control? What is the great existence against us?"

"God, could it be that the gods show their spirits, would you help me lift Xia Xia?"


People in the whole Ares world are shaking, and there is a fear of the unknown in their eyes, and each one has become stunned and anxious.

"Everyone of Ares Realm, this Lingxiao, is the Lord of the Heavenly Court of Heaven, and today all the people of the Ares Realm together lifted Xia to Ascend the God Realm and entered the Lingxiao Heavenly Court, which proves that the Avenue will never die!"

Ling Xiao's voice resembled Huanghuang Tianwei, and instantly spread throughout the whole Ares Realm, ringing in everyone's ears.

"What?! Ling Xiao... is the Supreme Master of Heaven? He wants to take us to lift Xia?"

After a brief shock, the crowd immediately became very ecstatic, and their eyes were full of excitement, showing their fanatical worship of Ling Xiao.

"People with a world lift Xia soaring, is this the power of Lord Ling Xiao?"

"Hahaha...I knew it! Even Lord God was slapped to death by Lord Ling Xiao. Lord Ling Xiao was afraid that he would already be the God Emperor of God Realm. Lord Xiao remembers us, and I am so moved! I decided that from today, Lord Ling Xiao will be my faith, and those who are against Enemy Ling Xiao will be my dead enemy!"

"Juxia soars! This is an unprecedented feat. There is no merit, no merit..."

"That's not Lord Lingxiao, did you not hear it? Lord Lingxiao is now the master of Lingxiao Heavenly Court, that is Lingxiao Tiandi!"

"Thank you Lingxiao Tiandi!"

"Thank you Lingxiao Tiandi!"


Everyone's voice is like a storm ~ ~ resounds throughout the Ares world.

At this moment, Ling Xiao stood above the God of War Realm and saw that countless powers of faith came toward him, and in an instant it seemed like a brilliant Jinxia, ​​condensed into a substantial light, lingering in Ling Xiao The whole body gradually gathered into a golden sea.

The power of such a vast faith is even more terrifying than the power of faith in the eternal life world, and even Ling Xiao gave birth to an illusion, as if he could devour the power of these beliefs, he could even break through the number of circumstances. Prove that there is no God!

"What a powerful force of faith, I was almost even deceived!"

Ling Xiao's eyes instantly regained clarity, a look of shock in his eyes.

In his heart, there was a great fear and vigilance against the power of faith, and he was even more reluctant to integrate the power of faith into his body, but collected all the power of faith.

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