Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2478: The tragic holy king!

"It's a shame!"

The young man with purple hair sneered.

In his view, the reason why Ling Xiao was able to fight against the Holy King in the Lingxiao Mountains of God Realm was because he relied on the Wordless Heavenly Script, but now the Wordless Heavenly Script explodes. Although Ling Xiao does not know how to escape from death, But the cultivation of the Sacred Realm in every district was not taken into consideration by him at all.

"Huh, why are all the people in this world gone?"

The middle-aged man in black robe suddenly flashed his eyes, revealing a look of surprise.

Taking the cultivation of the holy king as a spiritual consciousness, he could naturally cover the whole God of War Realm, but when he discovered that everyone in this realm disappeared as if out of thin air, even the beasts disappeared and became extremely strange.

In the whole Ares Realm, only Ling Xiao, Hua Xuan Ling, Bo Lin and other Shinto powerhouses remain.


The eyes of Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin were filled with extremely anxious and frightened expressions, and they wanted to say something, but they were all blocked by Ling Xiao and unable to speak.

boom! boom!

Both the young man with purple hair and the middle-aged man in black robe shot a palm at the same time. The vast divine power broke out, and the seals of Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin were generally cracked.

Ling Xiao looked at all this lightly, and did not stop it.

"Old Ancestor, Ancestral Escape..."

"Ancestor, this is a trap, you are leaving here!"

Both Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin shouted anxiously at the same time, all shaking.


Seeing the appearance of Hua Xuan Ling and Bo Lin, the young man with purple hair and the middle-aged man in black robe could not help but change his face, and felt something wrong in his heart.

"What the **** happened?"

The young man with purple hair snorted.

Without waiting for Hua Xuanling to answer, Ling Xiao smiled indifferently: "Or I will answer you! Are you curious where are the people of Ares Realm? Of course, all of them were taken away by me, Ares Realm is your burial place At this place, two holy kings were buried here, and I did not waste my time!"

"Ling Xiao, it's up to you?"

The middle-aged man in black robe laughed angrily.

"Ancestor! Ling Xiao, he...he...he has ten servants of the Holy King, already ambushed in the God of War Realm, waiting for you to come! This is simply a trap!"

Hua Xuanling shouted exhaustedly, his teeth trembling.

But although he anxiously wanted to remind the holy ancestor, but when he saw Ling Xiao's indifferent expression, his heart sank.

"Ten servants of the Holy King? This is impossible!"

The middle-aged man in black robe exclaimed, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

"Ancestor, Ling Xiao does have ten servants of the Holy King! He left us alive, he just wanted us to be a bait to deal with you!"

Bo said in despair.


The young man with purple hair and the middle-aged man in black robe are all horrified Shengwei rising at the moment. His eyes suddenly showed extremely alert and vigilant look, staring at Ling Xiao with death.

"They are right about everything! God of War Realm is your burial ground!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, the smile was very bright, but looking at the eyes of the two holy kings, he revealed an indescribable chill.


The two holy kings were surrounded by holy light, and they were about to break through the void and leave the Ares.

No matter whether God of War Realm is a trap or not, they all want to leave God of War Realm first and then say that the ten Saint King slaves have scared them.

Even in God Realm and Demon Realm, the Holy King is not Chinese cabbage, but the strongest man standing at the pinnacle of the Holy Path. Where did Ling Xiao conquer the ten Saint King slaves?


The God of War Realm is shaking violently, and the void trembles, as if it will be broken at any time. The two holy kings spray a thin light around them and want to break the void and leave here.

But what made them unbelievable was that the God of War Realm, which seemed to them extremely fragile, had become extremely strong. With the strength of both of them, there was no way to break the void.


At this moment, an ancient and mysterious huge stone monument appeared above them, exuding the wildness, vastness, ancient and mysterious atmosphere fluctuations, a chain of order gods traversing hundreds of millions of voids, sealing the entire God of War Realm firmly. Got up.

Tianwei is in prison!

The four blood-red characters exuded monstrous grief, as if they were the devil emperors who slaughtered hundreds of millions of souls, making the two holy kings frightened at this moment.

"Ji Dao Emperor?! You... how could you have such a horrible Ji Mo?

The young man with purple hair exclaimed, and his face instantly became very ugly.


The middle-aged man in black robe flashed in his eyes, and immediately rushed towards Ling Xiao.

He was extremely determined. When he knew that there might be ten holy kings hidden around him, he wanted to use Ling Xiao's big thoughts. The thief should first capture the king and grab Ling Xiao before he could break the game.

The vast magic light was turbulent, like a black ocean. The middle-aged man in black robe reached the extreme speed, and almost immediately reached the front of Ling Xiao, and then a huge magic palm caught towards Ling Xiao.

"Does this treat me as a soft persimmon?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and there was a fiery golden glow shot out of his eyes.


He sprayed a monstrous purple-golden divine light all over his body, and his blood rose like a big ocean, Ling Xiao punched out, all his terrifying and terrifying power was condensed in this fist, containing the waves of devastation, Suddenly bumped into a middle-aged man in black robe.

The purple-gold light sprayed thinly, and collided with the black magic palm, like a huge storm erupting in all directions, sweeping the whole Ares.

However, the middle-aged man in black robe felt a monstrous force coming towards That force was so powerful that it seemed to be the power of chaos that made him unable to bear at all.

The huge magic palm exploded in the void, and the vast fist force poured into the body of the middle-aged black robe. In an instant, one of his arms exploded and the whole person flew out.

"You... how could you have such a powerful physical power? You are not a saint, you have broken through to the realm of the great saint?!"

The look of the middle-aged man in black robe changed greatly, and his eyes showed an incredible look.

He did not participate in the battle in the Lingxiao Mountains, but he knew that the war was tragic, and Ling Xiao swept the four sides with the wordless book, and finally escaped from the God Realm.

Although he was intercepted by Yuanlou Mojun and encountered a life-and-death crisis, it directly detonated the Wushu Tianshu and severely damaged Yuanlou Mojun, causing Yuanlou Mojun to die under the compass of Jinse's years.

He did not underestimate Ling Xiao, but he did not experience that battle after all, and it was difficult to imagine how powerful Ling Xiao's physical power was!

This punch seems to completely smash the pride and confidence of the middle-aged man in black robe!

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