Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2486: Conquer all worlds!

Ling Xiao handed over the belief avatar to the King of Burning Heaven. By the way, he saw the three hidden kings of the world, and at the same time took control of the three of them, and completely controlled the life and death of the three of them.

Although the three hidden kings were reluctant and reluctant, they were just three ordinary kings. Under the watchful eye of the ten kings, they were afraid to be threatened by the heavenly prestige. Have any resistance.

However, after taking control of the life and death of the three of them, Ling Xiao also gave them a little sweetness, and taught them the Godlessness recorded in some of the Heavenly Hell.

The Heavenly Hell is all-encompassing, which records all kinds of mysterious magical powers created by Heavenly Emperor Emperor. Apart from Tian Peiru’s peerless imperial technique, which is the fundamental method of Heavenly Emperor Emperor, other imperial art Lingxiao did not conceal. It also taught the top ten holy kings and allowed them to improve their cultivation.

The four small steps of the Holy King Realm, each of which is difficult to break through, must understand the emperor of the Supreme Emperor's art, and use the power of the emperor's path to break through the territory, in order to hope to reach a higher level.

Burning Heavenly Saint King is the highest, and was awarded the commander of the expedition to Wanjie by Ling Xiao, leading the 12 Saint Kings and the four major legions to prepare the army and conquer other worlds.

However, Ling Xiao also asked them to be careful. They must first investigate the strongest combat power of other worlds. Otherwise, if they meet those big worlds where emperors suppress the current world, I am afraid that these people are not opponents of emperors at all. Completely destroyed.

Mu Linfeng and other disciples of Ling Xiao’s Seven True Truths were very excited when they learned about it, and they were very excited one by one, preparing to go with the army.

"Hahaha... Do you want to conquer all realms? Cousin, let me be a vanguard. I also have to work hard to prove the sanctification, but I can't be taken too far by you!"

Long Aotian said with great excitement.

His cultivation practice has broken through to the heaven and **** realm. With the coming to the Heavenly Prison Realm, the blood line of the ancestor dragon in Long Aotian's body seems to have been opened. The cultivation practice is a thousand miles, so Ling Xiao is extremely amazing.

"Aotian, you can't go!"

Long Lie glared at Long Aotian.

"Uncle, why don't you let Aotian go out with the army? With the protection of the Holy King, he won't have any life danger. On the contrary, he goes out with the army and can let him grow up as soon as possible!"

Ling Xiao asked with some doubt.

"Ling Xiao, Aotian, he cannot go with the army, I think you should take him to the demon world!"

Long Lie said seriously to Ling Xiao.

"Demon world?"

Ling Xiao was a little surprised.

"Yes, it is the demon world! To be exact, it is the ancestral land of the dragon clan of the demon world. Aotian he has the blood line of the ancestor dragon. Among the entire dragon race, the people who have the blood line of the ancestor dragon, in addition to the contemporary dragon monarch A handful of people!

According to the records of the ancient books of my dragon family, Aotian has the blood of the ancestor dragon, so there is hope to compete for the next generation of dragon king! Although the Dragon Clan is no longer the glory of the ancient times, its strength is extremely powerful. It is one of the five demon clan in the demon world. If he can become a dragon king, the dragon clan can become your powerful help! "

Long Lie said seriously.

"Do you fight for the position of Dragon King?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved, and at the same time, he was also touched. He understood that Long Lie was thinking about him. After all, Long Aotian is still weak, and he is in great danger of fighting for the position of Long Jun, but Long Lie still wants him to go. It is hoped that the Dragon Clan can become Ling Xiao's help.

Ling Xiao is now an enemy all over the world. It is not enough to rely on Heavenly Prison Realm. He must have more allies.

"Do you want to fight for the Dragon King? Old man, you want me to die. I am only now at the cultivation of God Realm. I'm afraid I am qualified to fight for the position of the Dragon King. For, where can I compete with them?"

Long Aotian dragged his head and smiled bitterly.

"You can't do it, and your cousin! Humboy, for your cousin, you have to grab the dragon king's place!"

Long Lie looked at Long Ao Tian Dao in disappointment.

"Uncle, since that's the case, then I'll take Aotian to the demon world! But Aotian's cultivation practice is indeed a bit weak. I have some treasures here, so I can try to help Aotian step into the semi-holy realm as soon as possible. !"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly and decided in her heart.

Long Aotian has the blood of an ancestor dragon, and his talent is superb. There is no limit to the future. With the means of Ling Xiao, he can be promoted to the semi-holy realm without any sequelae, but in the realm of semi-holy, every time Nirvana robbery needs Long Ao Heaven went by himself, that was the real experience, and it was also his way to prove his sanctification. Ling Xiao helped him by harming him.

"That would be better!"

Long Lie's eyes lit up and said with great relief.

"Half-Holy Realm? Hahaha... No problem! If I have the practice of Half-Holy Realm, I will definitely take back the position of the **** Dragon King!"

Long Aotian laughed.

Ling Xiao looked at Long Aotian with some pity. I'm afraid this guy didn't know what he was going to do to quickly ascend and cultivate his cultivation plan. However, it’s better to take a bit of bitterness and be able to improve cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise I will return to God Realm in the future, and I am afraid that the boy Long Aotian will not be much better than Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao has offended countless people in God Realm under the name of Long Aotian. These black pots can only be resisted by Long Aotian in the future.

"Cousin, why are you looking at me like this?"

Long Aotian looked at Ling Xiao suspiciously, always feeling that Ling Xiao was hiding something from him.

"It's okay! Haha... You come with me, I will help you improve your cultivation!"

Ling Xiao made a haha ​​and took Long Aotian towards the secret room.

Long Aotian has practiced Zulong mystery and swallowing mystery. It is not difficult to improve his cultivation skills. As long as he squeezes his potential, so that he can devour more source energy, he will surely be able to travel thousands of miles a day.

Ling Xiao has prepared a lot of surprises for Long presumably will make him very happy.


Demon world.

The news that Ling Xiao is still alive is still fermenting, so that the Ten Devil Sects of the Devil Realm and many powerful Demon Races have gathered together and started to discuss countermeasures.

Devil Realm and Ling Xiao did have a deep hatred before. Several emperors of the Demon Realm all died in the hands of Ling Xiao, and there are countless strong men, even emperor figures like Yuanlou Mojun died because of him, the power of the Devil Realm It can be said that hatred for Ling Xiao.

There is also one of the most important reasons, that is, Ling Xiao is the son of the natural selection of this era, with luck in heaven and heaven, he is regarded as the number one enemy by the demon world.

You know, the son of the Heavenly Election in the last era later became the Heavenly Emperor, and even killed the Demon Emperor of the Devil Realm, pushing the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, leading the Human Race to create the Human Race Era, so that the Demon Race of the Devil Realm also had to be aggressive.

They absolutely don't allow the human race to have another peerless emperor like Heavenly Emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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