Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2492: Punch all Saints!

"Stop me!"

There was a murderous flash in the eyes of the dark sky, and there was an invincible glance around the world, glancing at the many saints in front of him.

Many saints felt as if they were being stared at by an ancient fierce beast. They were cold all over the body and dared not look directly at Ling Xiao.

"Don't be afraid, everyone! But he can't defeat so many of us because of the cultivation of the sage's realm. Can he still defeat so many of us? He robbed Yuan Ling tea and made it clear that he wanted to swallow and kill him!"

Suddenly someone shouted, the voice was full of temptation and agitation.


In the end, the greed in the hearts of the people still defeated the fear, and they screamed and slammed up towards Ling Xiao!


The vast Shengwei ascension is like a turbulent sea, covering the entire Yuanling Realm, many saints have cast a powerful magical sacred method, and there is a world of destruction and dozens of blazing divine lights in the shot The air rushed towards Ling Xiao.

"Darkness, I don't think you can die?"

The eyes of the Holy Son are full of cold murderous intentions. He is also a spirit of trembling, showing countless light fists, fist prints in all directions of the void, immense, and turned into a fist shadow, coming from all directions towards Lingxiao. .

"It's true that there is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no hell, you break in! Since you all want to die, then stay and bury it!"

There was a chill in the dark Lingxiao's eyes, and he sneered.


He stomped under his feet, and the whole person erupted into a terrifying monstrous magic power, rising suddenly in the sky, and the dark light followed him to the sky, covering the entire sky dome.

The body of Dark Lingxiao exudes endless darkness, as if containing the power of the dark source, and almost the entire Yuan Ling Realm is shrouded in an instant, turning into an endless night.


Dark Lingxiao squeezed the invincible fist and stirred the dark power of the four sides, just like an ancient fierce beast raging in the endless sea, bursting with shocking power fluctuations.

"Dark Emperor Fist!"

He whispered in his mouth that the unmatched fist print broke out like an ancient mountain that separates the heavens and the earth, blocking the attacks of the dozens of saints and breaking them suddenly.


Ling Xiao was like a ghost in the darkness, and the speed was so fast that the saint’s consciousness could not capture his body. At the next moment, Ling Xiao appeared directly behind a saint, punching him through a punch chest.

The blood was filled, the look of that saint was full of terrified expression, and then the whole person exploded directly in the darkness.

All his flesh and spirits were silently swallowed by the darkness around him.

Ling Xiao seemed to have crushed an ant, his face was indifferent, without any slight movement, and then he was hidden in the darkness again, and killed towards another saint.


He appeared quietly behind the other saint, then crushed his neck, slapped his head into his body, and the dark source of power spewing out of his palm instantly invaded him. Inside the body, assimilated his primordial spirit and the divine power in the body.

Then the saint slammed into a dark mist, and merged into the darkness around him.


The infinite light fist of the Son of Light was originally a dark nemesis, able to defuse all darkness, but suddenly fell into the darkness at this moment, his fist print was like a candlelight in the endless darkness, as if he could be taken at any time. put out.

"This is... the legendary Dark Scripture?! Impossible, the Dark Scripture has already been lost. How can you perform the atheism in the Dark Scripture?!"

The eyes of Saint Son of Light were incredibly frightened, and his face became ugly.

He was deeply in the dark at the moment, and he was a little difficult to protect himself, not to mention helping the saints who attacked the darkness.

It was only at this moment that the Son of Light suddenly realized that Dark Lingxiao had never exploded into full combat power, and that he encouraged everyone to take action against Dark Lingxiao at the same time, which was completely angered him.

In the dark ancient world, the Dark Emperor's fist is in all directions, and from time to time there are screams from the saints. Most of these saints are some of the saints in the early and middle stages of cultivation, and they are not the opponents of Dark Lingxiao.

The cultivation of Dark Lingxiao not only achieved the completeness of the Sage Realm, but also received the Dark Classics inherited from the Dark Emperor, not to mention the sages of the district, even if the Great Saint came, Dark Lingxiao could fight one.

"Ah... forgive me! Lord Ling Xiao, forgive me, I will never dare..."

The saints who wanted to **** the Yuanling tea were all crying and crying wolf at the moment, and each one showed a terrified look, where there was a trace of war, screaming, wanting to escape towards the outside, wanting to escape Out of the dark ancient world.

But Ling Xiao didn't pay attention to them at all, and was still shooting incomparably cold. The Dark Emperor's fist stirred the endless dark light, spreading all directions in the void, and constantly harvesting the lives of those saints.

For the dark ancient world of the dark Lingxiao, those saints' spirits and flesh and blood are the best supplements, which can allow the dark ancient world to evolve rapidly.


When Ling Xiao broke out a fist and shot the last saint, his eyes fell on the Son of Light, instantly letting the Son of Light feel a deadly threat.

The power of the endless source of darkness rises like a turbulent sea, converging into a huge dark storm, and the mighty repression towards the Son of Light comes.

"Get away from me!"

Bright Son’s face is very ugly, and there is even a trace of fear in his He didn’t expect Dark Lingxiao to be so fierce, but dozens of saints, they were all Dark Lingxiao has been killed!


The bright Son sprayed a blazing glow around him, causing the four heavens to tremble violently. The blood in his body exuded a holy and ethereal atmosphere, and it seemed that a very mysterious phantom figure appeared behind him.

That figure bloomed innumerable light, as if it were the center of the endless light of the heavens and the world, but the source of all light.

He slowly stretched out a palm and flicked towards Ling Xiao lightly.

"This is... Emperor Guangming?!"

The glory of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, just like the Dark Demon Sect enshrined the Dark Emperor, and the Bright Demon Sect also enshrined the Great Emperor, the legendary source of light and the founder of the Light Sutra.

This is of course not the real body of the Great Emperor Guangming, but a trace of the Great Emperor Guangming summoned by the Holy Son of Light with the exercises of the Bright Demon Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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