Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2499: Tragic human race!

   Above that star continent, countless human races looked ragged, and all eyes showed a look of extreme anger, holding weapons, staring at the two young people in front of them.

Around   , there were many corpses of human races, some of them had their hands and feet cut off, some had turned into corpses, some had their heads cut off, and they looked incredibly tragic. There was a thick **** smell in the void.

   But none of those human races backed away, the killing intention in the eyes was like substance.

  The two young men were all dressed in robes, and they looked extraordinary, handsome, and their faces were indifferent and arrogant. All of them had reached the peak of the half-holy, and they were only a step away to prove their sanctification.

   One of the young men grabbed a young girl in a white dress. Although the girl was flushed and struggling, she could not get out of the palm of the young man.

   "Release Ji Linger!"

   headed a burly big man roared, his eyes full of blood, full of grief and anger.

   "Release Ji Linger!"

   Behind the burly man, all the human races shouted at the same time, and the sound shook the sky, filled with a tragic atmosphere, making people sound trembling.

   "Don't you dare to stop me with your group of ants? My master is too elder, do you want to commit the following offenders? Leave me away, otherwise those people will be your end!"

   The young man holding the white skirt girl sneered, his eyes full of unscrupulous murderous intentions.

   An ancient sword in his hand exudes powerful Diwei, blood is dripping at the moment, it is obviously the blood of those strong human races on the ground.

"Your primitive Demon Sect deceives people too much! You just take the blood of my human race, enslave my human race, and treat us as a kind of animal. It's okay! Why kill my human race? Ji Ling'er is our next generation patriarch, you can't Take her away! Even if we fight to the last breath, we will never give up!"

  The burly big man's sorrowful roar, his muscles knotted, and there was a wave of anger and sorrow in his voice, which made people heard and moved.

   "What the next generation patriarch of shit? I can see her, it is her blessing! If you refuse to let go, then I will kill you all!"

   said the young man's eyes coldly.

He is absolutely impossible to return Ji Linger. He did not expect to encounter a congenital Taoist body among the human races. If Ji Linger was captured back and her innate origins were remedied at that time, she would be able to prove her way. Holy, this is the chance of his sanctification, no one wants to stop.

Not to mention, the human races in front of you, even the most powerful burly man, had just entered the semi-holy realm, and the others were just divine cultivation, so many human races have just died. In their hands.

   "Tieshan, you all go back quickly, don't care about me! You want to preserve the vitality of the human race, not wayward!"

   Ji Ling'er's eyes were full of tears, and his eyes were full of anxiety, and he said anxiously to the burly man.

   "No! Ling'er, this time we must rescue you, even if we die, we will never be slaves!"

   Tieshan roared, his body was full of blood and blood, and the fighting was raging.

   "Human race is never a slave!"

   "Human race is never a slave!"

   "Human races are never slaves..."

   Many human races roared, and the fighting intentions of the whole body seemed to be integrated into one. Everyone's eyes showed the determination to die, staring at the disciples of the two primitive demons in front of him.

Although they were ragged and they were low-cultivated, although they were oppressed, enslaved and wantonly humiliated, the dignity and courage of the human race alone were awakening at this moment, and even the patriarch was caught by these **** demons. Go, how can they bear it?

  Even if you die, you must shoot!

   "Damn! I think you really don't know life and death! Then from today, you humble people, go to die!"

  The young men of the two original Demon Sects were all angry and corrupted.

  I don't know why, after coming into contact with the eyes of these human races, they suddenly felt a little flustered, especially the look of death, which made them feel bad.

   But the two of them instantly became annoyed.

   These **** human races are now united for a girl and want to deal with these two noble primitive demons?

  It's like being a servant and a master, absolutely can't stand it!

   Be sure to kill them all!

   Two young men of the original Devil Sect, the whole body's magic energy rises, the ancient sword in their hands shines black and fierce, and the many human races in front of them are locked up, and the monstrous murderous intention erupts.

   "I think you don't know life or death!

   At this moment, an icy voice sounded in the void.


   The terrifying magic light came from all over the place, like there was a huge dark curtain, which covered the whole sky in an instant, and a black figure fell from above nine days, and the speed was extremely fast.


  The young men of the two original Devil Sects could not help but change their faces, feeling the pressure that was difficult to resist, and raised their magic swords in their hands and stabbed them towards the coming people.


It was a black fist print, containing the unmatched divine power that crushed everything, and came in a vast and sprawling manner, and instantly collided with the two indelible magic swords, directly bombarding both magic swords. Youfan.


   One of the young disciples of the original Devil Sect was suddenly blown into a blood mist by that Even the screaming did not have time, and directly exploded into a blood mist.

  Although another young disciple was not killed on the spot, he was also struck by lightning, coughing up blood in his mouth, and his eyes were full of terrified looks. He was directly held by the black palm and lifted up.

  The black light of the sky spread out, and a young man in a black robe appeared in front of many human races. He looked extraordinary and brave, with a strong body, a very cold face, and a faint sneer in the corner of his mouth.

   It's dark darkness!

   Many human races thought they would die without doubt, but they did not expect that a Ling Xiao had been killed halfway. The two fierce and primitive demons of the Devil Sect were like chicks, and they were directly killed and injured.

  However, when they felt the devil's breath on Ling Xiao's body, their expression became extremely upset again.

   The coming person turned out to be a demon!

   "Cough cough cough... you... who are you?! This is the forbidden area of ​​my primitive demons, you dare to kill my disciples of primitive demons, you are dead!"

   The young man who was lifted by Dark Lingxiao's eyes was full of horror, shouting inwardly.


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